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Bible Study Index:
King David Advocated Fairness to Israel's Foes (7-29-14)

Discussion of Psalms 1-4 (7-16-14)

How God Loved Us before the Beginning (6-9-14)

Speaking Against Unspeakable Evil (4-9-14)

How God Prefers to Deliver Christians (4-1-14)

Can You Cry out to Christ to Be Saved? (3-25-14)

In Search of the Authentic Church (3-10-14)

The Unpardonable Sin (3-3-14)

What is Sin? (2-25-14)

The Jews Who Aren't Khazars (2-11-14)

True Christianity Ignites Action against Evil (2-3-14)

Guide to Truthtelling in Pro-Zionist Churches (1-29-14)

Jephthah Kept His Vows, Unlike Kol Nidre (12-17-13)

Is it a Sin to be Rich? (12-9-13)

Persecution of New Mexico Christian Photographers Foreshadows ENDA (11-24-13)

How Can You Love Your Neighbor As Yourself? (10-27-13)

Are Your Family Values Gods Values? (10-13-13)

"The Story of the Khazars" Available in Audio (9-20-13)

Jesus Christ: ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival), Pt. 2 (9-16-13)

Jesus Christ: ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival), Pt. 1 (9-11-13)

Does Christ's New Covenant Replace the Old? (9-3-13)

Are "Jews" Really Khazars? (8-28-13)

Is Your Church Teaching Heresy? (8-18-13)

Pentecostalism's Word of Faith Heresy (8-14-13)

What Happens When We Are Really "Born Again?" (8-11-13)

Explaining the Love Chapter, 1 Corinthians 13 (8-9-13)

God Mars Those He Loves (8-4-13)

Christ's Suffering and Victories, Anticipated by David (8-1-13)

How Evangelicals Went Astray (7-29-13)

Russian Revival Gives Hope for America (7-17-13)

Should You Attend a Pro-Zionist Church? (7-14-13)

This Bible study is a recording of my article (7-9-13)

How To Take Authority Over Evil (6-30-13)

Does St. Paul Deny Free Will? (6-26-13)

The Bible Requires Death to Our Rebellious Self-Will (6-19-13)

How Sanctification is both Instantaneous and Progressive (6-16-13)

What is Spiritual Rest from War Within? (6-10-13)

What is a "Burden" from God? (6-6-13)

The Delusions of Pentecostalism (6-2-13)

Pentecostalism's "Health, Wealth, and Miracles" Scam (5-26-13)

Does God Forbid a Palestinian State? (5-22-13)

Do Jews Have "Divine Rights" To Palestine? (5-19-13)

How to Put Your Past on the Cross (5-16-13)

"Christian" Materialism (5-12-13)

Bill O'Reilly's Phony "Killing Jesus" Book (5-6-13)

Deciphering Revelation: Part 4 - Jesus and His Saints Rule Forever (5-2-13)

Deciphering Revelation: Part 3 - Revelation 17 and 18 Describe Becoming Jewish World Empire, Babylon the Great (4-28-13)

Deciphering Revelation: Part 2 (4-23-13)

Deciphering Revelation: Part 1 (4-18-13)

Can Anti-Zionist Education Save Us? (4-15-13)

How to Create Anti-Zionist Christian Youth (4-9-13)

How Important Is Joining the Right Church? (4-7-13)

Should Christians Witness at Work? (3-31-13)

What It Means to Tempt God (3-28-13)

When Are Christians to be "Deceivers Yet True"? (3-24-13)

Is Christianity Hard? (3-21-13)

Anti-Christ: Israel's Pseudo-Messiah (3-14-13)

What is Your Cause? (3-10-13)

Sin Begins in the Soul, not the Body and Mind (3-7-13)

What Paul Really Taught in Romans 7 (3-3-13)

Is "Original Sin" Biblical? (2-28-13)

Understanding Ezekiel, Part 5: Ezekiel 40-47, The Millennium (2-24-13)

Understanding Ezekiel, Part 4: Earth-Shaking Ezekiel 38, 39 (2-21-13)

Understanding Ezekiel, Part 2: Conversion of the Jewish Remnant (2-17-13)

Understanding Ezekiel, Part 1: The Intercessor (2-10-13)

The Bible Teaches Only Conditional Salvation (2-6-13)

Good vs. Poor Anti-Zionist Leadership (2-4-13)

When Christians Shouldn’t Show Compassion (1-30-13)

Understanding Zechariah: Part 3 (1-27-13)

Understanding Zechariah: Part 2 (1-24-13)

Understanding Zechariah: Part 1 (1-20-13)

Does God Consider All Sins Equal? (1-17-13)

Christians Should Reclaim the Fine Arts (1-13-13)

God’s Conditional Terms of Covenant and Jewish Occupation of Palestine, Part 2 (1-7-13)

God’s Conditional Terms of Covenant and Jewish Occupation of Palestine, Part 1 (1-2-13)

How Important is Style in Presentation of Christianity? (12-30-12)

Reversals in the Christian’s Life (12-27-12)

At Christmas, Ted Pike’s Poem “The Odyssey of God” Explains Our Debt to Jesus (12-23-12)

The Basis of Christian Joy is not the Emotion of Happiness (12-16-12)

Truthtellers Honors Alynn Pike on the First Anniversary of Her Death (12-13-12)

Only Jesus Should Define Christianity, Part 2 (12-9-12)

Only Jesus Should Define Christianity, Part 1 (12-3-12)

Does Spiritual Rest Create Lazy Christians? (11-29-12)

The Mystery of Godliness (11-26-12)

Civilization’s Debt to the Old Testament (11-19-12)

Why Does God Want Us to "Labor" to Enter Spiritual Rest? (11-13-12)

True Christianity: Proven Guilt Buster - Part 2 (The Place of Knowledge in Empowering Rest) (11-6-12)

The Personal Soul Winner: Noblest of Christians (10-31-12)

Did Christ Command Christians Not to Uproot the “Tares” of Dangerous Political Ideas? (10-28-12)

Is It Bad To Have So Many Denominations In Christianity? (10-24-12)

True Christianity: Proven Guilt Buster (10-18-12)

The Desperate Need for Independent Spirit-Led Thought (10-14-12)

The Place of Feelings in the Christian's Life (10-10-12)

The God-given Gift of Outrage against Evil (10-4-12)

Understanding the Prophecies of Daniel: Part 4 (10-2-12)

Understanding the Prophecies of Daniel: Part 3 (9-27-12)

Understanding the Prophecies of Daniel: Part 2 (9-23-12)

Understanding the Prophecies of Daniel: Part 1 (9-19-12)

How to Be Most Creative (9-17-12)

What Paul Really Taught in Romans 9-11 (Part 2 of 2) (9-12-12)

What Paul Really Taught in Romans 9-11 (Part 1 of 2) (9-10-12)

What Paul Really Taught in Romans 7 (9-5-12)

Action and Inaction: Both Parts of Christianity (9-3-12)

Dealing with People who are Fleshly and Manipulative (8-27-12)

What Christ Really Taught About Divorce and Remarriage (8-13-12)

Dealing with the Past (8-9-12)

The Christian’s Desires Can Help Reveal God's Will (8-6-12)

Alcohol Invades The Church (8-1-12)

Can Christians Use and Appreciate the Nude in Art? (7-30-12)

The Tendency to Make a Formula of the Spiritual (7-26-12)

How New Age and Eastern Religions Lead to Bondage (7-24-12)

Different Ways Professing Christians Deal With Guilt (7-18-12)

Christians: Physicians of the Soul (7-16-12)

Jesus, In Every Age the Creator and Preserver of Life (7-8-12)

Is The “Rapture” Biblical? (6-20-12)

How Living the “Love Chapter,” 1 Cor. 13, Brings Heaven into Marriage (6-19-12)

Is “Christian Identity” True? (6-18-12)

God Often Speaks in Unexpected Ways. Are You Listening? (6-12-12)

Choosing the Right Fights as Christian Activists (6-6-12)

Judaism&lrsuo;s and Islam’s Futile Efforts to Please God through Works (5-31-12)

How Pride Destroys Marriages (5-24-12)

The Grudge (5-21-12)

Zionist Evangelicals are World-Class Censors (5-16-12)

Replacement Theology: Easy Target for Zionists (5-14-12)

How Much Do You Desire to Glorify God? (5-10-12)

God Allows Spiritual “Wilderness Experiences” for Those He Loves (5-7-12)

Abiding in Christ amid Life’s Great Reversals (5-3-12)

The Mystique of Fasting (4-30-12)

What’s Wrong With Christian Reconstructionism? (4-16-12)

Joseph and Jacob as Symbols of Christ (4-11-12)

A Simple Explanation of Scofield Dispensationalism (4-10-12)

How the True Christian Delivers Society: Part 2 (4-5-12)

How the True Christian Delivers Society: Part 1 (4-3-12)

Twisted Verses Give Zionists Phony Rights to Palestine (3-28-12)

How Compromise and Silence Corrupt (3-26-12)

How Good Results From Fear of God (3-18-12)

Pragmatic Christianity vs. Christianity by Faith (3-12-12)

What is the Foolishness of Preaching? (3-7-12)

Spiritual Blindness (2-29-12)

Is Christianity Hard? (2-27-12)

Needed: Christians at War (2-21-12)

What is Peace That Passes Understanding? (2-20-12)

“Mother of Harlots” — In Old Testament and New (2-15-12)

Unmentionable Verses in the Bible (2-13-12)

What is a Cult? (2-7-12)

What is the Reason for Ambiguity in Scripture? (2-2-12)

When Must We Require Repentance from Others? (1-30-12)

Can “Luv” Replace the Threat of Hell in Christianity? (1-24-12)

Could an Exorcist have saved Alynn Pike’s Life? (1-16-12)

Both Old & New Testaments Describe Satanic World Commercial Empire (1-12-12)

How Sanctification is Both Instantaneous and Progressive (1-9-12)

The Sin of Limiting God’s Power (12-27-11)

Suffering May Perfect God’s Plan for Your Life (12-15-11)

The Christian is Finished Only When God Says So (12-8-11)

What is our True Identity as Christians? (12-5-11)

What are the Pharaohs in Your Life? (11-28-11)

How Much Confidence Can Christians Place in Leaders? (11-21-11)

God Gives Special Grace to His Cracked Vessels: Part 2 (11-14-11)

God Gives Special Grace to His Cracked Vessels: Part 1 (11-10-11)

When to Turn the Cheek and When to Fight (Should Ted Pike have remained silent to Farah's libel?) (11-7-11)

The Satanic Storm: Part 2 (11-3-11)

The Satanic Storm: Part 1 (10-30-11)

Going Down for Others to be Exalted in God's Plan (10-20-11)

God Revives the Weary (10-17-11)

Femi-Communism: Feminism, Divorce and the Church (10-11-11)

Tactics of Satan to Tempt and Oppose Christians (Part 3)/Conclusion of Series: Spiritual Rest (10-4-11)

Tactics of Satan to Tempt and Oppose Christians (Part 2) (9-28-11)

Tactics of Satan to Tempt and Oppose Christians (Part 1) (9-25-11)

How to Make Evangelicals a Fighting Force for Freedom (9-19-11)

Counterfeits of God’s Ethics (9-13-11)

Understanding God’s Ethics: How His Values Are Different from Man’s (Part 2) (9-8-11)

Understanding God’s Ethics: How His Values Are Different from Man’s (Part 1) (8-29-11)

White Christians Persecuted Under Black Supremacists in Africa (8-25-11)

Bible Supports Immigration Control (8-18-11)

The Safest Places in the Bible (8-15-11)

The Book of Job, Ancient yet Amazingly Modern and Relevant (8-12-11)

The Conflict between Idealism and Realism in Scripture and Life (8-9-11)

What is God’s Grace? (Part 2) (8-3-11)

What is God’s Grace? (Part 1) (7-31-11)

Can Satan Affect the Christian’s Mind? (7-27-11)

Does the New Testament Encourage Communal Christianity Today? (7-25-11)

A Checklist for Christian Crusaders (7-12-11)

God Smiles on Those Who Seek His Face (7-6-11)

The Unpardonable Sin (7-3-11)

The True Meaning of God’s Covenant with Abraham (6-30-11)

Evangelicals Agree With Rebels of Ancient Israel Saying Obedience Not Required to Occupy Palestine (6-26-11)

Why Do We Choose God? (6-19-11)

Reason Underlies God’s Commands (6-16-11)

God Allows Fiery Trials But Is Also The Deliverer (6-13-11)

Circumcision (6-1-11)

Sharing Christ’s Humiliation (5-29-11)

Our Responsibility to Reality (5-25-11)

Christians Should Hate Evil and Resist It Vehemently (5-19-11)

Empowerments of the Holy Spirit, Part 3: Working With the Holy Spirit to Hold Back Evil (5-16-11)

Can Christians Defend Old Testament Killing of Canaanites? (5-12-11)

Empowerments of the Holy Spirit, Part 2 (5-4-11)

Empowerments of the Holy Spirit, Part 1 (5-2-11)

Truthtellers’ Young People Discuss Outreach, Protest at Easter (4-28-11)

The Christian’s Right to Forget the Past and Embrace the Future (4-25-11)

What is Heresy? (4-20-11)

Ten Top Examples of Great Faith (4-19-11)

What is the Proper Relationship of the Christian to an Ungodly World? (4-13-11)

Why Christ was “Begotten” by the Father (4-10-11)

Nothing Could Exist Without Christ and the Trinity (4-7-11)

Esther, The Book that shouldn’t be in the Bible (4-5-11)

When God is Silent (3-31-11)

The Bitter Fruits of Darwinism (3-27-11)

Prophetic Sequences Unlock God’s Plan for Future (3-22-11)

What Is a Workable Balance Between Faith and Works? (3-14-11)

True and False Conceptions of Love (3-9-11)

Should Christians Forgive Without Repentance from the Offender? (3-6-11)

What Christ’s Atonement Does and Does Not Do (3-2-11)

The Delusions of Pentecostalism Part 2 (2-23-11)

The Delusions of Pentecostalism Part 1 (2-20-11)

Do Prophets Exist Today? (2-16-11)

The Bible Teaches Only Conditional Salvation (2-9-11)

God’s Power to be Literal and Specific Towards Us, Not Just Spiritual and Obscure (2-6-11)

In Search of Authentic Christianity (2-2-11)

Why “All Things Work Together for Good” for Christians (1-30-11)

Is Every Christian Responsible for Holding Back Evil? (1-23-11)

Sound Doctrine Describes Man, Not Just God (1-19-11)

Does St. Paul Deny Free Will? (1-12-11)

Jacob Obeyed God to Steal Esau’s Birthright (1-9-11)

The Khazars: Fulfillment of Mosaic Curse on Apostate Israel (1-5-11)

Why ADL Can’t Topple Ted Pike/ (1-2-11)

“Despising the Shame” Part 2 (12-24-10)

“Despising the Shame” Part 1 (12-17-10)

The Power of ‘Sackcloth’ to Save America (12-13-10)

God Upholds the Truthteller in Dangerous Times (12-9-10)

The High Cost of Not Being Spiritual (12-6-10)

The Blessings of Public Reproof in Love (12-2-10)

How to Raise Godly Children (11-28-10)

How We Give Strength to God (11-22-10)

Courage for Christians to Speak Out (11-18-10)

Steps Into Apostasy (11-14-10)

Midterm Election — Stay of Execution for America (11-5-10)

When is the Second Coming of Christ? (11-1-10)

Christianity is Most Realistic Perspective in Life (10-29-10)

Finding Truth in the Age of Delusion (10-25-10)

Christ Saves Us — Not Perfect Understanding (10-22-10)

The Wall Shall Be Built in Troublous Times (10-18-10)

How the Church Went Wrong (10-11-10)

Sufficiency of God’s Grace in Hardship (10-8-10)

The “Word of God” Part 2 (10-4-10)

Is the Bible the “Word of God?” (10-1-10)

The Christian’s Duty to Beauty (9-28-10)

Christ: Architect of Salvation (9-23-10)

Becoming Christian Soldiers Once Again (9-19-10)

Did Christ Subject Himself to Partial Knowledge While on Earth? (9-16-10)

Respecting the Spiritual Burdens God Lays on Christians (9-13-10)

The Faithful to Christ Have Always Been Opposed by the World - Yet Have Prevailed (9-11-10)

Duties of the Christian Watchman (9-7-10)

The Limitations of Philosophy (9-2-10)

Sensuality vs. a Wholesome View of our Bodies (8-29-10)

Perils of Judaic Legalism (8-19-10)

Why do the Innocent Suffer? (8-12-10)

Legalism vs Liberty (8-8-10)

Postponing Judgment (8-5-10)

Going Where None Dare! (8-1-10)

Baptism (7-25-10)

Making Mistakes (7-21-10)

God’s Sovereignty and Predestination (7-11-10)

Can ‘Good People’ Yet Unbelieving Get to Heaven? (7-7-10)

What is True Success? (6-24-10)

Footholds of Evil (6-20-10)

Crying Out to Christ to be Saved (6-1-10)

Content With Where God Has Put You (5-19-10)

Jeremiah Resists Jewish Willfulness and Fanaticism (5-7-10)

Evasiveness (4-29-10)

The Offense of the Gospel In Witnessing (4-23-10)

Bible Prophecy in the Middle East (3-6-10)

How Morally Binding is the Old Testament in the Age of Grace? (3-5-10)

God Wants Us All to Be Truly Spiritual (3-4-10)

To Respect or Not to Respect Government (2-25-10)

The ‘Destiny’ Industry vs. True Spiritual Destiny (2-2-10)

The Understanding of the Holy Spirit throughout Church History (1-27-10)

Scriptural View of Pentecostalism’s Speaking in Tongues (1-20-10)

True Spirituality (1-10-10)

Why Today’s Youth Are Leaving the Church (1-3-10)

Calvinism and Pharisaism: Both exalt written word over Divine leading (12-13-09)

Is Obama the Antichrist? (11-12-09)

Being “Relevant” in the Church (Music, Fashions, etc.) (11-8-09)

David and Saul (11-5-09)

Speak the Whole Truth in a Compromised World (10-29-09)

How Christians Should Respond to the Deceitfulness of the World (10-25-09)

Bible study group

Listen to Rev. Ted Pike discuss a wide variety of challenging issues related to faith and action. Recorded in a lecture/discussion format.

(Note: To Download MP3s Right-Click on link and then "Save Link As", to listen in your browser just tap it.)

Watch a recent interview with Ted and Adam Green.


7-29-14 King David Advocated Fairness to Israel's Foes
Unlike the hit-back ethics of Talmudic rabbis, which fuel Mid-East conflict, ancient King David personified very advanced ethical values towards his enemies, anticipating Christ.
Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 25min., 6mb)


7-16-14 Discussion of Psalms 1-4
Rev. Ted Pike and the Truthtellers Bible study group begin a recorded journey through the Book of Psalms. These readings and discussions may be interrupted by other Bible studies but will be resumed until the book is completed. Here we explore the first four psalms.
Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 47min., 11mb)


6-9-14 How God Loved Us before the Beginning
Since the beginning of mankind, suffering unrepentant human beings have lifted a clenched fist against God and Jesus the Creator. They allege that no God of love would allow such misery and injustice, especially among the innocent. Yet Jesus said, "God is Love." In this article I will attempt to show that God was entirely just in giving us free will. The gift of free will does not make Him responsible for our sin.
Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 62min., 15mb)


4-9-14 Speaking Against Unspeakable Evil
The evil we oppose as Christians and conservatives is often so vile that it is socially taboo. Discussion of it is considered bad manners. The result is that evil is not resisted effectively; it prospers. However, the Christian must be free to research and speak about every aspect of sin.
Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 19min., 4mb)


4-1-14 How God Prefers to Deliver Christians
TV "prosperity preachers" teach the power of Christ's sacrifice at Calvary enables Christians to prosper in every way: health, finances, career and destiny as well as spiritually.Yet, in many examples, the Bible reveals how God really prefers to deliver His saints. Such is not according to a formula but the will of the Holy Spirit and unique to every Christian.
Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 36min., 8mb)


3-25-14 Can You Cry out to Christ to Be Saved?
Skeptics of Christianity claim that conversion is, at best, no more than an emotional experience willed by self-persuasion. Any change that follows is purely human. No One is on the other end of the new relationship.
This Bible study discusses how we are truly changed by trusting in Christ.

Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 45min., 10mb)


3-10-14 In Search of the Authentic Church
Can the Church today duplicate the zeal, courage and spiritual power of Christians in the book of Acts? This Bible study contends that, assisted by right doctrine and the changeless power of the Holy Spirit, there is nothing preventing Christians today from accomplishing the same victories over sin and evil.
Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 126min., 29mb)


3-3-14 The Unpardonable Sin
When has a person sinned the unpardonable sin? The traditional theological criterion is that if this question worries you, then you probably haven't committed it. Yet 1 John 5:16 says it exists and the Holy Spirit does not burden the Christian to pray for it. In this Bible study we discuss this omninous, yet intriguing Biblical concept.
Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 40min., 9mb)


2-25-14 What is Sin?
It is essential to correctly understand how the Holy Scriptures define sin. False definitions of sin can both excuse sinful behavior and create neuroticism that every human mistake is a sin. The issue of what sin is and is not is of the greatest importance because our hope of going to heaven and not hell depends on becoming pleasing to God.
Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 32min., 7mb)


2-11-14 The Jews Who Aren't Khazars
Texe Marrs, in his latest book, contends that, for all practical purposes, Jews no longer exist. Instead, "Jews" are descended from the Khazars, converted to Judaism in the eighth century AD. The truth, as I document in this Bible study, is that there are millions of relatively authentic descendents of Abraham comprising the Sephardic and oriental branches of world Jewry.
Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 31min., 7mb)


2-3-14 True Christianity Ignites Action against Evil
There is evidence that increasing knowledge of a conspiracy as overwhelming as Jewish supremacism, rather than producing action, can, without hope in God, create despair. Yet the story of Jonathan and his armorbearer climbing uphill to a Philistine garrison on hands and knees and then routing the Philistines, is a powerful reminder that "with God, nothing is impossible." Our faith in action, combined with His ability to outmaneuver the Zionist conspiracy, can result in freedom for ourselves and our children as long as we keep giving Him faith and obedience.
Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 41min., 9mb)


1-29-14 Guide to Truthtelling in Pro-Zionist Churches
Never in history has there been greater need for bold public declaration of the truth. This especially includes truth concerning the threat of Jewish supremacism. Yet there exist forces of control and censorship within the establishment, society, and even the church swhich tell us we are not allowed to speak truth publicly. In this article I focus on the difficulties of bringing new truth to evangelical churches.
Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 47min., 11mb)


12-17-13 Jephthah Kept His Vows, Unlike Kol Nidre
What is the meaning of the baffling vow by Jephthah in the Old Testament which obligated him to kill his daughter? How could such a leader be considered one of the heroes of the faith in Hebrews 11?
This story is best understood in light of later adoption of the Kol Nidre prayer by Talmudic Jews; it gives them the right to break all promises in the past or future.
Did God have the right to vividly warn Jews today through Jephthah's "rash" vow against such vow breaking? This Bible study says yes.
Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 56min., 13mb)


12-9-13 Is it a Sin to be Rich?
Pentecostal "prosperity teaching" says God delights to make wealthy those who obey His laws. Yet the New Testament, almost without exception, is strongly critical of the rich. This Bible study finds the truth within these conflicting perspectives.
Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 43min., 10mb)


11-24-13 Persecution of New Mexico Christian Photographers Foreshadows ENDA
In this Bible study, I discuss how the New Mexico anti-discrimination law is an almost exact representation of ENDA (Employment Non-Discrimination Act), recently passed by the US Senate. Prosecution of the Huguenins by the New Mexico law thus foreshadows much wider persecution of sincere Christians, particularly business owners and churches that operate businesses, that will occur should ENDA become law.
In the second half, I ask the question: At what point must the Christian disobey the government and be willing to suffer imprisonment?
Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 41min., 9mb)


11-10-13 The Secret of Finding God's Destiny
At any time of day or night one can flip to multiple channels of religious TV and be likely to hear the same message: "God has a wonderful destiny for every Christian." It includes all the elements of the American dream.
The Bible says that the best way to realize the divine destiny is to possess a consecrated, humble heart which the Lord can find to His liking. Only this opens the possibility of realizing a destiny blessed by God.
Of course, God draws those He wants to exalt to Himself in the first place, empowering them to be "found" pleasing to Him. This underscores that our personal hunger for God, along with His grace, makes our destiny possible.
With this in mind this Bible study considers a number of examples of great figures in scripture who became so simply because God came to them, liked what he found and took the initiative to exalt them.
Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 39min., 9mb)


10-27-13 How Can You Love Your Neighbor As Yourself?
Next to loving God with everything that is in us, God commands we love our neighbor as ourselves. Jesus said this is the second most important commandment. Yet for many, it is quickly glossed over. But it's a command which God intends to be fulfilled. He never gives us laws that cannot be obeyed. This Bible study discusses how, both practically and spiritually, we may have peace of soul that we have kept the second commandment.
An edited transcription of this Bible study is available to read here.
Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 48min., 11mb)


10-13-13 Are Your Family Values Gods Values?
Many evangelicals today falsely believe God wants every Christian happy and materialistically fulfilled. But our values should come directly from God, not our social desires. Here are thirteen of the most important family values with which I was raised and which I teach. Such values have proven themselves over a lifetime to produce only good fruit.
Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 95min., 22mb)


9-20-13 "The Story of the Khazars" Available in Audio
Here is a recording of my latest article "The Story of the Khazars." After this reading I summarize the significance of the Khazar invasion into Judaism. I describe God's long term plan of ultimate redemption of a repentant remnant of Jews - and Khazar proselytes at Christ's coming.
Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 37min., 8mb)


9-16-13 Jesus Christ: ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival), Pt. 2
In part 2 I reveal how crucial mistranslations, wishful thinking, and reasoning by analogy have led modern pre-tribulationist evangelicals into believing that Christ could return at any moment. This conflicts with prerequisites for His coming which our Lord strictly laid down.
An edited transcription of this Bible study is available to read here.
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9-11-13 Jesus Christ: ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival), Pt. 1
Misconceptions surround the most significant event in the destinies of both Jew and Gentile, the Second Coming of Christ. In this two-part series, adapted from my book Israel: Our Duty, Our Dilemma, I largely focus on the very simple story line of the end times which Jesus gave to His disciples in His Olivet discourse. Read without preconcesptions, it leads to conclusions about the Second Coming which are very different from the prevailing extremes among most Christians.
An edited transcription of this Bible study is available to read here.
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9-3-13 Does Christ's New Covenant Replace the Old?
In the Bible, God offered two covenants to the Jews, both conditional upon obedience and both in existence today. In Romans 9 the apostle Paul describes the first, the Abrahamic/Mosaic covenant. It said if the Hebrews obey God He will reward them with racial, territorial and spiritual blessings and the role of priests in God's earthly kingdom. This covenant also carried with it the reverse: cursing upon rebellious Hebrews and separation from any covenant promise whatsoever.

The Book of Hebrews in chapter 8, however, describes a second covenant, a "better" spiritual one, offering a pure heart. It is provided by Jesus to Jewish Christians today and will be given to a repentant Jewish remnant at Christ's Second Coming.

Replacement theology says God is done with His covenant with the Jews. Only the "better covenant" remains. In this Bible study, however, I reveal from Scripture that Jesus has a long-term agenda for redemption of a repentant remnant out of Israel and that both covenants play a vital role in making it happen.

An edited transcription of this Bible study is available to read here.

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8-28-13 Are "Jews" Really Khazars?
For more than a century, religious Zionists have claimed modern Jews are entitled to Palestine because they are legitimate descendants of Abraham. Devout Christians and Jews both believe the legitimacy of Israel depends on a relatively pure Jewish race.

That’s why Jewish novelist Arthur Koestler’s 1976 book, The Thirteenth Tribe, was a political and theological bombshell. Koestler reveals how the central Eurasian nation of Khazaria converted to Judaism in 740 AD. About a million Hunnish/Turkish warriors and traders became at least as devout as actual (Sephardic/Oriental) Jews today, whose genetic lines trace back to Abraham. The Khazars soon convinced themselves they were authentic Jews. Today, Koestler asserts, most “Jews” worldwide primarily descend from these ancient Turks, not Abraham!

What does this mean for millions of American Christians eager to bless the children of Abraham? Has this Khazar corruption of Jewish blood also corrupted God’s plan for the ultimate redemption of a repentant Jewish remnant?

An edited transcription of this Bible study is available to read here.
Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 37min., 9mb)


8-18-13 Is Your Church Teaching Heresy?
The primary attraction of most people to Church is not to learn of vital spiritual truth, but rather Christian fellowship. Unfortunately, in obtaining the fellowship, many believers and their families imbibe not only much of what is Biblical and true but also what is heretical. What is heresy? How is it different from spiritual error?

In Romans 14:1-7, the apostle Paul allows different opinions concerning issues such as eating meat and observation of the Sabbath, but he also said the apostle Peter "stood condemned" for bending to Judaizers and requiring observation of Jewish law within the church (Galatians 2). In this Bible study I consider how a number of Christian denominations, like Peter, have included heretical ideas. Is yours among them?
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8-14-13 Pentecostalism's Word of Faith Heresy
In my article "Pentecostalism’s Health, Wealth and Miracles Scam” I said tens of millions of Pentecostal evangelicals believe one of God’s greatest pleasures is showering Christians with material wealth. The "word of faith" theology used to justify such materialism says believers through their words have power to actualize material blessings.
In this Bible study I reveal how this explosively spreading cult of Christianity is saturated in pagan, occult values.
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8-11-13 What Happens When We Are Really "Born Again?"
Christianity as taught by Jesus necessitates an initial transformational spiritual experience of repentance and trust in God before anyone can enter heaven. Jesus said, "You must be born again." (John 3:7) Many today, including Republican politicians, claim to have had "the born again experience." For George W. Bush it ensured him tens of millions of evangelical votes, possibly gaining him the presidency. Similarly, the streamlined version of Christ's edict, repeated by many televangelists and in mega-churches, says, "All you have to do to be saved is accept Jesus into your life," without the self-denial Jesus required. This has caused widespread skepticism of Christianity.

Is being born again merely an emotion, or can it be a profound and lasting inner change of our motives and actions for a lifetime? In this Bible study I describe what really happens when a person is sincerely born again.
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8-9-13 Explaining the Love Chapter, 1 Corinthians 13
The word "love" has been horrendously manipulated and distorted in our time. This is particularly true since the hippie movement of the early 60s, when love became synonymous with lust. Soon after, Christian evangelical pop theology taught that truth is so divisive, love should take its place as the new mechanism to unify churches. But this was often not a truly self sacrificing love that speaks unpopular truth. Rather it was the "luv" variety that says "I don't judge you and I don't want to change you because God accepts you the way you are." Of course the whole reason Jesus came to earth was to change people. The role of the Christian is to help Him.

Those who are dedicated to speaking the truth do not minimize the importance of love. Jesus said the greatest of the commandments is that we love God with everything that is in us and our neighbor as ourselves. The only quarrel the truth teller has with "love," as it is falsely defined in our time, is when it displaces truth.
In 1 Cor. 13 the apostle Paul exalts genuine agape love as the divine oil that lubricates the church. When our hearts are filled with such self-denying love we are headed for inner peace, joy — and Heaven.
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8-4-13 God Mars Those He Loves
In Isaiah 52 and 53 the prophet describes the coming messiah Jesus as "marred more than any man." Such marring may largely describe a battered, punctured, bloody Jesus on the cross, or He could have been exactly as Isaiah described: not physically attractive. Instead, as the apostle Paul describes himself, He may have been weak in bodily presence, but extremely powerful in ideas and their presentation.

Why is His marring important to us? It has to do with God's insistence that His mighty works of redemption and deliverance not be attributable to physical or intellectual prowess, but to the power of almighty God.
As such we should not be surprised to see God also mar those things which the Christian most desires to be perfect. In this Bible study we discuss this provocative idea.Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 45min., 10mb)


8-1-13 Christ's Suffering and Victories, Anticipated by David
As Jesus suffered abuse and shame to empower our salvation, Christians are obligated to bear His cross with Him and suffer reproach to help redeem others and spread truth. Great saints who preceded Christ by many centuries were required, sometimes by strange fasts and hardships, to share Christ's sorrows and humiliation. Many of these holy men experienced defilement and shame, just as our Savior "became sin who knew no sin." In this Bible study, we'll make sense of what they did.Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 50min., 11mb)


7-29-13 How Evangelicals Went Astray
Modern evangelical Christianity in America emerged from the Billy Graham revivals of the early 1950s. With America rising to affluence out of the suffering of World War II, evangelicals desired an upbeat, positive approach to Christian life and evangelism. They wanted to distance themselves from the old-fashioned stereotypes of a "thou shalt not" religion preaching hellfire against sinners. They turned their backs on any suggestion that shame and embarrassment was an inevitable consequence of preaching the Gospel.

But Jesus said it is fundamental to Christianity that Christians be embarrassed and even persecuted by sinful humanity. (John 15:18-21) This is because the Christian must testify that sin is wrong and has to be repented of. Sinners hate to hear this. If any form of Christianity determines not to incur hostility from the world, it will be mastered and eventually destroyed by the world.

In this Bible study I discuss how, far from being harmless, Graham and the evangelicals created a body of "believers" terrified of confronting evil, unable to face the inevitable controversy, embarrassment, even persecution that follows speaking the whole truth as God leads.
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7-21-13 Are Evangelical Zionists Really Christians?
Christian Zionists inflexibly hold to a number of unbiblical premises. This causes some anti-Zionist Christians to conclude they are not real Christians. In this Bible study I clearly define what God will accept as human error and what actually crosses the line into heresy.

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7-17-13 Russian Revival Gives Hope for America
Twenty-two years ago Russia and its satellite nations were in the grip of humanity's cruelest, bloodiest totalitarian oppression. Soviet Communism is today replaced by the pro-Christian government of Vladimir Putin. It's a government that encourages Christian culture and spirituality from the Russian Orthodox perspective.

If Russia can experience a moral turnaround, is it possible, perhaps as a result of unprecedented calamity, that millions of Americans also might cry out to the God of their ancestors? And, if so, would the church possess the necessary teachers and leaders to sustain revival? The time is now to reestablish authentic Christianity in place of "easy" Christianity so that the chance for revival, should it come, will not pass us by.
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7-14-13 Should You Attend a Pro-Zionist Church?
Today any evangelical Christian who attempts to awaken his pro-Zionist church to the dangers of Jewish supremacist control will probably be vilified as an anti-Semitic tool of the devil and driven out. This is because most evangelical churches in America for over a century have invited the synagogue of Satan (Rev. 2:9) to teach them Zionist values, displacing a truly Biblical perspective on Israel. Sincere Christians believe they are duty-bound not to forsake assembling together. Does this mean we and our families must attend churches hostile to new truth? What other choices are there?

Let's consider, first, the basic reasons churches become the mouthpiece of Zionist values and, second, how anti-Zionist Christians should respond.
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7-9-13 This Bible study is a recording of my article "Biblical Ethics say Snowden is a Hero."

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6-30-13 How To Take Authority Over Evil
Today, no Christian/conservative leader will publicly criticize the Anti-Defamation League, even though ADL has been a fountain of anti-Christian, anti-freedom activism for a century. It's because ADL is Jewish and will smear as "anti-Semitic" any leader who publicly criticizes it. ADL thus bears authority over Christian leaders, which is opposite to God's way.

In this Bible study I show from Scripture that when the Holy Spirit comes into a Christian, as a result of that Christian dying to rebellious self-will, there arises spiritual authority over evil. This is an authority which comes from the Ultimate Authority, God.

This authority causes the sanctified Christian, like Peter and John in the book of Acts, to be capable of bold words and actions that would otherwise be impossible.
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6-26-13 Does St. Paul Deny Free Will?
When Christian teens leave high school and go to secular college, many of the brightest enroll in Philosophy 101. There, one of the first tasks of the liberal professor is to prove that free will cannot possibly exist. Thus, our supposedly independent "free" choices are really the effects of previous causes which in turn resulted from causes and effects before that.

Since many evangelical churches have specialized in providing only a skim milk theological diet, such young adults capitulate, overwhelmed with the erudition of their professor. They concede that the Biblical claim to a free will is fantasy; i.e., our decisions make us neither guilty nor virtuous.

Philosophy class in countless colleges and universities thus becomes a spiritual killing ground for young Christians.

Because I have recently been dealing with the question of how our rebellious free will can die to itself and be resurrected by God as a new obedient will, I think it very useful to re-post this earlier Bible study.

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6-19-13 The Bible Requires Death to Our Rebellious Self-Will
Today countless professing Christians of every denomination believe that completely dying to rebellious self-will, as Jesus required, although a lofty goal, is simply too difficult for most. The attraction of one's desires and necessary concessions to the world are too great, and God understands.

But does He? Jesus commanded death to self-will for all who would become His disciples, and He never gives commands He knows cannot be fulfilled.

In this Bible study I present definitive passages throughout Scripture which state conclusively that God expects us to be completely loyal to Him and dead to our rebellious self-will all the days of our lives.

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6-16-13 How Sanctification is both Instantaneous and Progressive
Today, countless professing Christians of every denomination believe that completely dying to self-will, as Jesus required, is a lofty goal but simply too difficult for most. The attraction of one's own desires and necessary concessions to the world are too great. And God understands. But does He?

In this reposting of my January 9th 2012 Bible study "How Sanctification is both Instantaneous and Progressive" I point out that Jesus never gave commands He knew were impossible to fulfill. In this, which will be the first of a series helping Christians achieve total consecration, I remove the bad theology to show you that dying to our own way and doing God's will every day is really very doable. In fact it is the joyous beginning of a lifetime of fulfillment and power in our Creator.

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6-10-13 What is Spiritual Rest from War Within?
Every person was intended by God to find peace of soul through unity with his Creator, satisfying God's requirements. What are God's terms for possessing that "glorious rest" which the Book of Hebrews says "remains for the people of God?" (Heb. 4:9)
The ways organized religion attempts to give spiritual rest may be, in their labor and complexity, very far from what Jesus requires. Join me and our Truthtellers group as we discuss the incredible simplicity of what Jesus really wants from us.An edited transcription of this Bible study is available to read here.
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6-6-13 What is a "Burden" from God?
Everywhere in the Bible is contained this simple idea: If God has something on His mind that He wants man to know about, He causes His righteous servant to share that concern and communicate it to others. This is what Scripture calls a "burden" from the Lord. God has been laying such burdens on His saints from the beginning and does so today.

The spiritual burden, and our willingness to bear it and deliver it to others, is the foundation beneath the right and duty of any member of the body of Christ to instruct other Christians in righteousness. It is our authority to reprove and rebuke in private or public.

Without a burden from the Lord, we should be very slow to correct; but under a burden to speak what is authorized by God, we cannot but deliver His message to those whom He intends. To do less is to fail God and to fail in love for the eternal souls of others.

In this Bible study, we will consider spiritual burden bearing, a poorly understood and neglected part of being a Christian.

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6-2-13 The Delusions of Pentecostalism
As I have related at length in my article "Ted Pike: My Wife Died a Martyr for God and Freedom", Alynn underwent a five-year ordeal of demonic attack, leading to her death. She encountered almost every kind of demonic manifestation, but one was already very familiar to me after decades of observation of Pentecostalism: speaking in tongues. With the demons came daily babbling and incoherent vocalizations.

Yet Pentecostal evangelicals believe that speaking in tongues is the definitive sign of being filled with the Holy Spirit!
In my latest Bible study "Pentecostalism's Health, Wealth and Miracles Scam," I assert that the only real proof of the Holy Spirit's indwelling is that we have died to our self-will, trust Jesus daily, and have a new nature with no appetite for sin. Because "glossolalia" runs such competition to God's requirement of death to self-will, it must be regarded as a perversion of the first-century place of tongues in the church, primarily a sign to unbelieving Jews (I Cor. 14:22). In this re-posting of my February 20, 2011 Bible study, I explain why the Holy Spirit does not authorize tongues today.

One more thought: Pentecostal "Israel first" false prophet John Hagee claims 99 million largely tongues-speaking Pentecostals listen to his television program. If the Holy Spirit gives transcendent spiritual insight through tongues to believers, why has He not informed them of a simple Biblical fact: Israel is 'Babylon the Great'. She is the continuation of the archetypal whore of the Old Testament whose garments Rev. 17:6 tells us will be soaked in the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.

Part 1: Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 95min., 22mb)

Part 2: Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 84min., 19mb)


5-26-13 Pentecostalism's "Health, Wealth, and Miracles" Scam
Christians today live in a time of unparalleled threat to the future of freedom and of faith. Yet one of the most popular doctrines among evangelicals in America is "prosperity teaching." It says that although, like the Titanic, America has a gaping gash in her hull and is sinking fast, the burden of God for His church is not primarily concerned with this emergency. Rather, the great message God from the heart of God to His earthly children is this: "Just as we like to give toys and good things to our children, so God is delighted to give His "kids of the kingdom" material blessings in abundance. In fact, prosperity doctrine teaches that the atonement of Christ not only saves us from sin but also delivers us from poverty and sickness. God has an abhorrence of His children being sick or poor. He is embarrassed by such imperfection in His church. This reflects poorly upon Him as the Christian's healer and provider. The message of prosperity doctrine is that God has a special destiny for every Christian, a destiny of wealth, health and respectability. Our fulfillment of that destiny will ensure the Christian does not embarrass God by remaining ill or poor.

In this Bible study we discuss this blatantly unbiblical, yet enormously popular, last-days cult of "Christian" materialism.

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5-22-13 Does God Forbid a Palestinian State?
Despite its pro-homosexual and liberal heresies, the recently revised declaration by the Church of Scotland that Jews must obey God in order to possess and dwell as a nation in Palestine is unprecedented.

In this Bible study, I read my two latest reprinted articles, "Does God Forbid a Palestinian State?" and "Before Zionism, Most Christians and Jews Were Pro-Palestinian." These are two of my strongest articles enunciating the authentic Biblical position on God's requirement of obedience in order for Jews to dwell as a nation in Israel.I put them, as well as our lively audience discussion, on audio because I wanted a very easily accessible testimony available. This is in case you might be able to accomplish the near-impossible: persuade a Zionist evangelical friend to stop accusing you of anti-semitism and actually sit down and listen to what you and the Bible have to say.

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5-19-13 Do Jews Have "Divine Rights" To Palestine?
Earlier this month the Church of Scotland issued a report that was full of heretical nonsense but also claimed that Jews do not have an unconditional right to own and occupy Palestine. Predictably, both Jewish and Christian media have erupted, loudly decrying the report, demanding that it be retracted. The Church of Scotland, apologizing for the furor it created, has promised to reissue a modified version.

There are many articles on the internet critical of the Church of Scotland, arguing from the traditional Zionist evangelical position. Yet I could find none enunciating a balanced Biblical position on this question. As a result, I am reposting some of my articles on this subject.

I feel it would be very useful if several Bible studies were devoted to reading the essential points of these articles answering the question, "Do Jews have 'divine rights' to Palestine?"
This Bible study will be such an audio statement.

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5-16-13 How to Put Your Past on the Cross
"Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended; but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." (Phil. 3:14)

In this verse Paul is describing the right of every Christian, through the power of Christ's blood, working with our repentance and faith, to forget past sins and go forward into spiritual conquest unfettered by continuing guilt. But we must realize that our privilege to forget the past is conditional upon not indulging sins that are unrepented.
I hope this Bible study will help impart to listeners what Paul possessed: a very real and demonstrable ability to put guilt upon the cross, leave it there, and go forward and upward to victorious Christian living.

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5-12-13 "Christian" Materialism
One of the vices in the modern church that is the most subtle and difficult to define is that of materialism. Because of the church's powers to rationalize its existence, materialism would be virtually impossible to effectively oppose were it not for one influence: Jesus' extremely clear warnings against it and requirement of devotion to God alone.

In this Bible study we consider this elusive topic, but only by staying very close to what both Jesus and the church after Pentecost define as authentic, non-materialistic Christianity.

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5-6-13 Bill O'Reilly's Phony "Killing Jesus" Book
Bill O'Reilly's new book, "Killing Jesus," is coming out in September. In a recent FOX News segment, he indicated the reason Jesus was crucified was not because He had antagonized the money-changing Pharisees. Rather, it was the Romans who masterminded and accomplished the Crucifixion. What was their beef with Jesus? "It was about taxes," O'Reilly says.

O'Reilly has not revealed how Jesus could have so offended the Romans over the issue of taxes—especially when Jesus instructed the people to "render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's" (Mark 12:17).
Yet O'Reilly is perfectly clear that as far as he is concerned, the Jewish leaders and multitude who cried out "Crucify Him!" are absolved of the guilt O'Reilly instead lays at the feet of "big government" of that day: the Romans.

In this Bible study, I read my latest article of this title, including our group discussion. This article is to forewarn and prepare everyone before September with biblical documentation against O'Reilly's book. It is to establish a simple, incontrovertible fact: Jewish leaders and the Jews who followed them bear overwhelming responsibility for the Crucifixion of Christ.
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5-2-13 Deciphering Revelation: Part 4 - Jesus and His Saints Rule Forever
With destruction of Babylon the Great in chapter 18 come the end of Zionism and soon the end of Anti-Christ, as he is thrown into the lake of fire along with his false prophet.

The last four chapters of Revelation detail an amazing fact: All who would have trusted Jesus to the moment of death will not only be lifted into the skies to meet Him at His coming to judge the earth, but souls already in heaven, coming with Him, shall be united with their reconstituted bodies. Both the dead and the living in Christ will come “with Jesus” as He terribly judges and purges the earth in preparation for His 1,000-year rule.

Revelation is clear that Christ sets up thrones upon earth, and His faithful also rule “with a rod of iron” over the nations, enforcing peace and righteousness. Satan and the wicked are allowed one last moment of rebellion after the 1,000 years are over. After that, they are destroyed and the kingly and priestly status of the saints continues within the New Jerusalem. This is a divinely constructed city only for God’s saints, 1,500 miles square. It is situated on a new earth surrounded by new heavens.

In this Bible study we discuss the incredible rewards Jesus has in store for all who will hold on a little longer in trust in Him, continuing, as Jesus commanded, to overcome.

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4-28-13 Deciphering Revelation: Part 3 - Revelation 17 and 18 Describe Becoming Jewish World Empire, Babylon the Great
For nearly 2,000 years the best minds of Christianity pondered the true identity of the mysterious scarlet woman of wickedness in Revelation 17 and 18. They didn't discover it for a simple reason: it seemed that the Papacy, resplendent in wealth and power, and guilty for the blood of many Christians, perfectly satisfied Revelation's description of the great Harlot.

As such, it seemed quite unnecessary and even mean-spirited to consider that Jews, and recently the state of Israel, might also be a logical candidate. Particularly with the rise of pro-Zionist evangelicalism the Jews were considered too favored as the "apple of God's eye" to either conceive of, or perform great evil.

In this Bible study I read my article "'Babylon the Great' is Israel" along with reading and commentary of Revelation 17 and 18. When we are finished I believe you will agree that it is astonishing that for nearly 2,000 years supposedly Bible-believing Christians could not come to the obvious conclusion that Judaism is Babylon the Great.

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4-23-13 Deciphering Revelation: Part 2
As we ended Revelation 10 last time, six of the seven last trumpets had sounded. God's angel had informed us that when the seventh sounds, which is the "last trump" or last trumpet of I Corinthians 15:52, the great work of Christ during the Church Age will be finished. At the moment of that blast, both the dead and living in Christ will be raised incorruptible to meet Christ and His heavenly host as He comes to pour out even more wrath upon the nations. Such fury culminates in the battle of Armageddon.
We proceed then with one of the most powerful chapters of the Apocalypse, chapter 11.

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4-18-13 Deciphering Revelation: Part 1
The "Apocalypse" contains 22 chapters, and in this three-part Bible study series I will primarily consider truths from it which I feel are most vital toward giving us spiritual and prophetic guidance today. Such perspective is crucial, especially as we face moral decline worldwide on the one hand and the rise of Zionist world control on the other.
In order to understand the Book of Revelation we have to accept the fact that, bizarre as are its events and images, they nevertheless fit within an outline provided earlier by Jesus and the prophets. Our discussion thus proceeds according to the prophetic skeleton the Bible at large provides.

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4-15-13 Can Anti-Zionist Education Save Us?
As in the last Bible study, we are featuring this one in a printed version. "Can Anti-Zionist Education Save Us?" deals with the fact that after my 30 years of attempting to enlighten Zionist Evangelicals and educate the world against Zionism these two forms of darkness remain very largely unchanged.
As a result, more than ever, our only hope for continued freedom and survival must come from God's mercy. To obtain that we must do everything in our power to bring Him, in ourselves and others, the faith and repentance He requires.

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4-9-13 How to Create Anti-Zionist Christian Youth
In this Bible study, we continue to discuss what the true church of Jesus is and show that Christian truthtellers have not left the church. Rather, the pro-Zionist evangelical "church" has left the Bible in favor of Israel and pro-Zionism. It has ignored massive biblical teaching concerning God's conditional terms on Jews to be His people or occupy Palestine. The established evangelical church now largely constitutes an Israel-serving cult of Christianity.
This raises an extremely important question. Can an anti-Zionist Christian father and mother rear a godly family operating only according to Christ's very minimalist definition of the Church? Can we fulfill the New Testament edict not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together in such a stripped-down "congregation?"

An edited transcription of this Bible study is available to read here.

Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 71min., 16mb)


4-7-13 How Important Is Joining the Right Church?
Does a person go to heaven because he has the right church—or the right Savior? Some, such as Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox, believe that getting the right church means the right Savior. Others believe that one can get the wrong church, but if he has the right Savior—and the right heart—that is all that ultimately matters to God.
In this Bible study, we consider the relative merits of choosing a church for us and our family. I will consider the identity of the true church of Jesus Christ, especially in context of claims by the Catholics and Orthodox that they are the only true church, God's primary way of salvation.
When I am finished, I hope you will agree that God is not so small and unjust as to damn a person who trusts in Him simply because he joined the wrong church.

Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 77min., 18mb)


3-31-13 Should Christians Witness at Work?
Several years ago a poll of Evangelicals revealed that more than 95% hold a policy of not witnessing at work — unless someone comes to them inquiring about their beliefs or seeking spiritual guidance. It is not surprising, then, that some 92% of Evangelicals have never led a soul to Christ. Sunday worship service and its "worship experience" is viewed as the legitimate safe place to fully express their devotion to Christ.
The question we discuss in this Bible study is this: what is the will of God concerning whether or not to witness at work or school? Is God happy that most Evangelicals are silent about Jesus to their coworkers all week, yet full of emotion and enthusiasm among fellow believers on Sundays?

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3-28-13 What It Means to Tempt God
If there is a candidate for an 11th commandment, it is Deuteronomy 6:16: "Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God."
What does it mean to tempt God? Why is it so bad?
In this Bible study we consider this poorly understood commandment. It is my hope that after we are finished you will so thoroughly understand it that you will always be out of danger of committing the sin of tempting God.

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3-24-13 When Are Christians to be "Deceivers Yet True"?
As Christians approach the age of anti-Christ and the government is even more determined to harass and even destroy us, the paramount issue will be to survive — and to do so without disobedience to God.Eventually, to survive anti-Christ and the most evil government to ever burden this planet, will largely mean to outmaneuver government. The apostle Paul, who had to outwit the Jewish persecutors of his day, provides Christians with an option which potentially persecuted believers are free to consider. In 2 Cor. 6:8 Paul says that sometimes the saints have had to become "deceivers yet true."

Many fundamentalist Christians believe that God does not deceive nor would ever require a Christian to lie or deceive, even to save life. They assert that the Christian should always tell the truth, even when faced with death to himself or others. God will make a way of escape.

Such ethics are lofty but they are neither truly ethical nor Biblical. In this Bible study we will consider various forms of righteous deception in Scripture. We do this not as an encouragement to deceive by Christians, but as ethical back up should we or our ministry require deception in order to survive.

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3-21-13 Is Christianity Hard?
The stats predict a record month of visits to Truthtellers Bible studies — around 10,000. Yet thousands of Truthtellers' subscribers have not yet joined those listening.
If you are one who hasn't taken the plunge into our version of theology made simple, here's an easy way to do it: Listen to the all-time favorite — "Is Christianity Hard?"
Once you get your feet wet in the deep things of God, we hope you'll want to swim further in. Here's your chance!

Description: It is common to hear that the way of sin and compromise is easy but Christianity is hard. Yet Proverbs 13:15 says "the way of the transgressor is hard." In contrast, Jesus said "My yoke is easy and my burden is light."

What does the Bible mean by terms such as hard vs. easy and light vs. heavy?

In this Bible study we will consider from a spiritual perspective the levels of difficulty in living the Christian life in contrast to the way of sin.

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3-14-13 Anti-Christ: Israel's Pseudo-Messiah
As we saw in our Bible study series on Zechariah and Ezekiel, the Old Testament has much to say about the comings of Christ, both first and second. Scripture also has much to say about a mysterious figure to come, a diabolic mimic of almost everything Christ represents, called Anti-Christ.

To be a Christian, is it sufficient to know all you can about Christ but virtually nothing about the coming superman who will attempt to take from Christ everything He made possible? Of course not. If knowledge of Anti-Christ were not important, Scripture would not say so much about him.

In this Bible study, I will read a chapter from my book Israel: Our Duty, Our Dilemma entitled "Anti-Christ, Israel's Pseudo-Messiah."

Will Anti-Christ arrive without pre-conditions? What are the signs of his coming? In my reading and the discussion that follows, we will attempt to answer these and many more questions.

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3-10-13 What is Your Cause?
The true Christian's cause is to come toward Christ and bear His cross with Him. Thus the Christian is not surprised or angry at God when the Lord allows hardship to assail him. Scripture predicts that all who will live godly lives will suffer persecution. Christ said to expect tribulation. The true Christian, rather than blaming God for opposition, glories in the honor of being found worthy to carry Christ's cross with Him.
Yet many Christians believe God has treated them poorly through allowing disappointment, tragedy, ill health, death of loved ones, etc.

The error is not in God, but in those whose vision is obscured—who do not possess the kind of personal cause for God and truth that lifts us above circumstances and gives courage and grace to us as we struggle forward.
In this Bible study, we will discuss what such transcendence is and how you can have it.

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3-7-13 Sin Begins in the Soul, not the Body and Mind
To live a life that pleases a God who can consign us to everlasting torment or reward us with everlasting bliss, it is vital that we understand not only what pleases God but also what angers Him. We must know what is a sin. For the wages of sin, the Bible says, is eternal death. Anything that can separate us from the love of God for eternity is a very serious matter, one worthy of our greatest attention.

This Bible study is an elaboration on my February 13, 2011 study, "What is Sin?" I reconsider many of its concepts but also add fresh material to a discussion so important to the church that it must be repeated periodically.

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3-3-13 What Paul Really Taught in Romans 7
In our latest Bible study "Is 'Original Sin' Biblical?" We discussed how the Holy Spirit inspired the apostle Paul to make ambiguous theological statements in Romans 5. God did this to test us and our theologians. Would we seize the opportunity to twist Paul's words to establish false doctrine, or would we recognize the massive and very clear truth Paul also expresses in the surrounding chapters? God has promised to send those who do not love Him and His truth more than themselves a "strong delusion [even in the Bible itself] that they should believe a lie." (2 Thess. 2:11)

This testing is nowhere more evident in Paul's writings than in Romans 7. Here he seems to be confessing to all kinds of double-mindedness and hypocrisies. What he is really describing is the "old Paul" under the law, before being liberated by Jesus.

Because Romans 7 follows so naturally upon Romans 5 and both help explain each other, I have reposted my September 5, 2012, Bible study of Romans 7. It is my heartfelt desire that it will help you transcend the sometimes difficult language found in Paul's writings and assist your understanding of the liberating truths that lie beneath.

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2-28-13 Is "Original Sin" Biblical?
The doctrine of original sin, as it is commonly accepted, teaches that every person born into this world is a sinner and damnable not because of a personal moral decision of rebellion against God but because they have inherited the literal guilt of Adam and Eve.

This doctrine thus rejects Biblical ethics which say sin is conscious rebellion against the known will of God. Instead, original sin says we sin by being born as posterity of Adam — through heredity.
Adam and Eve became sinners through disobedience to God's instructions, yet the doctrine of original sin, as it is taught primarily in Roman Catholicism, Lutheranism, and Calvinism, teaches we are guilty of sin that will damn us to the fires of hell forever without being given the choice our Edenic parents had. We are damned because of their bad choice, not our own.

In this Bible study, we consider this morally preposterous yet very widespread and unquestioned doctrine among both Catholics and Protestants.
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2-24-13 Understanding Ezekiel, Part 5: Ezekiel 40-47, The Millennium
Apart from heaven itself, it's hard to imagine a happier prospect for this war-torn and bloodied, sin-filled world, than that of the millennium — a thousand years of peace, truth, and righteousness under rulership of Jesus Christ.

Yet the innocent and benevolent millennium, for some reason, is vehemently attacked and symbolized away by amillennialists and replacement theologians. Some object that it encourages neglect of personal Christian responsibility to make this a better world. Others think it is demeaning for Christ to come down and sit on a "dusty old throne." Still others want to make God's experiment with man entirely spiritual — renovation of the hearts of men, not restoration of a physical world.

Yet Scriptures boldly proclaiming the coming era of worldwide tranquility under Jesus and His resurrected saints are too specific to be ignored or symbolized away.In this Bible study we will read those Scriptures and determine whether the Biblical testimony may indeed be spiritualized or whether in doing so we do violence to a very great hope that God intends for our encouragement. This is especially precious for those of us who oppose and labor under the seeming hopelessness of a world situation made increasingly worse by the synagogue of Satan.
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2-21-13 Understanding Ezekiel, Part 4: Earth-Shaking Ezekiel 38, 39
In the 6th century B.C. Ezekiel 38-39 describe a nation of Jews someday occupying Palestine in unrepentance. Today, with such a return having happened, these chapters are held up by Zionist evangelicals as proving that Jewish disobedience is no longer a barrier to national Jewish occupation of the Promised Land. They are proof, evangelicals contend, that for more than a century God has approved of the existence of the state of Israel.Yet these chapters reveal nothing of the kind. Yes, they portray God's temporary allowance of Jewish return to Palestine, but Ezekiel 38 and 39 portray God as furiously angry with the oppressive Jewish state. He will bring the anti-Christ, Gog, to destroy two thirds of Israel's inhabitants. Anti-Christ will plunge the remainder into three and a half years of "great tribulation" among the nations.These chapters also reveal that Israel will subdue the entire world and dwell safely with no one able to come against her, that is, except her treacherous lover and false messiah, anti-Christ. Anti-Christ will bring to an end both Jewish world control and the present biblically unlawful Zionist experiment that has caused the world so much grief.
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2-17-13 Understanding Ezekiel, Part 2: Conversion of the Jewish Remnant
Considering the unprecedented magnitude of evil which has been unleashed through Talmudic Judaism, there are many who do not feel joy at the Bible's many promises that God will show kindness to the Jews by leading a minority of them to repentance at Christ's coming.Yet Scripture repeatedly emphasizes that conversion of the remnant is not meant to exalt what God calls a stiff-necked and rebellious people. Instead, after God terribly punishes the Jews through three and a half years of great tribulation, the miracle of their repentance and trust in Jesus gives glory to the staggering goodness and mercy of Jesus alone.In this Bible study, we consider several of the many passages in Ezekiel which describe this glorious event. Next to Christ's death on the cross, making salvation available to all, His willingness to save the Jews is the greatest outpouring of divine grace in history.Yes, we are angry at the Jewish supremacist conspiracy that assails us, but we must not let that anger cause us to lose sympathy with Christ's future redemption of Israel. Instead, let us see in it proof of Jesus' astonishing willingness to forgive, a willingness without which we also would be lost.
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2-10-13 Understanding Ezekiel, Part 1: The Intercessor
The most mystical book of the Old Testament, Ezekiel, is also most prophetic concerning Israel's one-world rulership in the last days. But it is also one of the most practical for us as Christians. It enunciates the vital role of the intercessor in every age, standing at his post as a watchman for God.I was very encouraged by the high interest in my recent three-part series on Zechariah; and, in this five-part study, I will try to deal with what I consider the most important and relevant aspects of Ezekiel's message — one that powerfully relates to Christians of today and tomorrow who must also speak out against the Great Harlot, Israel, in her ascendance toward world dominion and assault upon everything Jesus made possible.
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2-6-13 The Bible Teaches Only Conditional Salvation
Except for the message of salvation itself, it is difficult to imagine a Biblical doctrine as important as conditional salvation. Man simply must cooperate with God as much as he knows how every day of his life in order to be worthy of eternal life with the One who gave His all for us.If a religious system denies such conditionality, the result is spiritual lawlessness — dependence upon some kind of formula or rationalization to get us into heaven.In this re-posting of my Feb. 9, 2011 Bible study goes through the wealth of Scriptures unequivocally requiring daily obedience to God in order to be saved.See, List of Conditional Salvation Verses, Click Here.
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2-4-13 Good vs. Poor Anti-Zionist Leadership
Today the evangelical church is almost hopelessly mired in unconditional support of the anti-Christ state of Israel. On the other hand, the conscience of humanity has erupted over the past decades in opposition to Zionist injustices as well as criticism of Jewish supremacism in the media, international finance, and overt influence upon the U.S. government.Various groups lead such anti-Zionist opposition, but which is the most stable, possessing the best long-term hopes for holding back the darkness?In this study, which is an audio version and group discussion of my latest article under the above title, our Truthtellers group grapples with this issue.
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1-30-13 When Christians Shouldn't Show Compassion
It is assumed by most Christians that we are to be compassionate to all, including our enemies. Didn't Jesus say we should bless those who curse us and feed and clothe our enemy when he is hungry and afflicted? Didn't Jesus say such compassion heaps coals of fire upon our enemy's conscience, powerfully inclining him toward repentance?In this Bible study, we will consider some of the many examples from Scripture where God's saints are required to express zero tolerance or compassion for the principle and expression of evil. We are required to destroy sin and compromise, especially as they appear in the church.At the same time, we must accept the fact that the expression of sin and the sinner are very much the same. There are definite limits which Scripture lays down concerning how much tolerance can be given to sinful and fleshly people and their desire to prevail against the righteous.We will see that compassion toward sin and fleshliness is not only condemned in Scripture but can lead to spiritual ruin of the person who shows such misguided compassion.
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1-27-13 Understanding Zechariah: Part 3
Scripture teaches that the second coming of Christ will be preceded by a great spiritual falling away and manifestation of the "son of perdition," the anti-Christ, who proclaims himself God in the temple of Jerusalem. (2 Thess. 2:2-3)Yet preterism, a form of replacement theology, says that Jesus and the anti-Christ already came nearly 2000 years ago. They appeared amid the tumultuous and apocalyptic events surrounding the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD. The church, preterists believe, is now in the Millennium period. Satan is bound in the bottomless pit and there will be no anti-Christ, second coming of Jesus, or conversion of a remnant of believing Jews.In this Bible study we see from Zechariah 12, 13 and 14 how wrong this popular belief is. These chapters are studded with the most descriptive details of Christ's sensational "touchdown" with his saints on the Mount of Olives. No rational interpretation can assert that such an event has been fulfilled or is symbolic.Please join us as, in previous discussions of Zechariah, we find this amazing book providing the hard and specific skeleton of our understanding of God's plan for the last days.
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1-24-13 Understanding Zechariah: Part 2
Because Jewish supremacists have fomented so much evil through the ages, many anti-Zionists are inclined to believe most Jews tend to be genetically degenerate, a "toxic race."Yet Scripture is clear that Jewry's problems are spiritual. The Jewish nation, especially since the Crucifixion, has made wrong after wrong moral decisions. In Revelation Jesus says such decisions have transformed them into "the synagogue of Satan." Yet, spiritually darkened as Talmudic and secular Jews may be, the Bible is emphatic that at Christ's second coming God will lead a remnant of Jews to repent and trust their rejected Messiah.Displacement theology interprets the hundreds of promises of national Jewish repentance, found primarily in the Old Testament, as symbolic. But in the chapters from Zechariah which we read in this lesson we find the fact of Jewish national conversion so specifically described that it is impossible to portray this great last-days Jewish ingathering as symbolic. We discuss the conversion of the Jews, that radiant light at the end of the very dark tunnel we are in today.
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1-20-13 Understanding Zechariah: Part 1
There are Old Testament books such as Daniel and Ezekiel which provide the skeleton and backbone of Bible prophecy. Zechariah is also such a book. No student of Biblical prophecy is educated concerning God's plan of the ages without a solid understanding of a number of crucial chapters from this very often neglected book. In this three part Bible study we will explore the many vital truths only Zechariah provides — especially concerning events surrounding Christ's second coming.
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1-17-13 Does God Consider All Sins Equal?
I remember Billy Graham in the 1970s on Merv Griffin's talk show telling Griffin there are not "bad" sins versus "not so bad" sins. He said all sins are equally heinous to God. Griffin asked if this included homosexuality. Graham replied the sin of homosexuality is no worse in God's eyes than the sin of gossip.Since that time, the notion that all sins are equally bad has proliferated throughout evangelicalism. Mixed with the Calvinist "once saved, always saved" heresy, it leads to this rationalization:If it's inevitable that I sin every day in thought, word and deed and yet remain eternally secure, why limit myself to such "little" sins as gossiping or losing my temper? Why not occasionally indulge in the pleasures of "big" sins, such as fornication, adultery or homosexuality, just so I do not commit them continuously? After all, I may disappoint Jesus, but since I have been soundly born again and my name is irreversibly written in His book of life, I cannot lose my place in heaven.In this Bible study, we challenge Graham's dangerous error and the prevalent teaching of it in the evangelical church today.
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1-13-13 Christians Should Reclaim the Fine Arts
During the late medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque periods of art history (a period spanning about five centuries), Christianity brilliantly dominated the visual arts. Today, creation of high art as a means of glorifying God and enhancing the Christian message is virtually unknown. Secularism, with its often abstract and cold humanism, provides the "sophisticated art" favored in art museums, college art education, and commissioned works of painting and sculpture in public places.Yet Jesus remains the consummate artistic genius of creation, responsible for the stunning beauty and originality of color and form in every living thing. This world is His great art museum. It perpetually teaches us about the principles of good design that are responsible for such beauty.Despite the present tendency to give Him no credit, Jesus, the Logos (or logic) behind all that exists, is eminently deserving of celebration. This should be the passion of the Christian artist, musician, writer or poet, dancer and performing artist - or just the average Christian desiring to give something back to his Creator.In this lesson I discuss how, for more than a century, the arts have largely gone wrong. It is time for creative Christians to influence the arts in a direction both sympathetic to human need and also fresh and innovative.
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1-7-13 God's Conditional Terms of Covenant and Jewish Occupation of Palestine, Part 2
A holy land was intended by God to only be inhabited by a holy people. An unholy nation of Jews occupying a holy land has always been an abomination. It is as spiritually defiling as would have been a swine brought into the Holy of Holies in God's temple in Jerusalem.Yet tens of millions of evangelical Christians today are unaware of the dozens of Old Testament verses forbidding occupation of Palestine by rebellious, Christ-rejecting Jews. In this Bible study, we consider those unknown or disregarded verses that thunder to us God's testimony against the very existence of the anti-Christ state of Israel.
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1-2-13 God's Conditional Terms of Covenant and Jewish Occupation of Palestine, Part 1
Tens of millions of pro-Israel evangelical Christians are unaware that the Old Testament states in dozens of verses and in the clearest language that a nation of disobedient (Christ-rejecting) Jews cannot occupy God's holy land. They are also unaware that, in at least seven Scriptural passages, God defines His covenant with Abraham and His descendants as conditional upon obeying Him.In this first of a two-part Bible study we discuss God's requirement that the Jews obey in order to have any claim to being a chosen race or holding title to Palestine. In part two we will consider conditional occupation verses of the Old Testament. These two Bible studies will demonstrate that pro-Zionists are operating upon an extremely superficial and fleshly definition of the Biblical concept of covenant and its privileges to the offspring of Abraham.
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12-30-12 How Important is Style in Presentation of Christianity?
With Billy Graham and popularization of evangelical Christianity around the mid-20th century came a greatly heightened emphasis upon the importance of style in presenting the gospel message. Graham, through his unprecedented success, set a standard of style which many evangelical pastors still very much aspire to.What is "style" as it applies to us as Christians, attempting to relate the Gospel to the lost? To most in the church it means that how Christianity is packaged is vitally important, meaning the difference between success and failure.Yet Scripture in 1 Cor. 1 says it is not by wisdom of words, but the power of the cross of Christ and His Holy Spirit's drawing sinners to salvation that God's kingdom work is accomplished.Which point of view is correct? We come to a balance in this Bible study.
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12-27-12 Reversals in the Christian's Life
Most young people go into adulthood with a fairly high hope of success. Yet most of us experience reversals of our hopes and fortunes. This is just as true for Christians.In this session, we will go through the Bible, considering how many of God's greatest saints experienced great reversals according to the will of God.My hope is that this discussion will encourage you that reversals of fortune do not indicate God's lack of faithfulness or displeasure with you. Rather, as with the saints of old, reversals are something He can allow for our good and His glory.
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12-16-12 The Basis of Christian Joy is not the Emotion of Happiness
Throughout history there have always been happy people exhorting unhappy people to be happy. Often it has been done in the name of religion — that God wants us happy.Yet making sad people happy is not a simple or easy task. In this Bible study I point out that God, in fact, does not require of Christians the emotion of happiness. It is not the basis of Christian joy or rejoicing. That basis is the conscious decision of our wills to thank, praise, and rejoice in God and the salvation He has provided us regardless of our circumstances or mood.
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12-9-12 Only Jesus Should Define Christianity, Part 2
In our last Bible study I asserted that only the words of Jesus are qualified to define authentic Christianity. As such, true Christianity emphasizes what He emphasized. If a theology does not emphasize what Christ did, but instead gives emphasis to ideas which are foreign to Christ's teaching, then we can know that it is false.Does your doctrinal interpretation of Christianity copy the words and emphasis of Jesus? Or does it stray into emphasis of concepts foreign to Scripture and His words?In this Bible study we hold up all of the major doctrinal systems of Christianity to scrutiny, seeing if they emphasize what our Lord did. Since the duty and desire of every true Christian should be to imitate Christ as perfectly as possible, this discussion should prove a very effective wake-up call to many believers.
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12-3-12 Only Jesus Should Define Christianity
Because of the seeming reasonableness of good works to justify us, it is necessary for the Christian desiring to enter God's rest to labor against this temptation. In the church today, the new Christian is often immediately "put to work for Jesus," immersed in church activities. Church leadership often believes that nothing could be more wholesome than for the new believer to be surrounded by fellow believers occupied with good works. Such is a powerful influence for good, they believe, in contrast to the evil friends and influences he or she has been under in the world.Yet the Christian is not primarily built up by association with Christians, doing good works in their company. He is established by very cognitive decisions of his soul to forsake himself and the world and follow only Christ.Lacking in the church's approach is a clear enunciation of the spiritual requirements and expectations of Christianity. In this Bible study we lay out exactly what those requirements are, as defined by Christ Himself.
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11-29-12 Does Spiritual Rest Create Lazy Christians?
In many Bible studies we have described spiritual rest in largely passive, not active, terms. Having died to ourselves, we confidently trust and abide in Jesus, waiting for the Holy Spirit's leading on how we should perform works. This results in spiritual rest from our own good works to justify us.We have also described spiritual rest through faith as an empowerment to destroy our fears that God might be angry with us.Yet some object, saying, "Christianity is not about death and rest. It's about life and action. A religion of spiritual rest makes people sleepy!"The passivity of spiritual rest thus introduces questions. How much does God expect the Christian to be a personally active participant with the Holy Spirit in initiating and providing change of all kinds? This can include change and self-improvement in the life of the believer. It also includes the believer's role in changing others, including society.In this Bible study we consider such questions. This is important because, in promoting a doctrine which rediscovers spiritual rest, we cannot allow our permission to rest and wait on God to become an excuse for laziness and lack of ambition.
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11-26-12 The Mystery of Godliness
Much has been said and speculated about the "mystery of iniquity" which already is at work in human hearts and will someday be manifest in its epitome, the Anti-Christ.Yet, to my knowledge, little has been discussed about its opposite: the mystery of godliness. St. Paul says: "Great is the mystery of godliness." (1 Tim.3:16) In what way is godliness a mystery? In what way is it "great?"There are many mysteries within the mystery of godliness. There is great mystery surrounding how Jesus became the Creator of all things and Sinbearer for man. There is mystery in the moral mechanics of His atonement and mystery in what His kingdom is. In this Bible study, we discuss these and many more fascinating aspects of this profound yet little-taught aspect of Christianity.
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11-19-12 Civilization's Debt to the Old Testament

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11-13-12 Why Does God Want Us to "Labor" to Enter Spiritual Rest?
Scripture indicates that although Jesus gives us the essentials of how to be saved, He wants us to personally involve ourselves in a search to acquire the fullness of spiritual rest and maturity. In Hebrews 4:11 Paul says we must "labor" to enter into rest, which almost seems a contradiction. Why must we labor? What are we laboring to overcome?We labor against the instinctive conviction that "I am good because I do good things," or that it pleases God if we discipline ourselves to become a relatively good person before coming to Him for mercy. We labor against the belief in the back of our minds that yes, faith in Christ saves us, but that we become more pleasing to God and ourselves if we add a few good works.Yet Paul makes it clear that just as a new generation of Hebrews, purified in the wilderness, finally entered Canaan rest by faith alone, so "there is a rest that remains to the people of God." Such transcendent rest can only be obtained on God's terms of blind faith without works.In this Bible study we will show you the most direct route to that Canaan rest from guilt and striving that God has for you.
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11-6-12 True Christianity: Proven Guilt Buster - Part 2 (The Place of Knowledge in Empowering Rest)
Scripture is clear that we are saved by faith alone. Yet St. Peter encourages believers to add knowledge to their faith. (II Peter 1:5) Part of the "labor" which the Christian is expected to exert as he or she struggles to acquire spiritual rest is mental: creating a rational framework around their faith.In this Bible study we consider the logical argumentation which God expects the mature Christian to acquire in order to possess the strongest, most inviolable "peace that passes understanding."
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10-31-12 The Personal Soul Winner: Noblest of Christians
About a year ago Christian researcher George Barna said that it is becoming increasingly difficult to find an authentic, fully mature Christian in evangelical churches. Astonishingly, young people may well be without even one adult (including their pastor) capable of providing mature leadership and an inspiring example.Such decline is reflected in the scarcity of what used to be called the "Christian personal worker." This was a believer, armed with zeal for Christ and a burden for the lost, who went into society, distributing simple tracts explaining salvation and, as the Lord led, challenging the lost to repent and find peace with God.In this Bible study, I discuss and exalt such Spirit-led personal evangelism. It is the backbone of Christianity in the church age — a calling despised by many (even some evangelicals) but applauded by Jesus and the angels.
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10-28-12 Did Christ Command Christians Not to Uproot the "Tares" of Dangerous Political Ideas?
Two passages in Scripture are most quoted by Christians who don't want to get involved in politics and believe we should obey the government, virtually unquestioningly. They are Paul's admonitions to obey the government in the Lord (Romans 13) and Christ's parable of the tares (Matthew 13:2).We will now consider what Christ really taught and did not teach in this parable. We will see that He absolutely did not teach inaction before the kind of freedom-destroying onslaught we are facing today.
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10-24-12 Is It Bad To Have So Many Denominations In Christianity?
Roman Catholics consider the Protestant Reformation a disaster: it took spiritual authority from the ecclesiastical successors of St. Peter and gave it to all who claim to be "born again."As such, Catholics deplore the proliferation of denominations within Protestantism. They assert such fragmentation and debate within Christ's body, the church, cannot possibly be the will of God.Is diversification of the church into denominations ungodly? In this Bible study, we will consider—and resolve, this issue which, even for many Protestants, is troubling.
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10-18-12 True Christianity: Proven Guilt Buster
One mark of authentic Christianity is that it empowers us to conquer guilt — deep seated, cyclical, devil-inspired accusation that robs us of joy, even though we are Christians.Are you a Christian so tormented? Countless believers are. They have repeatedly prayed, repented, and scourged their consciences, perhaps for decades, over real or imagined transgressions and failures. But, as Scripture affirms, Satan accuses them night and day before God.If you are such a person, or know of someone who needs help overcoming guilt, listen to this Bible study. As a young man, I was subject to recurrent vicious cycles of guilt feelings, Satan's victim of my own sincerity. Yet God showed me how to dispel the power of guilt from my life in an instant. I would never be performing my freedom-saving ministry today without that insight.I hope it can be yours also.
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10-14-12 The Desperate Need for Independent Spirit-Led Thought
The human brain reins atop our bodies as the pinnacle of God's creativity in the physical realm. It thus delights our Creator when we dedicate our mental energies in working closely with His Holy Spirit toward understanding the deep things of God. This includes saving the lost and resisting evil.In Daniel 9 we see God delighted with the prophet's incentive to discipline his body, mind and spirit, toward understanding God's hidden mysteries.Spiritual thinking is important because without honesty in thinking there can be no movement toward repentance. There can also be no action of social responsibility in defense of liberty without first having given oneself to thought.This is why Satan, as well as the Jewish-dominated media, are intent on driving out original thought, especially in the young.In this Bible study we discuss our obligations as Christians to take initiative, even make substantial changes in our way of life (including exiting non-thinking evangelical churches), in order that we may prioritize the original thought which God so highly values in us.
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10-4-12 The God-given Gift of Outrage against Evil
It should go without saying that every true Christian wants to be like God. Jesus commanded us "be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect"—and He meant it. He literally meant that we should aspire and work toward making our hearts and actions be a mirror image of the instincts of our Creator.Jesus said that the most quintessential characteristic of God is that He is love. It is this very self-denying love, (which God demonstrated by sending Jesus to die for us) that fuels God's vehement anger at sin—rebellion which destroys lives and souls in this world and the next. God is thus extremely sensitive to sin, extremely intolerant—even outraged against it.In this Bible study, we'll consider biblical descriptions of God's anger at sin and why we as Christians should never lose our birthright gift of being shockable by it—so angry we are always capable, at God's leading, of taking action against it.
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10-2-12 Understanding the Prophecies of Daniel: Part 4daniel9 this, the last of our four-part series on understanding Daniel from a prophetic perspective, we will be absorbed primarily in events leading to the extreme last days. In Daniel 9, we'll consider the mystery of the "69 weeks" leading to the first appearance of Jesus 2,000 years ago. Daniel is told the full 70 weeks lead to consummation of most of what God has desired to accomplish in both the Old Testament and the church age. The 70th week takes us finally to rulership of Christ on earth in the millennium.En route to that destination, in chapter 11, we continue to learn a very great deal about the anti-Christ. He does his best, along with a world that worships and follows him, to frustrate Christ's grand purposes.Please join me as we begin with perhaps Daniel's most difficult yet intriguing passage: Daniel 9: 23-27.
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9-27-12 Understanding the Prophecies of Daniel: Part 3
Of all "prophetic signposts" orienting Christians to the imminent return of Jesus, none is clearer and more definitive than what Jesus described as "the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet." (Matthew 24:15).In this Bible study, we delve into exactly the passage Jesus was referring to. In Daniel 8, we again encounter an anti-Christ figure who is enraged against Jerusalem and particularly determined to defile the Jewish temple and its sacrifices.Some say the abomination of desolation occurred in 70 A.D. when Roman forces invaded the temple, setting it on fire. I disagree. In this chapter we see details about the abomination of desolation that prove it still awaits us and will be the conclusive sign that Christ will return in glory within three and a half years.
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9-17-12 How to Be Most Creative
God is infinitely creative. He is so creative that He is empowered to exist uncreated from past eternity. Jesus is so creative that, in seeming opposition to God's holiness, He created a plan whereby evil can come into existence, yet righteous souls can also be obtained by God to be His friends forever.Just as God is completely free to choose, Christ creatively gives each of us that same mysterious power in the image of God.God bears witness to all concerning His staggering creativity by filling heaven and earth (His great art museum) with His incredible works. He also perpetually works miracles of transformation in the lives of those who trust Him.All this introduces our latest Bible study: "How to Be Most Creative."The way to do that is to be as close to Jesus, the creative dynamo that made you, as possible. When we are one with Him and absorb ourselves in contemplation of His works, whether it is the Bible, or nature, or His redemptive power, we have the best chance of also being the most creative where it really matters: the salvation of others.
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9-12-12 What Paul Really Taught in Romans 9-11 (Part 2 of 2)
Replacement theology denies that St. Paul taught that a Jewish remnant would be converted at Christ's second coming. In this Bible study we analyze his statements that there exists a small Jewish remnant of faith in Jesus in every age. But they are only the "first fruits" of national conversion of Jews in the future. Paul couldn't say this more clearly: "Thus, all Israel shall be saved; as it is written, 'The Deliverer will come from Zion, He will remove ungodliness from Jacob.'" (Rom.11:26)With this in mind, Paul powerfully warns against replacement theology's boast that God is utterly through with the Jews in a national sense and that He has transferred the Jewish covenant to the Church. Paul warns, "Boast not against the branches." (Rom.11:18) He affirms that some day repentant Jews will be grafted into the "fig tree," Jesus.Don't miss this second half of the discussion of what Paul really taught on a number of controversial subjects, including one of the most disputed: future conversion of a believing remnant out of the ashes of Babylon the Great.
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9-10-12 What Paul Really Taught in Romans 9-11 (Part 1 of 2)
One of God's strategies for bringing people back to the Bible over and over again through the ages is not only to make scripture a treasury of simple, clear truth but also unclear, difficult to understand truth. Thus, not only theologians, but average Christians are continually goaded to ask "What is Ezekiel, or Jesus, or Paul really saying?"Romans 9-11 is a primary example of such clarity and obscurity together. It is Paul's "position paper" on God's plan for repentant and unrepentant Jews, as well as the church's relationship to both in the church age.In this 2-part Bible study I'll attempt to help you clearly understand what Paul, behind an abundance of purposefully unclear language, is teaching us.
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9-5-12 What Paul Really Taught in Romans 7
I doubt if there is any passage of Scripture more misunderstood than Romans 7. Paul seems to be confessing that, despite being the foremost evangelist and theologian of his time, he is wracked by double-mindedness, blatant sin, and general spiritual wretchedness. As such, these verses have been seized upon by Gnostics, Calvinists and Augustinian theologians as proving that it is normal for a Christian to sin. Through Christ, God "imputes" righteousness to us as Jesus covers our sin from the view of the Father.With the help of the chapters that precede and follow Romans 7, we will discover what Paul is really saying. As the truth shines forth, we see that Paul is teaching about glorious victory over sin and the sin nature, not bondage to it.
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9-3-12 Action and Inaction: Both Parts of Christianity
Just as a car must have both an engine and brakes, so the effective Christian life must include an ability to take Spirit-led action or wait on the Lord.Unfortunately, many immature Christians are afraid of taking decisive action to witness, reprove, or respond to legislative emergencies. Others take action too quickly, without diligent inquiry, intellectual preparation, or waiting for the mind of God. They, in sharp contrast, have difficulty doing nothing.What is the perfect balance between action and inaction — a balance which should exist within the Christian but also within the church? Many churches are all too inclined to do nothing in moments of great political, moral or evangelistic opportunity.In this Bible study we will probe these questions and attempt to find a Biblical solution.
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8-27-12 Dealing with People who are Fleshly and Manipulative
In 2 Sam. 20:1 it says a "worthless fellow," Sheba, rose up, wanting to be made king. Contrary to the belief of many that there is a seed of goodness in all men, here Scripture describes a man who because of his evil choices had made himself unworthy, "a son of the devil," a person like Esau whom Scripture says God hated (Rom. 9).All of us have or will encounter unworthy, antagonistic, and malicious people. As Christians, what is our obligation? To bear with them and turn the other cheek forever or to distance ourselves?In this Bible study, I discuss the balance that we must find between blessing worthless people and our Christian right to not be enslaved and victimized by them.
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8-9-12 Dealing with the Past
To live and react in the present is to create the past. For some of us, the past is a time of nostalgia. For others, it is a time of terror and guilt. How reconciled we are with our past may well determine how successfully we cope with our present and future.In this Bible study, we will consider how to most effectively deal with our past. This is so that the past we are creating today will be something we can be proud of — a past of which Jesus finally says, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant."To help us create such a past, it is always valuable to consider the mistakes of others. We will evaluate how successfully a number of Biblical characters responded to their mistakes. Some emerged from sin and error in a mature and manly way. Others only repeated their errors. The least I hope to accomplish in this Bible study is to help us understand the things we have done wrong and not repeat them. The most I want to do is provide inspiration to forget the past and go forward and upward in confidence in Jesus.
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8-6-12 The Christian's Desires Can Help Reveal God's Will
A very distinctive characteristic of the Augustinian/Calvinist theological tradition that underlies Roman Catholicism and much of Protestantism is suspicion of human desires. These religious systems are suspicious even of the desires of Christians. Both are heavily influenced by the popular Gnosticism of the first several centuries A.D. Gnosticism said that to possess a physical body and mind is to be sinful. Only through harsh treatment of the flesh can one aspire upward toward "gnosis," or spiritual knowledge and enlightenment.But are the desires of those totally consecrated to God still evil? Can God, in fact, work with our normal desires as we sincerely attempt to do His will? Can He show us His will through our desires?Please listen to this Bible study for a new perspective on the reasonableness of God and His gift of allowing us to be at peace with ourselves through what Christ did for us at Calvary.
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8-1-12 Alcohol Invades The Church
Throughout most of the past hundred years, evangelical Christianity was firmly opposed to alcohol consumption, even in moderation. Evangelicals were heir to the righteous indignation that swelled around the turn of the 20th century, empowering passage of prohibition. Yes, bootleggers and gangsters flourished in cities such as Chicago and New York. Yet the fact remains that the decision by Congress to pass The Volstead Act and consider alcohol a debilitating, socially-destructive drug, just as we view marijuana and cocaine today, resulted in a generation largely spared the ravages of drunkenness. Seattle, where my father grew up in the 20s and 30s, was a pretty rough town. However he never saw a drunken man until college, after the Prohibition ended.Today, alcohol, having been promoted for nearly 80 years by Jewish Big Media, in cooperation with the Jewish-dominated hard liquor industry (See Rise and Fall of the Bronfman Liquor Empire), is devastating the health and happiness of countless Americans. The financial strain it puts on society is also staggering. America spends well over $300 billion annually to deal with the problems caused by alcohol.Yet, tragically, many evangelical churches now encourage alcohol consumption as being covered by the "grace" and "liberty" that comes from being a Christian. The result is a bumper crop of "Christian" alcoholics.In this Bible study, we present some Biblical, scientific, and common-sense warnings against the prevalent idea that alcohol (including wine) can be enjoyed without risk.Why take the chance that you, or one you love, may, after only even a drink or two, begin to experience alcohol's addictive powers?
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7-30-12 Can Christians Use and Appreciate the Nude in Art?
St. Paul says that to the pure all things are pure. All things are made of atoms — morally neutral. We as Christians are called to spiritual liberty, free from bondage to legalism.Yet some substances and activities are not profitable, he also says, leading to bondage and offense.What are such substances and activities? What are the problems they lead us into?Among other issues we discuss in this Bible study is the nude in the history of western art. Can Christian artists and art lovers in an age of internet porn still consider the nude a fitting object of artistic expression just as Michelangelo and Rubens did?
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7-26-12 The Tendency to Make a Formula of the Spiritual
Jesus said that, of all things, God wants to be worshipped and obeyed "in spirit and in truth." In other words, He wants us to come to Him in unfeigned sincerity, seeking God's will first. He wants us to be in cooperation with the Holy Spirit, hearing His still small voice and obeying. He wants us to honor God in all things. He wants us to be kind and compassionate toward each other, as He is kind and forbearing toward us.In this Bible study we will see much more about the spirituality in which God delights. But we also will discuss something very foreign to spirituality: the persistent tendency of humanity, often authorized by "religious" leaders, to make the spiritual into a rote formula, i.e., to institutionalize it. Thus, religion is performed without dependence upon God, by sight, not faith. It is physical religion, not spiritual.Join us as we begin by considering a list of "religious" practices which once, perhaps, had a spiritual basis
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7-24-12 How New Age and Eastern Religions Lead to Bondage
In a previous Bible study I considered how Christianity, largely because of its Trinity containing the Sin-bearer Jesus, makes possible justification by simple trust in Him, not endless works. We saw how modern Judaism and Islam, without Jesus, require that the burden of sin be carried by every sinner. This creates an inexhaustible need for even more good works to atone for our ever increasing sins. The result can be spiritual exhaustion, cycles of guilt, or abandonment of religion altogether.In this Bible study I similarly consider how new age and eastern religions, because they also reject the Trinity/Sin-bearer, condemn themselves to futile efforts to find peace through works.
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7-18-12 Different Ways Professing Christians Deal With Guilt
Most human beings, except psychopaths, know that in their lifetime they have done things that are not good and upright. We have hurt others and violated what our conscience tells us is the will of God. As a result, most people have felt guilt. But how does one escape guilt’s recurrent, needling accusations—guilt that can follow us, attacking unpredictably, sometimes for a lifetime?In this Bible Study I consider a universal problem which prompts many responses. We will analyze the problem of guilt as it applies to those who profess to be Christians, first considering the reaction of fleshly believers who are also instinctively evasive. In the second part we will look at a very different response to real or imagined accusations of guilt: those of super-sincere Christians who so desire to please God and bless their fellow man that they are too willing to take on guilt.Even if guilt feelings, or lack of them, are not your problem, this Bible Study will powerfully help you assist those who are troubled by this issue.
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7-16-12 Christians: Physicians of the Soul
Last week I was on an operating table. An ophthalmic surgeon penetrated my right eye with a tiny hollow tube, delivering almost microscopic tools that removed scar tissue from the damaged retina. This scarring was possibly precipitated by the plastic lens implanted seven years ago in place of a lens with a cataract. Although it will take about three months to tell if the operation is fully successful, my eye already seems definitely moving in that direction.I am impressed with what a magnificent healing mechanism the young surgeon is, constantly bringing hope and renewed sight to the visually impaired. Yet there exists a much greater, more consequential form of impairment of vision and even blindness in the world. It is spiritual blindness, which, if not corrected through the grace of God, has irreversible eternal consequences.Every Christian is called to become a spiritual eye doctor to those around him who suffer from damaged spiritual and even political vision. In this Bible study I discuss the problem of spiritual blindness and especially every Christian's vital role to bring God's light and healing to darkened spiritual eyes.
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6-20-12 Is The "Rapture" Biblical?
The "rapture" is a much commercialized doctrine held in disdain by many in the anti-Zionist right. They correctly believe that it has been used to anesthetize Christians away from resistance to evil. Such believers confidently expect a divine "air lift" out of the world and its woes very soon.In this Bible study I show from Scripture that the "first resurrection of the dead" at Christ's second coming is a very Biblical doctrine and provides vivid hope for Christians, especially in coming persecution.
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6-18-12 Is "Christian Identity" True?
The modern “Christian Identity” movement pervades the anti-Zionist right. Many of my readers support it. They believe most whites of western European heritage are actually Semites, descended from the lost ten tribes of Israel. They hope I will come to believe “Israelite” western nations can become a racially pure and spiritually cohesive people, united to hold back the forces of darkness. I have built my case against Talmudic Judaism step by step on solid history and documentation, usually from primary Jewish sources. I have not found similar evidence for the Identity hypothesis. The evidence in fact persuades me that the Identity movement is based on conjecture and wishful thinking, not hard facts.In this Bible study, which is a recording of my recent article of the above title, I present my problems with Identity.
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6-12-12 God Often Speaks in Unexpected Ways. Are You Listening?
After I made public the bizarre story of Alynn's attack by demons, as well as my own intercessory experiences, a surprising number of people communicated to me that they have actually gone to heaven and had conversations with God and the angels. In fact, there is a television evangelist, Jesse Duplantis, on Trinity Broadcasting Network, who fills great stadiums with people eager to hear all about his trip to heaven.Does God give special instructions and revelations to some in heaven? Or does He limit His communication to men on earth alone? Except for St. Paul, who ascended to the third heaven, the Bible indicates God reveals His will to obedient, earth-bound men. Every Christian should be prepared to be spoken to by God on earth, often through living, walking human beings. But are you too proud to listen to those you may not like?In this Bible study, we will consider many interesting and sometimes unexpected oracles God has employed to convey His will to men. Let us be humble enough to not be picky about who God speaks to us through. I conclude this Bible study by pointing out a sobering reality: The entire Israel-first movement of the past century exists and flourishes because of one primary reason. Tens of millions of evangelicals will not humble themselves to listen to the message of those branded "anti-Semitic." I ask the question: If God would speak through a donkey, shouldn't such evangelicals at least be a little open to listen to what Rev. Ted Pike and the National Prayer Network are burdened to tell them?
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6-6-12 Choosing the Right Fights as Christian Activists
We only have one life to live as Christian/conservative activists. Yet there are many worthy causes and many threatening evils demanding our attention and energy. How do we know which are the most important expenditures of our limited resources? How do we know which fights or causes God is leading us into?If we do not answer these questions intelligently and spiritually, we will be condemned to end our days having not changed history appreciably, having not significantly held back evil, and certainly not having done as much good as we had hoped. In fact, by acting ineffectively, we may have made it more possible for evil to advance.In this Bible study we will consider guidelines from Scripture, logic, and experience which I hope will help you see more clearly God's will for your unique contribution in the battle for faith and freedom.These guidelines are not limited to helping you decide which national or international evil to combat. They apply just as much when deciding whether to enter into controversy in your church, community, or even with a family member or friend about whom you are concerned because of sin or even error.
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5-31-12 Judaism's and Islam's Futile Efforts to Please God through Works
One criteria of truth is workability. Any religion that requires its adherents to pay the penalty for sin through good works is an unworkable religion.The weaknesses, errors, temptations, fears and doubts having to do with moral issues are simply too numerous to be adequately covered by good works. Good works quickly fail to either give us lasting peace of mind or convincingly make us compatible with a holy God after death.In this Bible study I explain the basic premises of Christianity versus Judaism and Islam. By the end I hope you will see clearly that the only true religion is one which lets the Author of this experiment called life, Jesus, be the One who lifts off our weary, heavy-laden shoulders the burden of being good. There is only one religion that gives one the pure motives and love of God that make pleasing Him the great joy and instinct of life.That religion is Christianity.
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5-24-12 How Pride Destroys Marriages
Many marriages, soon after the honeymoon, gradually become largely dysfunctional as pride and wounded pride assert themselves. Pride considers self sacred, a little god within. One of the blessings of marriage is receiving intelligent constructive criticism from your spouse. However, the ego is insulted at being corrected. It bears with such indignity only so long, starting a list of ways it has been "hurt." Despite attempts at being reasonable and broad-minded, wounded pride lashes out with its own now extensive list of criticisms.It takes little imagination to see how having one's pride wounded, and in turn wounding the pride of one's spouse, turns the idealism and romance of marriage into a battlefield. As the battle of wounded egos intensifies, turning even into hatred, strife and the likelihood of extramarital affairs greatly increase.In this Bible study, we explain pride and its many manifestations. We also show how to conquer it through death to self-will and the power of Jesus' blood.
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5-21-12 The Grudge
The 'little" grudge starts for a big reason: The ego, or self-will, of a fleshly person is as big as the universe and sits on the throne of his life. He wants others to defer to his opinion as valid and refrain from any judgment of his character or motives. But sometimes his good opinion of himself is challenged through criticism. His pride is affronted. His goodness, motives, honor, etc. are doubted. As a result, this person is "deeply hurt."The person nursing a grudge wants the one who hurt him to apologize, preferably grovel in doing so. He wants the one who "attacked" him to admit how unjustly he behaved. If he can't get this much, he may be satisfied to split the blame. The other person absolutely cannot be entirely right and he entirely wrong. Often, the aggrieved party cannot obtain such satisfaction. The wounding thorn is now burrowing deeper and deeper beneath his skin, and he may well allow it to stay there for a lifetime — or even for eternity.In this Bible study we discuss the warnings of Scripture against grudge-holding, the many facets of a grudge, and how through total consecration to Christ we can conquer a grudge. Or never get one in the first place.
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5-14-12 Replacement Theology: Easy Target for Zionists
A minority of Christian thinkers and activists has watched helplessly for a century as a spiritually lawless and geopolitically dangerous nation of Christ-rejecting Jews has risen to power over the Mideast and the western world. The fuel for Zionism’s meteoric rise is almost entirely the aura of chosenness and divine protection mistakenly drawn from the Bible.Many frustrated Christians, watching this happen, are attracted to a seemingly perfect solution: to persuade the church and society that God is now done with the Jewish people. They say the Bible once encouraged the “chosen people” mystique, but now the physical chosenness of Jews has been replaced with spiritual chosenness of both Jew and Gentile. All who trust Jesus are now just as much “God’s chosen people” as were the Jews. Galatians 3 is quoted as proving God’s “replacement of Jews with Christians of all races” (Gal. 3:7-10, 14, 29).

“those who are of faith… are the sons of Abraham” (v. 7) “… blessed is Abraham, the believer” (v. 9) so that “in Christ Jesus the blessing of Abraham might come to the Gentiles…” (v. 14) “And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's offspring, heirs according to the promise.” (v 29)
Galatians indeed seems to present the perfect way to replace a very destructive, civilization-destroying cult of Jew worship with one that is broad, wholesome, truly spiritual and Christ-exalting. But is replacement theology really taught by the Bible?In this Bible study message I read aloud my article "Replacement Theology: Easy Target for Zionists."
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5-7-12 God Allows Spiritual "Wilderness Experiences" for Those He Loves
Scripture tells us that whomever the Lord loves He chastens, even "whips everyone whom He receives." He is entitled to reprove us for sins and errors as they occur. But He can also make tough, resourceful, patient Christian soldiers by requiring us to spend long periods of our lives in a spiritual "wilderness experience."Scripture contains many examples of Him doing that to those He especially loved. I hope it will fortify you,if you are going through such a trial as a Christian, to know that it is because He also loves you. If you are not, I hope this Bible study will gird and prepare you for what God may allow in the future.
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5-3-12 Abiding in Christ amid Life's Great Reversals
To abide in Christ means that, despite the hardships we are in, we acknowledge completely and enthusiastically His goodness and plan for our lives. We reject any opinion that God has treated us poorly. Although, as with Jeremiah, it mayseem that He has "led us into darkness and not into light," if we have been trusting Him we know beyond any doubt that He has been working His higher purposes through our sufferings. He has been working all things together for good.God simply has the right, as with Job, to allow inexplicable things to happen to Christians. It is sometimes difficult, if not impossible, to see the sense in sicknesses, persecutions, and disasters God allows (except by saying such has greatly increased our faith). Yet, if we remove ourselves very far from present circumstances, we usually see that, although short term God may seem to have forsaken us, over the span of a lifetime those who suffer as Christians receive a wide range of blessings not enjoyed by sinners. These include spiritual enlightenment, protection from sin and evil in our hearts, often godliness in family and children, basic happiness, and peace of soul. In times when most are deluded, with families torn apart by sin and immorality, such blessings are major deliverances, with eternal reward.Yet God often gives His saints such great blessings in such a quiet peripheral way that it is easy to miss the obvious: He is indeed answering our prayers, maybe not as we might like in our present dilemma but certainly where it matters most, spiritually and, of course, eternally.
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4-30-12 The Mystique of Fasting
To many people, there is nothing as pointless as prayer. Prayer is a waste of time. Yet the Bible affirms that man, though blessed with intellectual and physical powers of self-determination, was never meant to go it alone. Life is intended as the beginning, a partnership involving intimate communication with our Creator that will last forever.Prayer is concern directed toward God. The strongest prayer is that which Scripture calls "the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous man" which "availeth much" (James 5:16). What is this fervent prayer that can deliver others from slavery to sin and even affect the destinies of nations? It is prayer that says to God: "I am willing to suffer so that the desire You have laid on my heart be accomplished."This leads into a different dimension of prayer: fasting. "Prayer and fasting" are regarded by Scripture as mighty in their power to deliver. Prayer and fasting are a spiritual powerhouse which, paradoxically, necessitates the exact opposite of human strength and productivity: the shrinking and weakening of the intercessor's ability to take physical action.Most people think of a fast as going without food. Yet a deeper, more powerful form of fasting is suffering assault from demons and men as a result of doing God's perfect will. When we show ourselves willing to pay a heavy price that truth and the Gospel go forth, God has enormous respect for us. In response, He unleashes spiritual power.In this Bible study, we will show from Scripture that the principle of fasting, being weakened and deprived in order to obtain spiritual victory, is powerfully endorsed throughout the Bible and vital to preserving Christianity in every age.
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4-16-12 What's Wrong With Christian Reconstructionism?
As the world becomes more immoral and lawless, we see in all the major religions — Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, a strong tendency to believe that there is safety in religious law. Even within evangelical Christianity (in the conservative right) the response of many sincere Christians to liberalism, corruption by the media, and immorality, is to believe that the legalistic aspects of the Bible, particularly the Old Testament law, are a God-ordained place of security. The law, they say, represents God’s instructions to Christians. Such applies not only to raising godly families but also toward renewing, or reconstructing society in anticipation of the return of Christ.In this Bible study I’ll consider Christian Reconstructionism, a fast growing ideology in the American religious right. Like Seventh-Day Adventism, it attempts to bring Christians back into observance of Old Testament law.
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4-11-12 Joseph and Jacob as Symbols of Christ
Very much has been said by Bible expositors about the incredible similarities between Joseph and Jesus Christ. Yet Jacob, his father, has not enjoyed such esteem. Instead, Jacob is viewed as the trickster who lied and cheated in order to obtain his older brother’s birthright. It is stated that, as a result, God condemned him to a lifetime of hardship.No appraisal of Jacob could be more wrong. Jacob was every bit the pattern of Jesus as Joseph, yet in a very different way. Be sure to listen to this captivating Bible study. Find out how that Jacob, “a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief” because of his willingness to suffer in order that others might be saved, was perhaps an even greater archetype of Christ than Joseph.
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4-10-12 A Simple Explanation of Scofield Dispensationalism
Many in the alternative anti-Zionist right are familiar with Scofield dispensationalism, an evangelical ideology legitimizing the state of Israel. But few really understand how Scofield, through his doctrine that God’s ethical standards change in every “dispensation,” made possible the biblically unlawful return of a nation of Christ-rejecting Jews to Palestine.In this Bible study we consider how pro-Zionist dispensationalism a hundred years ago united with the pre-tribulation “rapture” craze to create the modern American “Israel-first” movement.
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4-5-12 How the True Christian Delivers Society: Part 2
In one of my latest e-alerts exposing ABC's Good Christian Bitches, I said that, even though we may not be able to vanquish evil in government or the media, we can deepen ourselves and others spiritually. Such sanctification of ourselves before God is very powerful. The Bible records, in many places, that when only one person or a small remnant were faithful to Him, He delayed judgment on the whole nation. I believe that possibility is just as real today.In this sequel, we will continue to explore the Biblical record of such redemption by a consecrated minority.
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4-3-12 How the True Christian Delivers Society: Part 1
The Bible tells us that God has very great respect for righteous men and women — for those, who like God Himself, are acutely concerned for the salvation of others. His respect is so great that Scripture includes numerous examples of how He preserved individuals and even nations from judgment out of respect for a few or even one righteous person.This is very relevant to us today. We tend to think that, without sufficient numbers, it is impossible to save America. Yet God has always preferred to bring deliverance through the few, so that man might not boast. What is even more important today than political reform is the moral transformation of the few, the spiritual deepening that creates advocacy with God. If America, like ancient Israel, possesses a significant remnant of faith, the Bible tells us that God will defer final judgment.In these two Bible studies we consider the many Scriptural precedents that give us such hope.
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3-28-12 Twisted Verses Give Zionists Phony Rights to Palestine
It is incredible how shaky and contrived are the supposed "biblical" foundations of both Calvinism and its offspring, Christian Zionism. Join us as we theologically bulldoze over the flim flam that upholds Israel-first evangelical belief that a nation of Christ-rejecting Jews have God's blessing to occupy His holy land.
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3-26-12 How Compromise and Silence Corrupt
Compromise and silence before evil are extremely corrupting. Quietly, steadily they rot the soul. Often, the compromiser can't find his way back to God.Compromise and silence begin with giving permission to ourselves, just this once, to take the safe, rather than truthful, way. We say, "I know it's not God's perfect will, yet it's so hard doing the truthful but controversial, reproach-filled thing. I will just throw myself oYet God and the Holy Spirit are wounded by our treachery. They are offended that we have let them down when they so desperately needed us to shine the light in darkness and hold back Anti-Christ. As a result, with every compromise, every deliberate choice to be silent, we grieve the Holy Spirit. He can stop drawing us to God. God loses respect for us and eventually doesn't want us in heaven. Rather than hearing, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant," we will be among those told by Jesus, "I never knew you…whoever denies Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father who is in heaven."In this Bible study we'll discuss how the light of truth dims and goes out in people and nations. In particular, we'll consider Eli, ineffectual high priest, as his story relates to failure of leadership of the religious right to effectively oppose "Good Christian Bitches."
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3-18-12 How Good Results From Fear of God
There is a widespread tendency, even in evangelical churches, to believe that teaching a vivid fear of God in children, particularly a fear of hell, is not only medieval but guilt engendering. Some even assert it can permanently damage a child's personality. It is commonly believed that such fear is not necessary to make any young person into a good Christian.A much more "constructive" approach is now more widely taught: God is love, the ultimate quintessence of forbearing, unconditional love. Many evangelicals now believe that children, immersed in that awareness, will be much more likely to come toward God, a friendly, accepting God. They will be much more inclined to grow up free of guilt and anxiety.It is true that I can think of nothing more terrifying than fearing an angry, capricious God who does not reveal to us His requirements to please Him. Fortunately, we serve a Creator who has very clearly and abundantly showed us through Scripture what He considers right and wrong. Such are requirements we can satisfy. He is also a God who, if we repent and trust Him as a little child, will send His Holy Spirit to precisely guide us into ways that are pleasing to Him.In this Bible study we consider from the book of Proverbs many ways in which the Christian's fear of God is coherent and constructive, of great tangible benefit to us.
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3-12-12 Pragmatic Christianity vs. Christianity by Faith
Recently a minister wrote to me describing how he has written a 400+ page book on prayer which he says previewers describe as more powerful than any yet written. His dilemma is this: while recommending ways to get prayer answered, God is not answering his own prayers for deliverance from overwhelming problems. He feels he cannot publicly promote his book until the final chapter—his own deliverance, is written.I pray for this earnest and worthy saint and request you do also. Yet I told him that I did not believe that our prayers must be answered in the way we wish before we can publicly advocate for the workability of prayer. Yes, the book-buying public would like to see confirmation that this pastor's suggestions work, i.e. the physician should be able to heal himself.Yet that is not a reasonable or biblical request. Faith is inherently blind, not upheld by the pragmatic criteria of the world, which says, "Does it work?" Faith is sustained by God's requirement that we trust Him, "having not seen," knowing that He will be faithful to translate and fulfill our needs and concerns in the way He deems best.In this Bible study, we will consider what our expectations of prayer should and should not be. Are we a "pragmatic Christian" or one who is willing to live by blind faith alone?
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3-7-12 What is the Foolishness of Preaching?
It was my greatest hope that my public testimony of Alynn's six-year ordeal under demonic attack would shake my many secular followers worldwide. I hoped it would cause them to radically rethink their worldview and come to Christ. God only knows how successful I was. In the many emails of condolence I received, I paid particular attention to responses by such secularists. Although very sympathetic, they made it clear they were not going to be confused by the facts I presented.When I was about nine years old, I first encountered Jesus' statement that even if one rose from the dead and testified of having been in a fiery hell sinners would not believe.I found this hard to accept. Surely, I thought, people would respond to reason and see the reality of hell, something that could no longer be denied.Yet experience has repeatedly confirmed the accuracy of Jesus' words. In the face of staggering evidence for the existence of the Great Designer, most do not believe — at least not to the point of repentance, trust in, and total allegiance to their Creator.What is the reason for this incredible disconnect between what is true and what we want to believe? What can God, and we, do to bring truth and deliverance to such darkened souls?In this Bible study, we will consider the reasons for man's spiritual blindness and the primary method of God's deliverance: "the foolishness of preaching."
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2-29-12 Spiritual Blindness
Eighty-five percent of evangelical teens and 20-year-olds can't figure out how God relates to their careers, particularly in the arts and sciences. Such realms are loaded with evidence of God's handiwork. These young people are spiritually blind. How do people become so blind with Bibles on their shelves and the glories of God's creation surrounding them?In this Bible study we will discuss how such blindness comes from rejection of the blind faith Christ requires for salvation and enlightenment. We will consider how our insistence that we "see" clearly how we can best chart our lives in a practical way, excluding the Holy Spirit, actually leads us into darkness and the ditch of sin.
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2-27-12 Is Christianity Hard?
It is common to hear that the way of sin and compromise is easy but Christianity is hard. Yet Proverbs 13:15 says "the way of the transgressor is hard." In contrast, Jesus said "My yoke is easy and my burden is light."What does the Bible mean by terms such as hard vs. easy and light vs. heavy?In this Bible study we will consider from a spiritual perspective the levels of difficulty in living the Christian life in contrast to the way of sin.
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2-21-12 Needed: Christians at War
One of the healthiest mindsets of the true Christian is that he knows he is at war—primarily against Satanic principalities and powers and sin in the human heart but also against the anti-Christ forces today (primarily preceding from Jewish supremacism) which intend to end Christianity and freedom.Yet the concept of the "Christian soldier marching on to war" is embarrassingly out of date for most evangelicals today. Christianity for them is a religion of nurture and compassion to a hurting world—a "hospital ship," not the Satan-damaging "battleship" of the Book of Acts.In this Bible study, we revisit and explore the nearly forgotten biblical concept of the Christian as a warrior.
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2-20-12 What is Peace That Passes Understanding?
We live in a world today of anxieties and sorrows that are globally interconnected. Most sincere people believe that the economic instability, injustice, and threat of war on the other side of the plant vitally concern them. All this anxiety, brought to us vividly everyday, takes a heavy toll on our peace of mind. Many long for a quieter existence, such as prevailed in rural America a century ago.Many also yearn for a peace that goes deeper than the mind — peace of soul.The Bible describes such peace. It says that God can give us "the peace that passes understanding" — a peace that "keeps our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus" (Phil. 4:7).In this Bible study we will consider such peace and how anyone can obtain it.
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2-15-12 "Mother of Harlots" — In Old Testament and New
One of the most remarkable blindnesses that has ever obscured the vision of the church concerns the true identity of Babylon the Great, the great system of world control described in Revelation 17. The Old Testament clearly says in hundreds of passages that apostate Israel is the archetypal spiritual whore, the "mother" of spiritual whoredom.Yet this testimony remains hidden from the church.In this Bible study I reacquaint listeners with the broad foundation of teaching in the Old Testament identifying Israel as a harlot. This is vital because today from the pulpits these passages are virtually never read with emphasis upon their application to modern Judaism. As a result, God's efforts to warn His church of Israel's true identity, and the danger she represents, is missing in the minds of most Christians.I also refresh our listeners with concise arguments proving Israel is the great harlot — arguments found in my article "'Babylon the Great' is Israel."
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2-13-12 Unmentionable Verses in the Bible
In Revelation 22:19, it says "And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life..."There are more ways to cut out passages we don't like from scripture than simply taking scissors to a Bible. A first characteristic of a cult of Christianity is that it emphasizes only those passages which seem to uphold its errors, while omitting emphasis or even mention of those which do not. Authentic Christianity, however, confidently teaches from every verse.In this Bible study we consider those verses which the major cults of Christianity cut out of the Bible through giving them no emphasis. This is not to de-Christianize those who trust in Jesus within those systems. I hope, however, this Bible study will provide a wake-up call to such Christians that their souls, and the souls of their children, are in danger. It is very risky to continue to participate in a church system that is not teaching the whole Bible.
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2-7-12 What is a Cult?
As Christians head into persecution in the years ahead, every believer should realize that, in addition to being smeared as an intolerant hater, homophobe, domestic terrorist, and anti-Semite, he and the possibly small group of Christians with whom he worships will be called a cult. Words are powerful weapons to arouse all kinds of negative associations in unstable humanity. Two thousand years ago the lawyer prosecuting St. Paul claimed he was the ringleader of the "sect of the Nazarenes."Today, if someone wants to indict the true Christian, there is a long list of terms which media, society, and even the church have taught us apply to "bigoted" elements of society. "Harsh, judgmental, hurtful, intolerant, etc." are examples. If you have opted out of mega-church attendance and instead gather in a small Bible study, beware! Cult-watch groups warn that one of the first characteristics of a cult is that it consists of a small group which does not submit its strange and esoteric teachings to the healthy review which comes from being part of a large church.With the possibility in mind that, even now, those who gather in small groups to listen to these Bible studies may be maliciously labeled cults, we will attempt in this lesson to define what a cult is and is not.
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2-2-12 What is the Reason for Ambiguity in Scripture?
As Alynn and I were experiencing a six-year infestation by demons, I was very aware that, to my knowledge, nothing of this magnitude had happened to consecrated Christians in the history of the church. Of course, I knew that in the Bible, God allowed bizarre fasts and intercessions to be inflicted on His prophets. And in the New Testament, what could be stranger than the Father allowing Lucifer to carry Jesus to the heights of the temple and mountains in the crook of his arm? But I knew that what Alynn and I were battling everyday was so ambiguous, so unprecedented, that it went without saying that outside of our group and close friends it should forever be hidden.Yet God had other plans. Although my first response upon hearing of Alynn's death by apparent suicide was to keep her death as quiet as possible, the Holy Spirit began to convince me that I should not fear the bizarre enigmatic dynamics of her story. Instead, I should go to the opposite extreme and set it as high as I could upon the worldwide web and trumpet it to mankind! The world, including the pro-Zionist and apathetic church, should know how real demons are and how intent they are in these last days to delude not only sinners but God's very elect.God showed me not to be afraid of the ambiguity, the seeming inconsistency and lack of resolution in Alynn's story. I was reminded that often in Scripture God actually created problematic lives, actions, characters, and statements in order to stimulate discussion and controversy. After all, is not life all about the earnest consideration of unresolved, often puzzling issues, requiring us to make our best decision for truth?God is not afraid of bringing to us radically different and sometimes strange ideas. Who says He is bound to repeat things He has done before? What He wants is for us to look up to Him and His Holy Spirit, not horizontally to human opinion or precedent, as we attempt to know what is real.In this Bible study, we will consider the question: What is the reason for ambiguities—those that are incomplete, unclear, unresolved, even troubling in Scripture?
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1-24-12 Can "Luv" Replace the Threat of Hell in Christianity?
Today there is little loyalty among evangelical youth to Christianity. Almost 90 percent leave the church after high school graduation. Among outstanding reasons for such alienation include:
  — Lack of courageous church leadership with a proven record of standing of God's truth regardless of consequences.   — Youth are much more loyal to their own career plans - especially if career includes a substitute idealism for Christianity.   — Secularism is thrust upon youth as never before - encouraging doubt of Christianity at an early age.   — Sexual immorality is already engaged in by the majority of evangelical youth.
Yet one of the most compelling reasons evangelical youth have no loyalty to Christianity is because they have no fear of God. They have never been persuaded to fear an eternity in hell.In this bible study we'll discuss how threat of punishment is necessary, not only to make Christianity work, but life itself.
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1-16-12 Could an Exorcist have saved Alynn Pike's Life?
With news of Alynn's death now known by countless numbers worldwide, concerned Christians have written to ask why I did not bring an exorcist to Alynn, ending her victimization by demons.I have added to my article at (link) describing our experience in which I express my belief that this attack was demonic opposition because of our resistance to Jewish supremacism. Countless times we asked God for deliverance for Alynn, well aware that if I stopped speaking out against Zionism the demons would undoubtedly stop afflicting her. However, the Holy Spirit made it clear that God wanted us to continue this fight. Read More…
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1-12-12 Both Old and New Testaments Describe Satanic World Commercial Empire
My article describing Alynn's death at the hand of demonic forces has now been read by tens of thousands. (See Ted Pike: My Wife Died a Martyr for God and Freedom). In this Bible study, we consider demonic empowerment on two levels. First, I will read my latest article "Demonic Attacks on Alynn Pike Lead to Deeper Questions."Second, I will discuss how both the Old and New Testaments describe Satan's goal in this world to be establishment of a global commercial empire headed by Lucifer himself. This could happen in our lifetimes.There is marvelous agreement within the entire Bible on matters of Bible prophesy and the symbols God uses to convey prophetic truth. It is important that Christians appreciate this unity and the rich tapestry of symbolism with which Scripture speaks to God's saints in every age. These scriptures were given to us as guidance and warning. It is important that we be very familiar with them.
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1-9-12 How Sanctification is Both Instantaneous and Progressive
The essence of God's plan of salvation is that rebellious men in an instant of time may through repentance and trust in God be brought into complete harmony with their Creator. They may, through such death to self-will experience what has been called "entire sanctification." This truth is unlike the teaching of some religions, which put us on a path toward eventual unity with God.Yet every person who has turned from sin to Christ and become spiritually sensitized grows aware of ways in which he or she seems to fall short of the righteousness of God. In this Bible study we will discuss how our sanctification is both instantaneous and progressive.
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12-15-11 Suffering May Perfect God's Plan for Your Life
I have written two recent articles at warning that increasing enforcement of the U.S. Federal Hate Crimes law has a very high potential of leading to more and yet more indictments against Christians and conservatives. We could be headed in the direction of organized government persecution of dissenters, such as exists in Canada. Are you as a Christian emotionally and spiritually ready to face persecution? I am not being unnecessarily gloomy in asking that question. The Bible clearly states that we as believers should gird ourselves to suffer in the flesh. It says all who live godly shall suffer persecution. Jesus said, "In the world you shall have tribulation."
In this Bible study we will consider ways, if persecution comes, we may not only be strong and ready to meet it; but we will rejoice as did the apostles that we are spiritually perfected and found worthy to suffer for Christ's name.
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12-8-11 The Christian is Finished Only When God Says So
Many great saints were so weary and tested by attacks upon them that they feared God's work through them was over. Yet God revived them, sometimes to do even greater works of righteousness. Through their dogged faith and tenacity He was empowered to show forth His mighty power to save.You also may feel weary, perhaps feeling God has forgotten you - that He is finished with any great plan for your life.In this Bible study, we revisit a number of Biblical saints who felt the same emotions. Yet God had not forgotten them. In time, He brought deliverance and renewal. The same can happen to every saint who continues to hope and trust in Him.
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12-5-11 What is our True Identity as Christians?
Who are we before God? In our flesh, we largely are defined by the things we do. But this is not the Christian's true identity. He is one who trusts God blindly before all other considerations. Jesus said the Christian's faith is "the mighty work of God." Other "good" things may be stripped away. We may experience imprisonment, paralysis, severe illness, etc. when we can't do "good" things. During those times of deprivation Satan will be ready to accuse. "If you were what you should be, you would do good works, as James commands, uniting your faith with works." Jesus, however, blunts Satan's ability to accuse. Jesus says only one thing defines how we please God and so defines our identity: Do we trust and obey Him daily without rebellion?In this Bible study, we discuss how we can trust God even if all other good things are stripped away. We can have a complete and valid identity under all circumstances. It is vital every Christian understands that under every limitation and distress we have validity by sincere faith and are always considered a success by God.
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11-28-11 What are the Pharaohs in Your Life?
When God commanded Moses to defy Pharaoh, ruler of the most powerful nation on earth, Moses considered himself least qualified. He was wanted for murder and had been a fugitive shepherd in the wilderness of Sinai for 40 years. Yet he was also extremely inarticulate, so "slow of speech" as to be an embarrassment even to common people. How could he then go before the "son king" and credibly demand release of a nation of captive Hebrews?God proved more than able to compensate for Moses' weaknesses. There is no moment of history that compares in sheer drama and power to the period of the Exodus, when almighty God and one feeble man shook Egypt and set the captives free.What is the pharaoh in your life? What is the obstacle or obstacles that seem unchallengeable to you?In this Bible study we will consider the many pharaohs that resist us, both within and without. We will dramatize how God has and will continue to "make a way where there is no way" for those who trust and obey Him.
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11-21-11 How Much Confidence Can Christians Place in Leaders?
As America moves toward a Presidential election, Christian/conservatives are assessing whom they might support in the decisive election next year. Of course, it is taken for granted by thinking people that the candidates chosen for us, largely by the Zionist-dominated political establishment, will fall far below what we could wish — far below the kind of leadership that might save America. Instead, as is usually the case, we may have to choose the lesser of evils.Yet at every level of society and life, there are those who may ask of us that we put our confidence in them. A young man asks this of the girl he wants to marry. A father expects the same of his children. A pastor requires such confidence from his congregation.Yet it was said of Jesus that he didn’t believe in the multitude who believed in him, “for he knew what was in man.”Confidence in a leader is not considered evil by Scripture as long as that leader possesses a demonstrated record which justifies such trust. In this Bible study, we’ll discuss some of the qualities which every leader at every level must possess if we are to safely put our confidence in them and not be led astray.
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11-14-11 God Gives Special Grace to His Cracked Vessels: Part 2
Previously we discussed how God gave special consideration to "flawed" Peter over "perfect" Nathaniel. This speaks of God's grace for those of us, like Peter, who are imperfect in mind, body, background, etc.Often, sincere Christians are plagued with guilt that their flaws and weaknesses are sin. They are not sin — unless we give up attempting to transcend them and, in rebellion to the known will of God, do what we clearly know is contrary to His will.In this Bible study, I analyze the many varieties of "cracks" in our earthen vessels. Such infirmities, which we did not ask for, are meant to a large degree to be put upon Christ's cross. God, in fact, has deigned to be glorified by such weakness — so that our boast might not be of ourselves, but in Christ alone.
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11-10-11 God Gives Special Grace to His Cracked Vessels: Part 1
Jesus described one of his disciples, Nathaniel, as "a man in whom there is no guile." Nathaniel is mentioned six times in the New Testament. In contrast, Jesus bore with and even reproved Peter repeatedly — a disciple characterized by passion for Christ, yet of an impetuous, man-fearing, non-theological nature. He is mentioned 163 times. This underscores that God has a special interest — and patience in using and bringing out the best in flawed, cracked human vessels into which He pours the Water of life.In this first of two parts, we give encouragement to those of us whose very weaknesses serve to magnify the power of God to save.
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11-7-11 When to Turn the Cheek and When to Fight
(Should Ted Pike have remained silent to Farah's libel?)Over the past few weeks I have been led to respond to Defamation of my character by World Net Daily CEO and editor Joseph Farah. He publicly called me "a liar and anti-Semite." I have challenged him to document his charges. He won't.Public response to my request has been overwhelmingly favorable. However, there is an opinion among some Christians which says that in cases like this I should remain silent, preferring to be wronged. Or, I should entreat Farah privately.In this Bible study, we will review what the New Testament teaches about the Christian's duty, or lack of it, to resist evil. When should we pull back and when should we do battle?
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11-3-11 The Satanic Storm: Part 2
In our previous Bible study, we saw how Christ in the garden gave Himself and His disciples to Satan's temporary captivity. Jesus knew His own power to eventually deliver Himself and His followers from any hint of satanic dominion. In this Bible study, we consider my suggestion that this New Testament pattern of defeat—yet ultimate deliverance through Christ, suggests a much broader scenario: the whole course of events to the end of the church age also reveals a scattering of the church's power, but eventual rescue by Christ and His second coming.Largely as a result of present deception of the church by Babylon the Great (Zionist world control) (See 'Babylon the Great' is Israel), as well as a "great falling away," the church, like the disciples will be ruthlessly weakened, hiding out for fear of the Jews. They will be hiding out "for fear of the Jews." The world also will become so corrupted that Satan will literally occupy and rule it through the anti-Christ.Yet in spite of such utter degeneracy and hopelessness, Christ appears in the heavens, judging wickedness, redeeming His church, and reinvigorating the world with truth and hope for a thousand years.This reminds us that Christ can use all things, including Satanic onslaughts that may last for days—or through the ages—to focus all mankind on the fact that He is the Deliverer. He is the only hope of people, families, churches, and nations—the only one with unlimited power to save.
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10-30-11 The Satanic Storm: Part 1
There exists such a thing as demonic onslaught upon believers of a magnitude well above what Christians normally experience. It is usually satanic response to attack by the saints against strongholds of evil.One of the great objectives of Truthtellers' Bible studies is to thoroughly prepare Christian warriors, both now and in generations to come, to effectively wage spiritual warfare and survive. Every intercessor must be fully aware of the incredible power of Satan to hit back, attempting to disorient and weaken us. In this Bible study, we consider examples of satanic storms which Biblical saints endured. They emerged from such turbulence all the stronger — so can you.
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10-20-11 Going Down for Others to be Exalted in God's Plan
Logic says those who work should be rewarded, yet in this Bible study we discuss how in the spiritual realm God often requires that some pay a heavy price for the furtherance of other saints. A primary example is John the Baptist who was predestined to decline before Christ, even losing his head. Jacob and Rebecca also went down in shame that lasts to this day in order to preserve the birthright. Joseph went down to slavery in Egypt to provide deliverance of his brethren as well as humanity during world famine. Moses went down from possible rulership of Egypt to become a shepherd in Sinai for 40 years. Christ is the ultimate example of going down in order that others may be exalted to salvation and heaven.The intercessor's concern and willingness to suffer for that concern may last for a lifetime. I believe such spiritual power continues to be appropriated by God even after the intercessor has died, as God remembers his lifetime of price-paying.
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10-17-11 God Revives the Weary
This is a time of unprecedented stress for those striving to save civilization. Yet God is known throughout Scripture as the One who revives the weary. As He has been faithful in the past to give renewed strength to His embattled Christian soldiers, so He can be depended upon to do the same today. Oppressive as the times may be, there is never any reason for the Christian warrior to become overly depressed or, even worse, experience a "burnout" in which he simply can no longer face opposition from anti-Christ forces.In this Bible study, I read and discuss a number of Biblical examples of how God revived His greatest saints. Such give hope to us that, weary as we may be, God will be faithful to revive us - to make a way of escape that we may be able to keep fighting.
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10-4-11 Tactics of Satan to Tempt and Oppose Christians (Part 3)
In this third of our series on how Satan tempts the Christian, we consider how Calvinism and Catholicism deal with Satanic attack. In both systems, because sin is largely considered normal and inevitable, being accused of sin by Satan does not unduly trouble Calvinist and Catholic believers. The Calvinist remains "eternally secure" while the Catholic's sin is covered by confession and being part of Christ's body, the true church.We also discuss at length how a very different interpretation of Christianity, Wesleyanism (Quakers and Methodists) went to the other extreme, correctly demanding total abdication to Christ in order to be saved yet tragically never fully understanding the believer's right to rest completely in Christ through childlike trust.Conclusion of Series: Spiritual RestWe conclude by clearly explaining how authentic Christianity boldly teaches both death to self-will and also power to know with certainty that God cannot be angry with or condemn those who trust and obey Him to the best of their ability, hanging upon His mercy.
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9-28-11 Tactics of Satan to Tempt and Oppose Christians (Part 2)
Most people in Western nations believe that, for all practical purposes, our own energies and intelligence, as well as the forces of nature, determine what is real and what happens. Although many believe in an intelligent God, or first cause of some kind, most do not actively live and act as if there exist invisible beings influencing us.Yet the Bible says that since primordial ages unceasing war between intelligent forces of good and evil has been going on in the invisible realm — and it's very much about us. Angels and demons exist in the most intense competition for our souls — doing their best to persuade us to inhabit either heaven or hell with them for eternity. In this first of a two part series, we will consider strategies whereby satanic forces attempt to turn us away from God and His truth and instead believe satanic falsehoods leading to damnation.
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9-25-11 Tactics of Satan to Tempt and Oppose Christians (Part 1)
Most people in Western nations believe that, for all practical purposes, our own energies and intelligence, as well as the forces of nature, determine what is real and what happens. Although many believe in an intelligent God, or first cause of some kind, most do not actively live and act as if there exist invisible beings influencing us.Yet the Bible says that since primordial ages unceasing war between intelligent forces of good and evil has been going on in the invisible realm — and it's very much about us. Angels and demons exist in the most intense competition for our souls — doing their best to persuade us to inhabit either heaven or hell with them for eternity. In this first of a series, we will consider strategies whereby satanic forces attempt to turn us away from God and His truth and instead believe satanic falsehoods leading to damnation.
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9-19-11 How to Make Evangelicals a Fighting Force for Freedom
This Bible study is a much more extensive equivalent to my alert to be released on Monday evening, September 19th, under the same title. In this session I discuss how and why the church has let evil, particularly Jewish Supremacist control of government, media, finance, education, etc. overrun America. I lay the blame largely upon an evangelical pulpit which "for fear of the Jews," but also fear of its increasingly immature and carnal congregations, has not spoken the whole truth or backed up the truth with action.Yet, as I say in tonight's e-alert, "Anti-Zionist Evangelicals Flocking to", thousands of evangelicals are coming to the spiritually and politically empowering message of This gives me great hope that a "Gideon's band" of evangelicals may yet arise, both to hold back apostasy and Zionist control, but to successfully entreat God to delay ascent of Babylon the Great, allowing at least another generation to live in peace and freedom.
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9-13-11 Counterfeits of God's Ethics
In the previous two Bible studies on God's ethics, we saw how Christians can consider any story from the Bible, no matter how bizarre, and discover higher divine ethical purposes — purposes that work toward good and God's agenda of love and justice. We do not have to impose upon such stories incredible rationalizations, saying, "God's ways are above reason." Instead, God gives enough toehold of explanation and coherence to reveal one great truth: that God is above even the laws He has created for man and that He is working all things together for good for those who trust and obey Him.In this Bible study, we consider how man-devised religious systems of "Christianity" invent preposterous, unworkable doctrines and claim such doctrines reveal God's higher ways. Despite being without reason or commonsense, they claim such ideas have come down from God and are beyond criticism. Of course, a skeptical world correctly concludes such is nonsense and, tragically, discredits Christianity at large.But that is not true of stories related in the Bible. They not only oriented believers when they happened but continue to provide incredible depths of guidance, perspective, and inspiration to Christians today.
Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 87min., 20mb)


9-8-11 PART 2: Understanding God's Ethics: How His Values Are Different from Man's
To understand the Bible, particularly the Old Testament, the Christian must appreciate that God has a long-range purpose in all that He does. Such may conflict with the short-term, man-oriented values and morality we consider just and good; yet, if we humble ourselves to see His higher way, He has promised to "lead us into all truth."In this Bible study, I continue to explore a wide variety of examples from Scripture in which God's ways conflict with man's. For example, I discuss the Old Testament's strict requirement of oath keeping, as in the story of Jephthah's vow (Judges 11:29-40). I also consider Christ's requirement that the married never remarry except in the case of adultery by their spouse.Do you have trouble understanding these and other of the baffling examples of God's ethics? Listen to this Bible study with your friends and family; and, as you seek His will alone, He will open your eyes.
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8-29-11 PART 1: Understanding God's Ethics: How His Values Are Different from Man's
In this first in a series, I explore the many ways that God's values and prerogatives transcend ours. The least we should expect of a Being who has existed from eternal past time and created the universe from nothing is that His ways and thoughts are higher than man's.In this Bible study, I believe I go a long way toward explaining some of the "baffling" aspects in the Bible where, for the greater purpose of love, God seems to be breaking His own laws.
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8-25-11 White Christians Persecuted Under Black Supremacists in Africa
White separatists believe that exclusively white and black societies on different continents are the only ultimate solution to the race problem. Such will be made possible, they predict, by willing immigration of all blacks, especially in North America and Europe, to Africa. The result will be happy, fulfilled cultures for both blacks and whites — but in different regions of the world. (See my latest article: "Ted Pike's Reply to David Duke")Liberals in the 1960’s posited a similar scenario, demanding that colonial powers exit a new black-controlled Africa. The liberals promised such would usher in a renaissance of black pride, culture and productivity, bringing Africa to its fullest potential.In this Bible study we consider what really happened as a result of putting liberal theory into practice more than 40 years ago. The result of European withdrawal has been an Africa largely in crisis. Devastating tribal wars and atrocities, even genocide, have torn much of Africa apart, with resultant economic malaise, famine and disease.Our Bible study group watches the extremely powerful PBS “POV” documentary “Mugabe and the White African.” This is the chilling story of a family of white Christian farmers struggling in former British Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe, mercilessly harassed by black Marxist dictator Robert Mugabe’s gangs of land-stealing, murderous thugs. You can watch this outstanding documentary with us (see link below) and listen to our discussion as we ponder two very important points.

First, despite much exploitation of Africa by European colonial powers, such white influence nevertheless provided a powerfully civilizing, stabilizing and economically empowering substratum for Africa, making it possible for the “dark continent” to enter the modern world. Widespread chaos, however, since the 60s strongly suggests that black nations benefit from a substantial white presence. If left in “racial purity,” as both liberals and white supremacists have suggested (as in Haiti), the tendency seems not toward ascent but the opposite.The second important point is that when Christians, as in Zimbabwe, are really persecuted, there is an end of American style religious game-playing. I both dread and hope, American Christians, someday under similar attack, will also understand what complete trust in and honesty toward God is all about.
Part 1 Introduction: Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 15min., 3.4mb)

Part 2 Watch the Film: POV's "Mugabe and the White African"


8-18-11 Bible Supports Immigration Control
Is it harsh and unloving for American Christians to deny the "teeming masses" of the world "yearning to breathe free" unfettered rights to come to the U.S. and pursue the American dream? In this Bible study I discuss a number of stories from Scripture that reveal God respects the right of nations to preserve their racial and religious heritage from dilution through excessive immigration. Such immigration control, Scripture indicates, is not racist, but included under the term "bounds of their habitation" which God Himself has authorized as the birthright endowment which founder peoples and cultures are entitled to pass on to their descendants.
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8-15-11 The Safest Places in the Bible
I saw a report some time ago announcing the safest cities in America. Yet the Bible promises that God will make the spiritual dwelling place of the righteous much safer than even the most ideal neighborhood.In this Bible study, we will consider "the top ten safest places of the Bible" God ever prepared for his saints. I hope this will inspire and comfort you that as you trust in Him He will make, and keep you in such safety within an increasingly perilous world.
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8-12-11 The Book of Job, Ancient yet Amazingly Modern and Relevant
The book of Job is thought to be one of the oldest books of the Bible. Yet it is also one of the most modern and relevant. It dramatizes the eternal question: Why do the righteous suffer? It also reveals that the same heresies and accusations against true spirituality that exist today were alive and well in Job's time.In this Bible study, we will consider central arguments against Job by his so-called friends. We will also discuss how Job held to his integrity and how, in his intense frustration, he became reckless in his description of God. As a result, both Elihu and God reproved him.The book of Job is a very long book, with many lengthy speeches by all concerned. This can prove wearying and confusing. Yet the central message and great truths of the book are vital toward empowering us today to victoriously persevere through our own, perhaps withering trials.
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8-9-11 The Conflict between Idealism and Realism in Scripture and Life
Man yearns to have things go right. We like to view life as a story we can understand and hopefully predict. We long for storybook endings. As Christians, we want to believe that storybook endings, like those found in the Bible, will happen to us. We wish that becoming a Christian will put God on our side: He will make ideal consequences a part of His gift of salvation and favor toward us.In this Bible study, we will consider what the Bible teaches concerning the conflict between our idealism and the demonstrated tendency of things in our lives to go wrong, even for Christians.
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8-3-11 What is God's Grace? Part 2
The coastal plain that leads from Egypt to Palestine is one of the flattest, most easily traversed stretches of land on earth. Now called the Gaza Strip, it was originally lush with fertile grasslands, the primary, well-traveled trade route between Egypt and the Middle East.Yet when God wanted to lead the children of Israel from Egypt to their Promised Land, He rejected the logical direct route. Instead, He took them through some of the most uninhabitable, mountainous, virtually waterless terrain on earth, the Sinai Peninsula. Why? Because, as we saw in the last Bible study, God's power is perfected in the Christian's precariousness. His grace is made perfect when we desperately need it, literally in order to survive.In this Bible study, we will consider the many verses from Scripture which clarify the powerful ways God's grace comes to Christians.
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7-31-11 What is God's Grace? Part 1
Many Christians throughout history, sick, persecuted, disheartened, have wondered where God's promised grace was. Even some of the greatest prophets felt that way, wishing for decisive relief. Yet in this first of a two part series on grace, I point out that His grace is sufficient for those who trust. Yet it is usually manifested in innumerable and subtle ways, lightening our load and helping us on our way. Like the work of the Holy Spirit's still small voice which manifoldly operates to comfort and guide, God's grace envelopes and sustains. Only in heaven will we realize how ever present, extensive and faithful his grace was.
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7-27-11 Can Satan Affect the Christian's Mind?
Most Christians agree that Satan can attack our bodies, actually getting inside us to cause boils, as he did with Job, or a "thorn in the flesh," as he did with Paul. Yet, although our minds are part of our physical bodies, most Christians would deny that demons can enter a Christian's brain, influencing his thoughts or even speech.However, in the Old Testament account of David's numbering of the people (II Sam. 24:1-25, I Chron. 21: 1-27), we find Satan, authorized by God, creating an obsession in the righteous king to find out how many soldiers he had. This contradicted God's standard that it is He, not the arm of the flesh, that saves Israel.We also discuss in this Bible study how Peter, losing absolute confidence in Christ, immediately became the mouthpiece of Satan, rebuking Christ when He said he must die on the cross (Matt.16:13-24).Judas, already possessing a devil (John 6:70), was rebuked by Christ for disapproving of Christ's acceptance of the offering of expensive ointment (Mark 14:1-11). Such faithless criticism of Christ ultimately caused Judas' mind and actions to be completely taken over by Lucifer himself (John 13:27).Many find disturbing these Biblical examples of demonic invasion of the minds of both righteous and fleshly followers of Christ. Perhaps they should be downplayed or even ignored, they suggest. Yet this is the Bible, of which the Christian cannot be ashamed. These Scriptures are vital reminders to us of the spiritual warfare we are in, especially in these last days when Scripture prophecies we will experience an outpouring of demonic activity. The only safety is in keeping our eternal souls, which Satan cannot invade without our permission, secure through continuous trust and obedience to our Savior.

Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio.: PART 1 (.mp3; 40min., 9mb)

Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio.: PART 2 (.mp3; 44min., 10mb)


7-25-11 Does the New Testament Encourage Communal Christianity Today?
The book of Acts holds up communal Christianity as a dynamically powerful system for the advancement of the gospel. Why then was it abandoned after a relatively brief period? Why have similar Christian communes, established throughout history, inevitably disintegrated?In this Bible study, we will inquire why Christians (in the book of Acts) having all things in common was so successful, and how the spirit of communal Christianity might be revived among the most consecrated believers today. Hopefully a return to the principles and values underlying 1st century "Christian socialism" might help reinvigorate the power and spirituality of the early church in the church today.
Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 52min., 12mb)


7-12-11 A Checklist for Christian Crusaders
As never before the church faces staggering forces determined to deceive and destroy Christianity and the civilization it has birthed. Do you desire to become the kind of tenacious defender of God and freedom that can be depended upon to powerfully do your part, for the rest of your life, to hold back the darkness?In this Bible study, I list what I believe are the most essential requirements for any Christian to fight the good fight to the finish. Since our battle is primarily spiritual, the "right stuff" empowering the Christian crusader is gotten, not by the gifts of nature, but by our hard choices for God and truth.
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7-6-11 God Smiles on Those Who Seek His Face
In the Garden of Eden, God took the initiative to come to man repeatedly. Man was the passive recipient of God's attention. Yet, after man sinned, God required that those who would be saved must actively seek His face. Yes, in sending Jesus to die for our sins, God powerfully reveals how much He is willing to do for us. But we must do our part. "The Lord said, 'Seek my face.' Thy face, Oh, Lord, will I seek." (Ps.27:8)Is God's face smiling or scowling at us? God requires we find out through repentance and faith. We need to do it now. Scripture warns, "Seek God while He may be found."Yet, many define themselves as spiritually secure, without having to earnestly seek God's face. For them, logic and experience confirm that they are basically good. But disillusionment with our moral self-sufficiency is required of all, especially "the good" in their own eyes.In this Bible study, I discuss how, only when we continuously seek God in sincere obedient faith do we attain salvation, identity, and full power and stature as adventurers with God, navigating by the radiant star of His countenance.
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7-3-11 The Unpardonable Sin
Jesus held up a little child, innocently coming to Him, as the height of sincerity. Such a child is able to perceive and act with unfeigned directness toward truth as he understands it. The child's native sincerity is the birthright of each of us.Yet such sincerity can be so abused as to be lost. When that happens it might never be regained, despite our best efforts. It happened to Esau and Saul. They sinned the unpardonable sin.In this Bible Study, we consider the scriptural truth that "there is a sin unto death: I do not say that he shall pray for it." (1 John 5:16)How might we come to such a terrifying state that God no longer wants us, having abandoned all entreaties to draw us to salvation? Listen to this Bible Study and make absolutely sure that when you stand before your Maker, this most horrific offense will not be charged against you.
Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 87min., 20mb)


6-30-11 The True Meaning of God's Covenant with Abraham
You are invited to join us as I discuss "The True Meaning of God's Covenant with Abraham" in our latest Bible study. Also, please read my article under the same title (Read the article: "The True Meaning of God's Covenant with Abraham"). God's covenant with Abraham is an issue which, because it has been so misinterpreted by Evangelicals and Jews, has actually engendered the whole Mideast conflict, threatening world peace.Don't make the same mistake generations of Christians have. Once and for all, get the whole truth.
Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 71min., 16mb)


6-26-11 Evangelicals Agree With Rebels of Ancient Israel Saying Obedience Not Required to Occupy Palestine
Today, both Zionist Jews and pro-Zionist evangelicals ignore the Biblical requirement that obedience is necessary for a nation of Jews to occupy Palestine. This command is clearly stated dozens of times in the Old Testament (See List of Conditional Salvation Verses). Yet, from the very beginning, rebellious Hebrews hated it. Their descendants have now convinced most evangelicals to ignore and even hate to be reminded of God's uncompromising terms.In this Bible study, we trace the history of Jewish contempt for God's demand of "no faith, no occupation." We read many Old Testament verses laying down God's law. We also consider the best (although pathetically weak) argument of Zionist evangelicals in trying to justify their modern overthrow of God's law.
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6-19-11 Why Do We Choose God?
In this Bible study, I ask why some of us choose Christ. Do we choose Him because of what He can do for us? Or do we choose Him for what He is? Loving Creator, Savior, Friend.The message of salvation holds out certain promises: God will save us from hell. God will forgive our sins. God will change our sin nature. God will make us love Him. God will make us love our neighbors as ourselves. God will reward us with heaven.Yet if we do not actually want GOD more than any of these things, our attempt at Christianity is vain. Instead we are making an experiment to see if faith and repentance “works for me,” to give me what I want.We may be disappointed. Yes, God does say, “Taste and see that the Lord is good.” Yet God does not want us to manipulate Him and Christ’s sacrifice as a test. If we do, He may not give us the “proof” we desire. He may be testing us, asking “What do you want most? Me, or those blessings I can give you?”God may want to see if we will now become angry at God, or say that faith doesn’t work, or even choose Satan (who CAN give us “good things”)—when we don’t get the things we wanted to get from faith.What is to be done with a person who says he has “tried Christianity” and it doesn’t work?He, as Scripture says, “has asked amiss, that he may consume it on his own desires.”In order for such a person to please God and eventually receive the blessings God does promise, that person must start over. He must pray this prayer:“Lord, I am nothing. You are everything. I have no rights. You have all rights. I want YOU and You alone. Please be my God, friend and savior. If you never give me anything more, I will continue to choose you over anything else forever. Amen.”

Regardless of what sins we have committed, everyone still has a free will and must pray this prayer to become a Christian—to be truly “born again.”This prayer and approach to God is not an experiment. It does not lay down conditions. It does not put God to the test, making our belief conditional on His performance. Instead, it demonstrates total lack of self-sufficiency to save ourselves. This is the barest requirement of salvation for anyone.In this Bible Study we discuss Paul's life as a strong example of this desire for God alone.
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6-16-11 Reason Underlies God's Commands
God is not threatened by our use of reason to understand His ways. He is not threatened by our desire to see the sense in some of Scripture's hard sayings, or strange things God did or required His servants to do - particularly in the Old Testament. God is only threatened by rebellion to Him. Such defiance usually manifests itself in the sinner's claim that God's way is unreasonable or unworkable. As a result the rebel rationalizes he has the right to go his own way. Actually, if we bear with God concerning what we don't understand, seeking and praying that He will open the eyes of our understanding, God will honor that blind faith and love of His truth. He may well give us the answers we seek.
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6-13-11 God Allows Fiery Trials But Is Also The Deliverer
Many have big problems with a God who commanded Abraham to offer his only son, Isaac, as a burnt offering. Yet God has the right to test our loyalty in any way He chooses. His purposes are out of love and for our good and will be vindicated if we pass the "fiery trial" (I Peter 4:2) He may allow.Far from this story revealing the incomprehensibility of the Old Testament God, Jesus (Jehovah), Who gave the command, was signifying His own bloody sacrifice for the sins of the world. That's why He sent Abraham and Isaac on a three days' journey to the slopes of Mt. Moriah, the very Temple Mount at Jerusalem, where Christ 2000 years later would eat His last supper and then be sentenced to die as "the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world."If the story of God's command to Abraham is human in origin, how did Abraham know to go to a distant hill at Jerusalem, next to Golgotha, where Christ would be sacrificed?In this Bible study I remind all Christians that, although God may authorize fiery and baffling trials for us, He works all things together for good to those who bear with Him (and the Old Testament) and trust and obey.
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6-1-11 Circumcision
In our latest audio sermon at, I dive into two explosive issues: why God is always male in Scripture and why He demanded the circumcision of every Jewish baby boy.As the ultimate Sire of all that exists, Christ the Creator embodies the vital role that is male: providing the seed and procreative initiative for life. To foreshadow the assault upon Himself at Calvary, in which, lacerated and bloodied He screamed in anguish, Christ (as Jehovah) required every Hebrew male to experience bloodshed in circumcision and similarly cry out in pain. Anticipating Christ, each male among God's "chosen people" symbolically looked forward to the spiritual deliverance the Messiah would someday bring the sinful Jewish nation. Similarly, every Christian today looks backward remembering Christ's anguish, joyfully bearing our cross of possible suffering and shame.Circumcision is thus not inscrutable. It is not a baffling deviance of a primitive “slaughterhouse” religion. It also did not exist primarily for hygienic reasons. Circumcision symbolized the momentous fact that the Jewish people existed to herald the Messiah… Read the rest of the article here.
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5-29-11 Sharing Christ's Humiliation
One of the most powerful Old Testament prophecies concerning Christ is this: "He was led as a sheep to the slaughter…In His humiliation, His judgment was taken away..." (Acts 8:32)It is astonishing that the King and Creator of the universe should require that His reconciliation of man to God be made possible by not only His physical suffering and death but also the prolonged humiliation of the crucifixion.This is especially relevant to many Christians who now know the truth about Jewish supremacism and Israel. As they try to bring such truth to their churches, they face ostracism and vilification as "anti-Semitic," even public humiliation from the pulpit. They may well be driven from their churches.In this Bible study we will consider the fact that it is not sufficient for Christ to have endured humiliation alone. We, as His witnesses to a church massively deluded by anti-Christ Zionism, must expect and joyfully accept such treatment. Our Lord tells us to "leap for joy" when "Israel-first" evangelicals treat us this way. (Luke 6:23) Jesus said that in such a manner His true prophets have always been abused.
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5-25-11 Our Responsibility to Reality
Recently, Bill Moyers said young people today are not responsive to truth for its own sake. They accept truth if it fits into their pre-existing belief systems. Barna Research, which studies trends in evangelical thinking, describes exactly the same pattern trend as the new generation in the church customizes their beliefs to fit their desires.If this trend continues, man is doomed to drift further and further from truth and reality into delusion, into the fantasy land of values and policies based on wishful, not factual, thinking.In this Bible study we consider the fact that, although fashions may change, God and His nature have ordained that man live in line with reality. If man defies the realities of earthly existence, he may create his own hell on earth; but if he scorns the required gratitude and obedience to his Heavenly Maker, the Ultimate Reality, he awaits an eternity in hell.
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5-19-11 Christians Should Hate Evil and Resist It Vehemently
God hates evil. Considering God’s awesome power to damn all who rebel against Him, defiance of God and His laws should be the most frightening activity known to man.Yet that is not the case. Mankind and even much of the church is numb to the occurrence of sin. Unshockable, for most, sin is just part of being human.However, the great biblical figures were passionately disturbed by sin in Israel. They even took violent action against it. In this Bible study, we will consider some of their most vivid, even extreme responses to evil. This sets a necessary standard to us today that it is not enough to just dislike sin—we must hate it!
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5-16-11 Empowerments of the Holy Spirit, Part 3: Working With the Holy Spirit to Hold Back Evil
It is always sad when a Christian/conservative activist, wearied by perhaps decades of political defeats, finally "burns out" in his or her desire to stay in the fight. Yet in this Bible study I describe how the Holy Spirit, the "comforter," came into the world in fullness to renew, encourage, and empower Christian soldiers — lifting their spirits to fight on. I also describe the Holy Spirit's role in helping preserve the often fragile unity between activist saints, purifying their hearts in love toward fellow patriots.In many other ways, I relate how the Holy Spirit empowers us to help Him resist the appearance of anti-Christ. This may seem a futile struggle at times, but is actually described by Scripture, along with evangelism, as "noble and glorious."
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5-12-11 Can Christians Defend Old Testament Killing of Canaanites?
The most criticized part of the Bible is surely the Old Testament killing of Canaanites by invading Hebrews under Joshua. They were commanded by God to rid Canaan of its wicked inhabitants and also permitted to enslave them. How can Christians defend God’s authorization of this seeming inhumanity?In my latest Bible study I will do my best to not only make sense of this perennial difficulty for both believers and nonbelievers but actually justify God's actions through the Hebrews.
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5-4-11 Empowerments of the Holy Spirit, Part 2
In my last Bible study, I pointed out that man and humanistic religious systems have always preferred human leadership rather than the Holy Spirit's. Although we admit God's Holy Spirit must see and understand everything and possess total powers of communication to us, nevertheless, humanity is reluctant to step out in faith and accept such empowerment through total consecration. Instead, we are prone to accepting guidance from learned leaders.In this Bible study, I continue to discuss the vast and amazing empowerments bequeathed by the Holy Spirit. I boldly affirm what Scripture demands: the active dominant role of guidance of the Holy Spirit in the Christian's life.
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5-2-11 Empowerments of the Holy Spirit, Part 1
We must restore the honor due the Greatest Communicator, the Holy Spirit. In this first part of our Holy Spirit series, I attempt to describe the full magnitude of the Holy Spirit’s gifts and empowerment of the church.Early church prelates committed an abomination by stealing the right of His final authority and guidance to Christians. This abuse continues in the popular Calvinist claim that the Bible is the ultimate guide for the believer.This series proves from Scripture and reason that if we submit entirely to Christ, His Holy Spirit is more than able to teach and lead us with a wisdom and sensitivity far beyond man’s power.
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4-20-11 What is Heresy?
Christians use the word "heresy" to describe false religious doctrines that distort the nature of God, His law, His plan of salvation, etc. But since heretical ideas are damnable, we must define heresy very carefully and biblically.In this Bible study, I define the term "heresy" and discuss the very dangerous and soul-imperiling heresies contained in religious systems today. These include theological errors leading to one of the greatest heresies of all time: unconditional approval of Israel and Jewish right to occupy Palestine as a nation in unbelief.
Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 93min., 22mb)


4-19-11 Ten Top Examples of Great Faith
The ultimate goal of every Christian should be great faith — faith that makes God and the angels marvel. Yet there exists a tremendous gap between the reality of God’s power to hear and save vs. man’s ability to really believe. Christ revealed the nearly overwhelming inability, even of his own disciples, to rise to truly great faith. Many times He scolds them, “o ye of little faith”. In this bible study we consider ten examples of the most superlative faith in Scripture. Why is it that such heroes of the faith were able to transcend in their belief when most people, then and now cannot?
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4-13-11 What is the Proper Relationship of the Christian to an Ungodly World?
After Christ ascended, the early church had little time and opportunity for isolation. It was thrust into challenges from the two ruling cultures of the time: Pharisaic Judaism and Roman/pagan humanism.Today, Christians are similarly submerged in paganism—especially calculated corruption proceeding from Jewish-controlled big media in America. (See, Jews Confirm Big Media is Jewish) Such creates many of the same dilemmas the early church faced.In this Bible study, I discuss how, just as early Christians triumphed under even greater assault, Christians and their families can remain unspotted by the world today.
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4-5-11 Esther, The Book that shouldn't be in the Bible
As Timothy tells us, "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness." (II Tim. 3:16)Yet, historically, some of the greatest Christian thinkers and defenders of the faith, including Athanasius and Martin Luther, have been deeply suspicious of the Old Testament book of Esther. They found it humanistic and Jew-exalting, not God-exalting. The book never mentions the name of God; He is never prayed to, thanked, or praised.In my latest article, "The Pseudo-Biblical Book of Esther," I deal briefly with such objections and in this Bible study consider in even greater detail problems which have caused Christian scholars throughout the ages to doubt Esther's qualifications to be part of the canon of Scripture.I am aware that this discussion may be deeply disturbing to Bible-believing Christians but encourage you to trust the Holy Spirit for guidance as together we "test the spirits" to find out whether Esther and the principles it teaches really qualify as divine inspiration.
Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 107min., 24.4mb)


3-31-11 When God is Silent
Every Christian will experience periods of acute need when it seems as if God no longer intervenes to supply. The greatest Biblical figures went through such isolation. Yet Scripture gives explanation and meaning to their trials.In this Bible study we will consider instances of such silence. Why did God do so? Perhaps we can discover from their lives why He may be allowing a similar time of testing for you.
Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 81min., 18.5mb)


3-27-11 The Bitter Fruits of Darwinism
One hundred and fifty years have passed since Charles Darwin published his The Origin of Species. In our latest Bible study, I read from my brother John Pike's provocative letter to Darwin (eternal home address unknown). John asks if Darwin, so woefully ignorant of genetics, biochemistry, and the failure of his predicted "missing links" to materialize, had any inkling of how his theory would lead the world into war, immorality, and hopelessness without God.Join us for a lively discussion as John and I and other creationist members of our Truthtellers Bible study discuss the folly and unreality to which this grandiose theory of spontaneous generation has brought the world.
Read the article by John Pike, The Bitter Fruits of Darwinism (27 Mar 11).
Read Darwin's chapter from his autobiography, Religious Belief.

Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 79min., 18mb)


3-22-11 Prophetic Sequences Unlock God's Plan for Future
Are you uncertain which interpretation of Bible prophecy is right: pretibulation "rapture" dispensationalism, amilllennialism (Christian reconstructionism, preterism), or the futurist millennialist viewpoint that we teach at is a very simple way to find the truth. Scan with us in our latest Bible study the many "prophetic sequences" of Scripture which repeatedly emphasize the simple progression of events leading directly to the Second Coming of Christ. If your mind is open and you are humble before God, I think you will begin to see that Bible prophecy is really one of the easiest elements of Christian doctrine to understand.These sequences include:

  1. Isaiah 10 through 12
  2. Jeremiah 30 through 33
  3. Ezekiel 20:33-44; 28:25-26
  4. Daniel 7; 11:21-45; ch. 12
  5. Joel 2
  6. Amos 9:7-15
  7. Micah 3:9-12; ch. 4
  8. Zephaniah 3:8-20
  9. Zechariah 8 and 10:12-14
  10. Matthew 24:4-51

Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 93min., 21mb)


3-14-11 What Is a Workable Balance Between Faith and Works?
Christians have always been perplexed by the task of fulfilling James’ requirement to unite faith with works. How much faith is enough to please God? How many works does He always require?
As a result, most Christians try to do a reasonable amount of works to balance faith. Yet for most, anxiety remains.
In this Bible study, I reveal the perfect balance—a balance that brings peace.

Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 74min., 17mb)


3-9-11 True and False Conceptions of Love
Few concepts are more misdefined even twisted than the term "love." Yet it's crucial we know exactly what love is and is not. False "luv" can be as dangerous as hate empowering evil.In this Bible study I define true, self-denying Biblical love, which comes down from God. I contrast it to other kinds of so-called love which only serve our own pleasure or an evil agenda.
Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 83min., 19mb)


3-6-11 Should Christians Forgive Without Repentance from the Offender?
As a result of “pop-theology” trends over the past 40 years, most evangelicals believe it is both duty and release for them to forgive others - even though the "forgiven" don't ask forgiveness. In this Bible study, I point out that the sins others commit against us are also sins against God. A triad of individuals are involved, necessitating the Biblical requirement that the offending party request to be forgiven. Until that happens and both God and the wounded have granted forgiveness, there is neither real forgiveness, nor justice.
Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 104min., 24mb)


3-2-11 What Christ’s Atonement Does and Does Not Do
Scripture teaches that Christ’s sacrifice at Calvary unleashed enormous spiritual power to forgive sin, reconcile the repentant to God, and remove our appetite for iniquity. Yet modern Pentecostalism teaches that the atonement does much more — it guarantees physical healing and financial prosperity.Calvinism, similarly adulterates the atonement, teaching that it reconciles to God those predestined to be saved, but, for all practical purposes cannot be counted upon to remove the sin-nature from us. Only death can separate us from our “sinful” bodies.In this Bible study, I consider biblically authentic versus false conceptions of the atonement — followed by lively and thoughtful comments from members of our group.
Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 88min., 20mb)


2-23-11 The Delusions of Pentecostalism PART 2
Cults of Christianity do not emphasize what Scripture does. Instead, they lift out selected passages or concepts and give full attention to them. In this Bible study, I point out that this is exactly what Pentecostalism does.Ignoring the many restrictions on public speaking in tongues presented by St. Paul, it becomes a spectacle to the world, discrediting Christianity itself. As millions observe mass "glossolalia," (especially as presented worldwide on Trinity Broadcasting Network), how can they fail to conclude (as Paul warned they would) that Christianity is a religion of the unstable or insane?
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2-20-11 The Delusions of Pentecostalism PART 1
During the past hundred years, Pentecostalism has exploded onto the religious scene worldwide, becoming, along with Baptists, the largest group within evangelical Christianity.Pentecostals believe that without speaking in tongues (glossolalia) the believer cannot receive the full wisdom and empowerment of the Holy Spirit. Yet, even though claiming an extra measure of divine enlightenment, most Pentecostals, led by pro-Israel demagogues such as Pastor John Hagee, remain deluded by the Great Harlot, Israel. (See, Babylon the Great is Israel).In this, the first of two landmark Bible studies on this subject, I explain from Scripture how Pentecostalism has gone so far astray.
Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 95min., 22mb)


2-16-11 Do Prophets Exist Today?
Today, mainline evangelical Christianity is not attracted to the possibility that prophets still exist. Part of this aversion is in reaction to a century of Pentecostalism, with its emphasis upon emotion, signs and wonders. It is also because the church does not like the idea of prophetic authority and prefers the structure and predictability which it believes the Bible alone is authorized to give the believer.Yet the New Testament is replete with examples of prophets existing in the church age. In fact, St. Paul actively encourages believers to seek the gift of prophecy.In this Bible study I discuss the role of prophecy today, particularly the prophetic role of every believer who fulfills the very definition of prophecy — which is to speak the words of God to the people.
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2-9-11 The Bible Teaches Only Conditional Salvation
There is no law in Scripture more fundamental than God's conditional requirement that we cooperate with Him in order to be saved.Yet, popular Calvinism overthrows God's law in two ways. It teaches: 1) that if we are once soundly "born again" we will certainly be saved, regardless of the sins we commit; and 2) that God allows Jews as a nation to occupy Palestine in disobedience.In this Bible study, I consider some of the many New Testament verses which clearly teach that without continued obedience no one has any inheritance with God.See, List of Conditional Salvation Verses, Click Here.
Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 88min., 20mb)


2-6-11 God's Power to be Literal and Specific Towards Us, Not Just Spiritual and Obscure
When my wife Alynn was single and in her early twenties, her mother was driving her to work in rush-hour traffic during a rain shower. Traveling about 50 miles per hour, their car began to hydroplane, rotating in a circle. Alynn looked up to see a semi-truck barreling toward them. But just before it would have collided with them, their Ford Galaxy was lifted several feet off the pavement, propelled over the guard rail, gently deposited on a steep incline of blackberry vines, and carefully poised above a 75 foot ravine. It took just seconds for their vehicle to be lifted vertically and brought to a complete stop - without momentum, and in complete defiance of the laws of physics.Without that miracle, I would not have my beautiful wife and co-host beside me in my videos, now seen by many hundreds of thousands. (Watch the NPN film, Why the Mid-East Bleeds).In this Bible study, I discuss instances from Scripture where God reveals to us that He is not bound to remain obscure, shrouded in symbolism, etc., but instead, can manifest Himself very powerfully in ways that are both immediate and specific.PART 2 - Explains Ezekiel 40-47 and concludes the Bible Study.

PART 1 Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 91min., 21mb)

PART 2 Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 25min., 6mb)


2-2-11 In Search of Authentic Christianity
Over the past two thousand years a galaxy of interpretations of Christianity have emerged, each claiming it is the most accurate representation of the teaching of Christ. Who is right? In this Bible study we read and comment from the first chapters of Acts asking, “Are the priorities and attitudes of the early church in the years following Christ’s ascension the same as those of Christians today?” Obviously, they are very largely not.Join us in this important fact-finding mission. You may be surprised at how far your own denomination has drifted.
Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 104min., 24mb)


1-30-11 Why "All Things Work Together for Good" for Christians
One of Scripture's greatest promises is that "all things work together for good for those who trust in Jesus. (Rom.8:28). Yet how can catastrophic disease, tragedy, financial disaster, etc., seemingly putting an end to a Christian's service to God and man, possibly work together for good?In this Bible study I point out that the greatest "good" is God and our glorification of Him. By revealing patience, thankfulness, confidence in God, and joy in the Lord, even in tribulation, the suffering saint proves to onlookers that, indeed, the power of Christ to redeem and transform our natures is very real and powerful. Such a testimony is much more powerful even than Christian apologetics and hymns of praise. There is thus no end to the great good even a suffering Christian works toward, despite the direst misfortune. Such transcendence is God's preferred way of being glorified — a glorification which also radiates out to the redemption of others.
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1-23-11 Is Every Christian Responsible for Holding Back Evil?
Two centuries ago, the foremost educational institutions in America (Harvard, Princeton, Yale, etc.) were unabashedly Christian. The government of the United States was conspicuously God-honoring.Yet now, not only in government and education but also in Christian denominations, we have witnessed an abysmal decline in authentic Christian values and focus. Who is guilty for such declension: leaders or laity also? In this Bible study, I detail the downward steps by which secularism invades Christian organizations, causing them to not only be destroyed spiritually but to actually become instruments of evil.
Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 97min., 22mb)


1-19-11 Sound Doctrine Describes Man, Not Just God
God desires Christians, as spiritual beings, to wage spiritual warfare in a physical world. To do this, Christians must thoroughly understand the treachery of the unredeemed mind. Jesus said the people believed in Him, but He did not believe in them, for He knew what was in man. (Paraphrased from John 2:23-25) He knew that the “heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked; who can know it?” (Jer. 17:9)In this Bible study I discuss from Scripture many of the characteristics of fleshly man, traits Christian warriors must recognize if they are to be as “wise as serpents” in a twisted world.
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1-12-11 Does St. Paul Deny Free Will?
The Christian promise of salvation is founded on the claim that man can make free moral choices for good, against evil. Yet Christian university students face secular philosophy professors teaching that the tyranny of cause and effect “determinism” is absolute: there can be no free will. Complicating this, St. Paul, in Romans 9, seems to strongly agree that God’s sovereignty to choose who will be saved and lost eliminates free moral choice.Did Paul agree with determinist philosophers? In this Bible Study, I clearly show what the Bible teaches.
Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 86 min., 20mb)


1-9-11 Jacob Obeyed God to Steal Esau’s Birthright
For centuries, anti-Semites have claimed that Jacob’s theft of the sacred birthright from unworthy Esau illustrated that, even in biblical times, Jews were inherently scheming, lying, cheating manipulators. Similarly, Christian authorities have always condemned Jacob’s action, saying he should have trusted God to displace his worthless brother. Yet in this Bible study I prove that Jacob and his mother Rebecca were only obeying God’s command to Rebecca (Gen. 25:23) that under no circumstances must Esau be allowed to retain his birthright (leadership of the godly line) and thus sabotage God’s plan leading to Jesus. Because of Jacob’s unblemished obedience, God, unlike armchair critics, never criticized him and only addressed him with blessing after blessing.
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1-5-11 The Khazars: Fulfillment of Mosaic Curse on Apostate Israel
Jesus said the Pharisees were willing to "travel about on sea and land to make one proselyte" in order that He "might become twice as much a child of hell" as themselves. (Matt. 23:15).The Pharisees, like modern Jews, were not known for proselytization, yet in the ninth century A.D. Pharisees from Babylon persuaded the king of the central Eurasian nation of Khazaria to accept Judaism as the national religion. Quickly, the Khazarians convinced themselves they were authentic descendants of Abraham, perhaps the lost ten tribes of Israel. In the following century, these Jewish converts became the genetic foundation underlying Eastern European or "Ashkenazi” Jewry, who comprise roughly 70% of "Jews" in the world today.Why did God allow this massive transfusion of Gentile blood, energy, and Talmudic/Kabbalistic zeal to enter Judaism? In this Bible study, I explain why.
Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 105 min., 24mb)


1-2-11 Why ADL Can’t Topple Ted Pike/
In 1988, after my pioneering book “Israel: Our Duty, Our Dilemma” and video “The Other Israel” blanketed America, the Anti-Defamation League said they would “destroy Ted Pike and the National Prayer Network within a year and a half.” In this Bible study I explain why that hasn’t happened. I discuss the characteristics of godly leadership and I explain how total consecration to God and truth, as well as high standards of scholarship, strategy and fair play have, under God’s protection, preserved our nearly thirty-year ministry of publicly speaking those things “which are not lawful for a man to utter” (2 Cor. 12:4).Noted Article: My Response to ADL's Attack (Oct 2007)
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12-24-10 “Despising the Shame” Part 2
In my latest Bible study, I present examples of the greatest Old Testament prophets who were required by God to endure incredible shame, even seeming like lawbreakers, in order to speak His truth.With evangelical divorce rates now equaling the world's, the modern church is collapsing in its spiritual power and testimony. This is because it has been founded upon the false premise that God confirms His blessing on a ministry through numbers and respectability. As a result, there is no place in the church's agenda for reproof or truth-telling about vital moral and social issues.If Christianity is to endure, Christians must be willing to accept shame and possible controversy. This is not an option but the necessary price to hold back evil and keep Christianity and freedom alive.
Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 87 min., 20mb)


12-17-10 “Despising the Shame”
In contrast to authentic New Testament Christianity, a distinctive characteristic of the modern evangelical movement is abhorrence of any action within the church which might cause public shame. Yet, in this Bible Study I point out that Christ was prophesied to be covered with humiliation in His death. In fact, it was not just through His physical sufferings, but through such humiliation (Isaiah 53) that His shed blood has empowered to save.Scripture makes it clear that a real Christian willingly identifies with the offense (shame) of the cross. The fact that the church has gone as far possible from this direction and avoids any controversy that might lead to public embarrassment can explain why homosexuality and Jewish Supremacism have mushroomed in power.
Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 93 min., 21mb)


12-13-10 The Power of ‘Sackcloth’ to Save America
I discuss in my latest Bible study how Christ expects His followers to be willing to suffer for the spiritual emancipation of others, regardless of the cost. This is what He did in coming to die to redeem all who trust in Him. Such self-denial is the dynamic of His power to redeem. It is also the basis of ours.Consider the phenomenal, divine protection given to the prophesied two witnesses of Revelation 11. They defy anti-Christ to his face and speak the whole truth in the streets of Jerusalem (Babylon the Great) for three and a half years! Where do they get such power? Answer: they come in “sackcloth.” This symbolizes willingness to suffer and pay the necessary price for God’s truth to prevail. God respects their self-denial and gives them the power and protection to stay alive. He can do the same for us.If America is to be saved, there must arise a cadre of truthtellers who want God’s power more than safety or reputation. (Excerpts from Alert: Don’t Learn ADL’s False Lesson About Helen Thomas Dec. 13, 2010 )
Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 72 min., 17mb)


12-9-10 God Upholds the Truthteller in Dangerous Times
In my latest Bible study I argue that God will strongly support and preserve those who speak His truth. Such rare witnesses may think they are bringing jeopardy upon themselves. Indeed, Christ promised tribulation to His followers, yet, in this Bible study, we find that, in reality, they are saving themselves, their children and their nation from vastly greater peril.I discuss how Moses reluctantly went into peril and spoke what God told him to speak. He was rewarded by God with ageless honor. In contrast, the High Priest Eli abused his position of influence by placating his wicked sons and was judged for it. In the same way many evangelical leaders (including World Net Dailey’s Joseph Farah) incur God’s wrath by compromising with anti-Christ Zionists.
Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 91 min., 21mb)


12-6-10 The High Cost of Not Being Spiritual
In ancient Israel, when spirituality declined evil immediately prevailed, bringing with it every kind of oppression, but when the Hebrews cried to God He drove those oppressors out.America today labors under such bondage because of a sharp decline in true spirituality. Yes, many call themselves Christians, yet being a truly spiritual Christian means active collaboration with God.Real spirituality is the most powerful force for change, outside of God Himself, that exits. In this Bible study I describe how the church can regain spiritual power and drive the forces of evil from a land dedicated to God’s service.
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11-22-10 How We Give Strength to God
As the Conservative Right experienced a surge of power at midterms, so God desires to empower men to righteous acts. Yet He, in turn, is empowered by our obedient cooperation.In this Bible Study I explain how, when we submit ourselves to Him, we perform an indispensible role that God depends on.Be sure to listen with your family and friends to this very empowering message!
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11-18-10 Courage for Christians to Speak Out
As never before the secular world scorns God’s truth and morality, yet something within most Christians causes them to recoil from public witness and criticism — fearing backlash. This must change if Christianity is to survive. God has put Christians as “salt” within an evil world to provide bracing, direct confrontation with evil.In my latest Bible study I discuss Biblically-based strategies that can make every Christian a fearless truth-teller.
Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 99 min., 23mb)


11-14-10 Steps Into Apostasy Scripture prophesies that in the last days there will occur a “great falling away” from authentic Christianity. Is such apostasy occurring now? With over 90% of evangelicals refusing to initiate witness for Christ in the work place, there is no doubt it is.In my latest Bible Study “Steps Into Apostasy” I describe the progression from being an evangelical into an apostate. Are you, or someone you love, moving in that direction? Listen to this powerful warning and find out.
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11-5-10 Midterm Election — Stay of Execution for America
You and your Christian/Conservative friends will be very encouraged by listening to my latest Bible Study: “Midterm Election — Stay of Execution for America.” I discuss how at crisis moments in history God has intervened to save His people and preserve His plan of the ages. This is a talk that will energize you, bringing bright hope for even greater deliverance ahead.
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11-1-10 When is the Second Coming of Christ?
Today millions of evangelical Christians believe the Second Coming of Jesus will happen within the next several years. Christ will "rapture" them to heaven, away from all worldly conflict.Yet, in my latest Bible study I express caution. I remind Christians that, while Christ promised He would return unexpectedly, He also promised He would come only after certain, as-yet-unfulfilled criteria have been met.Take this link to join me as I explain what Christ meant.
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10-29-10 Christianity is Most Realistic Perspective in Life
In my latest Bible study I demonstrate that, concerning the great issues of origins, ethics, faith, duty, etc., as well as our ability to create happiness in our lives, authentic Christianity is our most practical guide.In a time when evangelical rates of divorce equal the world’s and the church is losing over 90% of their youth after high school graduation, few can legitimately deny that there is something very wrong within contemporary “mega-church evangelicalism.” I not only point out what is wrong but state what you, your family and church can do to return to the power and purity of first-century followers of Christ.
Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 85 min., 19.4mb)


10-25-10 Finding Truth in the Age of Delusion
Are you uncertain about the whole truth concerning controversial subjects such as Israel and Jewish control? Do your pastor and friends tell you to believe and trust Israel, while Israel’s misbehavior and clear evidence of Jewish control and manipulation tell you the opposite? In this provocative discussion, Rev. Ted Pike shows how both Job and the blind beggar healed by Christ, finding themselves amidst controversy and under attack, never the less went straight toward the truth — and found it. You and your friends can do the same — not just concerning Jewish issues, but all moral questions.
Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 96 min, 22mb)


10-22-10 Christ Saves Us — Not Perfect Understanding
In this Bible Study, Rev. Ted Pike discusses the fact that Christians have a wide range of opinions, theological backgrounds, and personalities, yet they are united in love and justified by Christ through simple, child-like trust in Him. Thus, this fact forbids the Christian from condemning another believer as “anti-Semitic” simply because that believer, like Jesus, criticizes evil Jewish leaders.
Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 64 min, 14.5mb)


10-18-10 The Wall Shall Be Built in Troublous Times
As America struggles amid economic hardship and oppressive liberal ruler ship, Rev. Ted Pike, in his latest sermon, “The Wall Shall Be Built in Troublous Times,” reminds us of a vital truth: Throughout the Bible God preformed most of His mightiest acts of deliverance in seeming hopelessness. He can do the same today, especially in the upcoming elections, if God’s people will cry out to Him for deliverance.
Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 74 min, 17mb)


10-11-10 How the Church Went Wrong
Many patriots are baffled and angry at the failure of the evangelical church to resist evil and inspire the next generation. In this Bible Study Rev. Ted Pike explain how the church went astray more than 1,700 years ago and how it can return to the vital, redeeming role for which Christ intended it.
Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 85 min, 19.4mb)


10-8-10 Sufficiency of God’s Grace in Hardship
Within the context of economic hard times, Rev. Ted Pike discusses the faithfulness and sufficiency of God to preserve those who trust and obey Him.
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10-4-10 The “Word of God" Part 2
Rev. Ted Pike continues to discuss the fascinating truth that Jesus is the true “Logos,” or “Word of God” — not the Bible. The “Holy Scriptures” are inspired by Christ, to be used by Him for our guidance and edification, but the primary authority and shepherd for the believer’s soul is the one who wrote the Scriptures, Jesus.
Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 69 min, 16mb)


10-1-10 Is the Bible the “Word of God?”
In this Bible study Rev. Ted Pike explains that the “Logos,” or actual “Word of God,” is Jesus. He has inspired the Holy Scriptures to be used by Him to guide and comfort His church.
Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 68 min, 15.5mb)


9-19-10 Becoming Christian Soldiers Once Again
Christian young people today do not commonly see examples of spiritual/political courage and tenacity in church leadership. Instead, they are taught that “love and acceptance” are the best solutions to problems of the family and nation. In this talk, Rev. Pike lays down the necessary steps toward being courageous “Christian Soldiers” within a threatening world.
Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 93 min, 21mb)


9-16-10 Did Christ Subject Himself to Partial Knowledge While on Earth?
Christians believe that while Christ did not have a sinful humanity, in order to reconcile finite humanity to an infinite God, He chose to experience every aspect of humanity. Yet, did such include some self-imposed limitations of knowledge? The purpose of this question is not to lessen Christ’s deity, but to reveal the astonishing lengths He will go to meet people on their own level in order to save them.
Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 65 min, 15mb)


9-11-10 The Faithful to Christ Have Always Been Opposed by the World - Yet Have Prevailed
In this Bible study, Rev. Ted Pike discusses how that, with the formidable anti-Christian forces against families, marriages, and youth, the bride of Christ has been persecuted in almost every age - yet has emerged triumphant.
Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 69 min, 16mb)


9-7-10 Duties of the Christian Watchman
All Christians are to be watchmen over the souls of themselves and others. This Bible study gives biblical background and justification to Rev. Pike’s recent article reproving Alex Jones for not warning against the Zionist threat as he should.
Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 53 min, 12mb)


9-2-10 The Limitations of Philosophy
This lecture discusses the historic virtues and contributions of philosophy, contrasting these to its limitations in helping us find God. Philosophy is based on man’s right to doubt and question everything having to do with the material world. But such methodology cannot comprehend an invisible God, who can only be known through humility, obedience and faith. When we give these to God He forges a working relationship with us — culminating in eternal life — a privilege out stripping the mere speculations which philosophers must be content with.
Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 108 min, 25mb)


8-29-10 Sensuality vs. a Wholesome View of our Bodies:
In this Bible study Rev. Ted Pike explains the difference between sensuality (which the Bible condemns) and a normal, Biblical conception of the human body as the most beautiful thing God made. As the temple of the Holy Spirit, He intended it to be properly enjoyed and accepted in marriage, the arts, and as God’s gift to us.
Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 70 min, 16mb)


8-19-10 Perils of Judaic Legalism.
Messianic Christians and millions of Evangelicals now believe it is spiritual to include Jewish practices and holidays in Christian worship. In this Bible study Rev. Ted Pike demonstrates how unscriptural and counterproductive this is.
Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 61 min, 14mb)


8-12-10 Why do the Innocent Suffer?
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8-8-10 Legalism vs Liberty.
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8-5-10 Postponing Judgment.
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8-1-10 Going Where None Dare!
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7-25-10 Baptism.
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7-21-10 Making Mistakes.
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7-11-10 God's Sovereignty and Predestination
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7-7-10 Can 'Good People' Yet Unbelieving Get to Heaven?
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6-24-10 What is True Success?
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6-20-10 Footholds of Evil.
Description: Except for God and our own free wills that are hanging upon Christ, Satan has been allowed to invade every aspect of life. From the Tower of Babel to the story of Esther to Christ's own disciples, we see Satan has the power to infiltrate.
Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 48 min, 11mb)


6-1-10 Crying Out to Christ to be Saved. (Old version)
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5-19-10 Content With Where God Has Put You
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5-7-10 Jeremiah Resists Jewish Willfulness and Fanaticism

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4-23-10 The Offense of the Gospel In Witnessing.
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3-6-10 Bible Prophecy in the Middle East.
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3-5-10 How Morally Binding is the Old Testament in the Age of Grace?
Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 75 min, 17mb)


3-4-10 God Wants Us All to Be Truly Spiritual.
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2-25-10 To Respect or Not to Respect Government.
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2-2-10 The 'Destiny' Industry vs. True Spiritual Destiny.
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1-27-10 The Understanding of the Holy Spirit throughout Church History.

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1-20-10 Scriptural View of Pentecostalism's Speaking in Tongues.
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1-10-10 True Spirituality.
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1-3-10 Why Today's Youth Are Leaving the Church.
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12-13-09 Calvinism and Pharisaism: Both exalt written word over Divine leading.
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11-12-09 Is Obama the Antichrist?
Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 114 min, 17mb)


11-8-09 Being "Relevant" in the Church (Music, Fashions, etc.)
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11-5-09 David and Saul
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10-29-09 Speak the Whole Truth in a Compromised World
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10-25-09 How Christians Should Respond to the Deceitfulness of the World.
Right Click Here to Download, or Click to play audio. (.mp3; 64 min, 15mb)


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