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The history of the National Prayer Network’s radio ministry is one of tackelling issues, largely concerning Zionism and free speech, which most other broadcasters would avoid for fear of being labeled “antisemitic” by the Jewish ADL. The topics discussed in the following selections, though spanning fourteen years, are just as relevant today as when first recorded. This is because ADL’s tireless efforts to suppress speech critical of Israel follow repeated patterns. The same issues will emerge in every generation and must be counteracted with the same truth and successful tactics.

Power of Prophecy   an international radio outreach ministry
  1. Legislation Devastating To Christians

RICK ADAMS, Radio Avenger

  1. Rick Adams Uncensored: Boycot, Divest, and Sanction Efforts By ASA Deemed "Anti-Semitic" — 15 February 2014

  2. Rick Adams Uncensored: GCB and MCA Assault on the Last Temptation — 17 April 2012

  3. Rick Adams Uncensored: Joseph Farah, a Zionist Mouthpiece — 26 October 2011

  4. Radio Avenger Rick Adams: Orthdox Rabbis and Child Sex Indictments in Scripture — 14 June 2011

  5. RBN Rick Adams Show: Discussing Our "Friend" Abe Foxman and Charlie Sheen — 8 March 2011 Hour 1

  6. RBN Rick Adams Show: John Hagee Will Not Speak Jesus Christ's Name — 8 March 2011 Hour 2

  7. Radio Avenger Rick Adams: Alex Jones Hits Back About Shilling For Israel — 8 October 2010

  8. ADL Protects Degeneracy in Public Schools With HR4530 — 22 February 2010

  9. The Militia Should Have Protected Randy Weaver — 22 February 2010

  10. Rick Adams Uncensored: Keep Tea Party From Becoming Israel First — 26 January 2010

  11. Rick Adams Uncensored: Gentile Freemasons Used By Jewish Cabal — 26 January 2010

  12. Obama Delivers an ADL Wish List — 22 December 2009

  13. ADL Wants Control of Internet — 22 September 2009

  14. Hate Bill Protects Pedophiles — 19 May 2009

  15. Rick Adams Uncensored: Hate Bill and Barney Frank — 15 April 2009

  16. Rick Adams Uncensored: Hate Laws Can Be Defeated After Obama's Green Light — 20 February 2009 Hour 1

  17. Rick Adams Uncensored: Rabbi Spits Three Times — 20 February 2009 Hour 2

  18. Rick Adams Uncensored: Ted Pike Leads In Fighting So-called Hate Bills — 7 January 2009

  19. Rick Adams Uncensored: Academic Frederick Toben Punished for Honest Questions — 6 October 2008

  20. Rick Adams Uncensored: Illinois Teen Charged for Belief in Jesus Christ — 8 July 2008

  21. Global Anti-Semitism™ Defines Our Bible as (((Hate Speech))) — 11 April 2008

  22. Rick Adams Uncensored: Hate Crime Bait and Switch — 23 March 2007 Hour 1

  23. Rick Adams Uncensored: ADL Wants Control of Your Mind — 23 March 2007 Hour 2

  24. Rick Adams Uncensored: HR1585 Hate Bill and Heartland America — 3 December 2007

  25. Rick Adams Uncensored: ENDA and ADL GloboHomo Propaganda in Elementary Education — 30 October 2007 Hour 1

  26. Rick Adams Uncensored: ENDA: a Solution In Search of a Problem — 30 October 2007 Hour 2

  27. Rick Adams Uncensored: What It Means To Bless Israel — 9 September 2007 Hour 1

  28. Rick Adams Uncensored: ENDA Favors Degeneracy While Criminalizing Christian Thought — 9 September 2007 Hour 2

  29. Rick Adams Uncensored: Charles Haynes and Religious Freedom Debate — 11 June 2007 Hour 1

  30. Rick Adams Uncensored: Hate Crime Bills Are Not the Answer — 11 June 2007 Hour 2

  31. Rick Adams Uncensored: Amnesty/Invasion Bill, Hate Crimes Bill, Reform Legislation with Harmony Grant — 24 May 2007 Hour 1

  32. Rick Adams Uncensored: Robert Welch Was Right About Eisenhower — 24 May 2007 Hour 2

  33. Rick Adams Uncensored: Ted's Plan for Defeating "Hate" Bills — 4 January 2007 Hour 1

  34. Rick Adams Uncensored: ADL Poisons Christian Culture by Creating Thought Crimes — 4 January 2007 Hour 2

  35. Rick Adams Uncensored: ADL Penetrates State and Local Police — 5 December 2006 Hour 1

  36. Rick Adams Uncensored: Roman Blaming of Christians and Nero's Jewish Wife — 5 December 2006 Hour 2

  37. Rick Adams With Ted Pike Discuss The Octopus ACLU ADL SPLC Muscle Groups — 6 October 2006 Hour 1

  38. Hour 2 ACLU Discussion with Rick and Ted — 6 October 2006 Hour 1

  39. Radio Avenger Rick Adams: "I Am A Slave", Zionist Protection Rackets — 5 August 2006 Hour 1

  40. Radio Avenger Rick Adams: Holding Pedophiles to Account with NPN and — 5 August 2006 Hour 2

  41. Radio Avenger Rick Adams: Strategies To Defeat Hate Bills With — 27 April 2006


  1. POV Kirby Anderson: DSM Full of Perversions — 21 April 2009


  1. Kevin Barrett Has Eleven Questions, Jews Confirm Big Media Is Jewish — 12 November 2012


  1. Jack Blood Looks Into Gaza Aid Flotilla, Rick Sanchez Triggers Jews — 4 October 2010


  1. Derry Brownfield Explores Canadian Hate Crimes Tribunals for Quoting Scripture — 3 May 2006


  1. Mark Dankof's America @RBN HR256 From Shiela Jackson Lee Not Welcome in Congress — 11 January 2009

  2. Mark Dankof's America @RBN Hate Laws Threaten Free Speech — 28 September 2008

  3. Mark Dankof's America @RBN and Ted Discuss Two Dangerous Bills Pushed By ADL — 11 September 2008

  4. Mark Dankof's America @RBN The Passion Of the Christ — 21 March 2008

  5. Perverse Definition By Department Of Global Anti-Semitism — 13 June 2007

  6. Mark Dankof's America @RBN Resisting Hate Crime Legislation in the Senate — 4 January 2007 Hour 1

  7. Mark Dankof's America @RBN John Hagee Boasts of ADL Awards — 4 January 2007 Hour 2


  1. Coach Dave and Ted Pike Bring Back The National Day of Prayer, Founding NPN — 5 December 2009 Hour 1

  2. Coach Dave Sees Ted Pike as Paul Revere; Cromwell's Mischief — 5 December 2009 Hour 2


  1. With Dr. Bill Deagle: Stop Hate Crimes Bill in the Senate with TruthTellers Help — 9 October 2009

  2. With Dr. Bill Deagle: ADL Destroys Liberty Worldwide; Watch HR1913 and S909 — 10 June 2009

  3. With Dr. Bill Deagle: Hate Bill Updates and ADL Lies — 23 December 2009

  4. With Dr. Bill Deagle: HR1913 Horrors from Obama's Conspirators — 22 April 2009

  5. With Dr. Bill Deagle: Dave Prince and Ted Pike Discuss Criminalized Speech — 7 January 2009


  1. Dale Dobson: Obama Extends Federal Blame For Violence To Your Pastor — 9 July 2009


  1. Gaza Made Simple for Christians — 22 January 2009

  2. David Duke Compliments Ted Pike On Courageous Hate Crime Resistance Efforts — 16 July 2008


  1. The Free American Hour with Clay Douglas: ADL Attacks On Christianity — 2 July 2008

JAMES EDWARDS, The Political Cesspool

  1. The Political Cesspool, Holder Admits Hate Crime Law Only Indicts White Christians — 18 May 2014

  2. Political Cesspool with James Edwards: A&E's Bias Crime Against Duck Dynasty — 11 January 2014

  3. Political Cesspool with James Edwards: Are Jews the Brothers of Christians? — 26 November 2011

  4. The Political Cesspool: The True Meaning of God's Covenant With Abraham — 2 July 2011

  5. The Political Cesspool, Objective Criticism Enrages Hypocritical ZOA — 21 May 2011

  6. Political Cesspool with James Edwards: Lovers of Freedom Must Call Congress! — 3 January 2009

  7. Political Cesspool with James Edwards: Help Dr. Frederick Toben With Support — 11 October 2008 Hour 1

  8. Political Cesspool with James Edwards: The Shoah Story Is Transcendental Nonsense — 11 October 2008 Hour 2

DAVID EWING, We the People

  1. We The People: Churchill Warns of Supremist Jewish Threat in 1919 — 6 October 2008

  2. We The People and David Ewing: A Patriotic Christian Conservative Upbringing — 1 July 2008


  1. Faith to Action, Janet Folger: Rebellion When Hate Bill Is Attached to Arms Apropriations — 11 December 2007

MICHAEL HERZOG, The American Awakening

  1. The American Awakening - Michael Herzog: B'nai B'rith Informs Embedded In Law Enforcement — 27 March 2007 Hour 1

  2. The American Awakening - Michael Herzog: WND and Janet Folger Support Ted's Work — 27 March 2007 Hour 2


  1. GeorgeAnn Hughes and Ted Discuss Organized Pedophilia and Orange Juice — 17 October 2006

  2. GeorgeAnn Hughes: Edward Kennedy In Standoff with Bill Frist, Both Evasive — 18 May 2006


  1. Alex Jones: Ted Pike Fights New Thought Crimes, Call the Senate Staffers NOW — 7 July 2009 Hour 1

  2. Alex Jones: Holder Admits There Is No Equality Under Hate Bills — 7 July 2009 Hour 2

  3. Alex Jones: Push for Presidential Veto of Hate Crimes Bill14 October 2009


  1. Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis: Discussing Demonic Attacks on Alynn Pike — 9 January 2012


  1. Makow: Should Christians Get Involved in Politics to Protect God's Values? — 13 April 2008


  1. Officer Jack McLamb: Trick Obama Into Veto of Arms Bill — 21 April 2009

  2. Officer Jack McLamb: Stop Hate Bills In Hearings — 5 January 2009

  3. Officer Jack McLamb: Our Senators Are Looking at the Canadian Example — 13 May 2009

  4. Officer Jack McLamb: Monitoring Hate Crime Legislation Globally — 6 October 2008

  5. Jack McLamb on RBN: Calling Americans Who Love Free Speech! Fight This Legislation. — 29 April 2006 Hour 1

  6. Jack McLamb on RBN: SpecOps Agents Placing False Flag Car Bombs in Iraq — 29 April 2006 Hour 2


  1. Jan Markell: Terrorist National Leadership In Israel — 21 April 2007


  1. POP Texe Marrs: Greetings from Orwell's 1984 Hero Winston — 4 January 2008


  1. Robbie Noel: Debunking Farah's Fables About Palestine — 28 October 2011

  2. Robbie Noel: Active HR256/262 Require Attention Now After 5th Defeat — 17 February 2009

  3. Robbie Noel: Australian Dr. Frederick Toben Arrested for Truth — 7 October 2008


  1. Pastor Butch Paw and Ted Pike: Jesus Christ Attacked by Good Christian Bitches — 12 March 2012

  2. This Is War with Pastor Butch Paugh: Anti-Christian and Pro-Homosexual ADL — 24 January 2011


  1. VOR Suzy of Patriot Dames: Save the United States from Jewish Control — 20 February 2009


  1. Dr. Future: Eric Holder Reveals His Viruent Racism and Hate — 13 October 2009


  1. Radio X: Increasing Decadance In So-Called Christian Churches — 16 May 2010

  2. Radio X: Hate Laws Bring Evil and Bitter Fruits — 17 May 2009 Hour 1

  3. Radio X: All 517 Sexual Perversions Protected In Hate Law — 17 May 2009 Hour 2


  1. Jeff Rense: "Anti-Semitism Awareness" Bill — 23 October 2019

  2. Jeff Rense: "Hate Speech" and the First Amendment — 6 June 2019

  3. Jeff Rense: The LGBTQ "Equality" Bill — 22 May 2019

  4. Jeff Rense: Zionists Pushing So-Called "Equality" Bill — 30 April 2019

  5. Crown Heights Hassidic Pedo-Gangsters Hate YOU — 27 January 2014

  6. Federal Workplace Hate Bill Denies Our Rights — 5 November 2013

  7. Jeff Rense: The SPLC Hates Deeply — 30 May 2013

  8. Closure for Alynn After Six Months — 19 July 2012

  9. Jeff Rense: Protest "Good Christian Bitches" TV Series — 5 April 2012

  10. Jeff Rense: CISPA Cyber "Security" Removes All Protection — 2 May 2012

  11. ABC's "Good Christian Bitches" Blasphemy — 12 March 2012

  12. False Theology Concerning Israel — 9 March 2011

  13. Deviant Raping Rabbis — 14 June 2011

  14. Jeff Rense: Remembering Alynn's Visions — 20 January 2012

  15. Jeff Rense: FOUR MORE Hate Bills Percolating Now — 24 September 2011

  16. Jeff Rense: False Theology Concerning Israel — 14 March 2011

  17. Jeff Rense: 2010 Recap: Zionist Setbacks! — 3 January 2011

  18. Jeff Rense: Hate Laws Are Political Tools For Tyranny — 28 February 2011

  19. Hate Crimes Gestapo Afraid To Test Us — 9 December 2011

  20. Jeff Rense: A Staggering Setback In Popularity — 17 Septmber 2010

  21. Jeff Rense: Gaza Flotilla Raid! 9 Killed Aboard Aid Ship — 7 June 2010

  22. Jeff Rense: The Rule Of Law Can Destroy A Society — 17 July 2009

  23. Jeff Rense: Senate Is Under Zionist Influence — 18 May 2009

  24. Jeff Rense: Without Free Speech We Are Slaves — 20 April 2009

  25. Jeff Rense: Rep. Tammy Baldwin Protects Homosexual Pedophiles — 23 April 2009

  26. Jeff Rense: ADL Penetrates The Judiciary — 21 March 2007

  27. Jeff Rense: Intellectual Flouride Keeps Us Dumbed Down — 3 December 2007

  28. Jeff Rense: Not Equality, But Special Rights With ENDA — 17 May 2010

  29. Jeff Rense: Threats To Our Freedom of Thought and Speech — 3 January 2007

  30. Jeff Rense: Canada's Example Shows Our Freedom of Thought Is Threatened — 11 January 2007

  31. Jeff Rense: Fight Hate Bills In Committee First — 13 March 2007

  32. Jeff Rense: Christian Right Wakes Up to Stop Section 220 — 24 January 2007

  33. Jeff Rense: Tactics of Treasonous Ted Kennedy — 25 September 2007

  34. Jeff Rense: Stop A Hate Crimes Bureaucracy That Ends Free Speech — 30 October 2007

  35. Jeff Rense: "Sounds Good" Is Enough to Pass Unconstitutional Crap — 6 November 2007

  36. Jeff Rense: Hate Laws Created by Homosexual Lobby — 30 November 2012

  37. Jeff Rense: Fight Five Hate Laws Pending in Congress — 12 October 2009

  38. Jeff Rense: Hate Bill Veto Strategy @ — 11 August 2009

  39. Jeff Rense: Zionists Re-introduce Hate Laws Again — 18 February 2009

  40. Jeff Rense: HR256 and HR262 Establish ADL Run Federal Programs — 13 January 2009

  41. Jeff Rense: Marxist Ascendency Destroys American Strength — 2 December 2008

  42. Jeff Rense: Frederick Toben Persecuted for Honest Question — 9 October 2008

  43. Jeff Rense: History Of Zionist Sponsored Terror — 31 March 2008

  44. Jeff Rense: Hate Bill Bullies Control Congress — 31 July 2007


  1. Maggie Roddin: CISPA Bill Brought by Forces of Evil — 2 May 2012

  2. Maggie Roddin: "Good Christian Bitches" Hides Jewish Animus — 18 April 2012


  1. Dr. Laurie Roth: Federal Hate Crime Bill Ends Free Speech — 19 May 2009

  2. Dr. Laurie Roth: "Good Christian Bitches" Outrage from ABC — 16 April 2012

JUDITH SHARPE, Catholic Restoration

  1. Catholic Restoration with Judith Sharpe: Who Is Destined To Rule The World? — 30 October 2009


  1. The French Connection: Cyrus Scofield Was Not A Doctor of Anything — 28 February 2011

  2. Zionist Hollywood Subverts Christianity With the DaVinci Code — 13 June 2006

  3. Darrell Bradford Smith: Save the Internet With I Am The Witness — 7 July 2006

  4. Supremacy & Racism Exemplified by the Babylonian "Oral Tradition" — 16 August 2006

  5. The French Connection with Darryl Bradford Smith: Fight To Keep Free Speech! — 25 April 2006

  6. The French Connection: Greek Philosophers Show Laws of Nature — 17 November 2006

  7. The French Connection: The Talmud and Today's Jewish Perversions — 30 October 2006

  8. The French Connection: Looking Behind The Veneer Of The Neo-Cons — 1 February 2006 Hour 1

  9. The French Connection: Zohar Is Trashing Christian Symbols & Values — 1 February 2006 Hour 2

  10. The French Connection: Look At Global Zionist Crimes — 6 January 2006 Hour 1

  11. The French Connection: Financing Lenin and Trotsky — 6 January 2006 Hour 2

  12. The French Connection: Christian Values Under Assault By Khazars — 13 February 2006 Hour 1

  13. The French Connection: The Christian Right Has Been Conned — 13 February 2006 Hour 2

  14. The French Connection: Unvarnished Racism In Jewish Leadership — 18 January 2006 Hour 1

  15. The French Connection: Jewish Leadership and "The Passion of the Christ" — 18 January 2006 Hour 2

  16. The French Connection: Return To Rational By Exposing Khazar Death Cult — 22 March 2006

  17. The French Connection: Atheist Jews Central To UFO Disclosure Story — 23 December 2005 Hour 1

  18. The French Connection: Do Not Participate In Deception — 23 December 2005 Hour 2


  1. Spingola Speaks: Helen Thomas Interview, USS Liberty pt1 — 5 August 2011 Hour 1

  2. Spingola Speaks: Helen Thomas Interview, with Questions pt2 — 5 August 2011 Hour 2

  3. Spingola Speaks: Debunking Farah's Fables — 6 November 2012

JOHN STADTMILLER, National Intel Report

  1. Ted With John Stadtmiller, Exposing False Jewish Leadership — 1 June 2006 Hour 1

  2. The DaVinci Code, Made by Christ Haters — 1 June 2006 Hour 2

  3. NIT John Stadtmiller: Homosexual Lobby Intercourse With Senate Judiciary — 15 June 2009

  4. NIT John Stadtmiller: SPLC Does Not Dare Meet John in Court — 31 April 2010

  5. NIT John Stadtmiller: Office of Global Anti-Semitism and "The Deniers" — 9 April 2008

  6. NIT John Stadtmiller: House HR1585 Rebellion Is Good News — 3 December 2008

  7. NIT John Stadtmiller: Intensification of ADL Hate Crime Initiatives — 31 October 2007 Hour 1

  8. NIT John Stadtmiller: We Must Do Our Civic Duty — 31 October 2007 Hour 2

  9. NIT John Stadtmiller: WND's Farah Spreads Zionist Disinformation — 28 October 2011

  10. NIT John Stadtmiller: The End Of Free Speech With Thought Crime Punishment — 5 January 2007 Hour 1

  11. NIT John Stadtmiller: Criminalizing Reference To Zionist Power — 5 January 2007 Hour 2

  12. NIT John Stadtmiller: SA2067 HR2015 ENDA Are Bills To Fight Now — 10 September 2007 Hour 1

  13. NIT John Stadtmiller: Six Missing Nukes? — 10 September 2007 Hour 2

  14. NIT John Stadtmiller: 1998 Bill Defeated 5 Times Is Back — 5 January 2009

  15. NIT John Stadtmiller: Hate Laws Make Churches Fold To ADL Demands — 23 February 2009

  16. NIT John Stadtmiller: Challenging "Six Million"™ Gospel Brings Trouble — 8 October 2008 Hour 1

  17. NIT John Stadtmiller: Indian Arian Does Not Understand Babylonian Heresy — 8 October 2008 Hour 2

  18. John Stadtmiller: AIPAC Leverage Is Poisoned by The Babylonian Talmud — 19 June 2008 Hour 1

  19. National Intel Report: Irgun and Stern Gang Terrorize Palestine — 19 June 2008 Hour 2

  20. John Stadtmiller @ RBN: Stop Kennedy's Hateful Bill by Calling 100 Senators — 3 May 2006


  1. Thor Tolo from Seattle: Zionism Is an Idol for Christian Evangelicals — 1 June 2007


  1. Truth Brigade Radio: Israel Today Is Counterfiet By Denying Jesus Christ — 12 June 2008


  1. Truth Hertz: Leverage Obama's Hatred of Military to Scuttle Hate Bill — 24 August 2009


  1. The Waterman Files, Christian Conservative Pioneers Bring A National Day of Prayer — 9 September, 2010


  1. Frank Whalen @ RBN: International Criteria for Hate Laws Crushes National Sovereignty — 4 May 2006


  1. Glenn: New Testament Publicly Burned in Israel — 24 May 2008

  2. The International: HR256 and HR262 From Shiela Jackson Lee — 11 January 2009

  3. How to Communicate With Senate and Congressional Aides About Hate Bills — 5 May 2009

  4. Protect Free Speech by Fighting Hate Bills in Congress — 12 January 2009

current Ted Pike photo
Ted, today - photo: John Pike, October 2019
Mail: P.O. Box 828, Clackamas, OR 97015
Email: Rev. Ted Pike

Breaking News

Hate crimes laws may make you a lawbreaker! Such laws, while claiming to promote tolerance, actually lead to the end of free speech! Powerful articles and NPN's video exposé of hate crimes laws in Canada and the United States provide you with the vital tools necessary to combat this imminent threat to freedom. This video is especially important as acts of terrorism extend the power of "Big Brother" to monitor what you do, say, and think.

Read the latest news.

3 January 2021 - EMERGENCY ALERT
Will God Answer Prayer From "Christians" Who Don't Obey?

10 November 2020 - EMERGENCY ALERT
Biden's 3 children, Harris, linked by marriage with Jews.

White House sources have revealed that President Trump regrets following the left-conciliating advice of his son-in-law and senior advisor, Jared Kushner regarding police reform.

17 December, 2019 - EMERGENCY ALERT - Trump Supports Jewish Claim: Christianity is Antisemitic
President Trump’s recent Executive Order IS THE TEXT of the Jewish ADL’s “Anti-Semitism Awareness Act, S852, recently rejected by the US Senate for Committee consideration.

“Anti-Semitism Awareness” Bill Worse than “Equality” Bill! Good news! The Christian-threatening, LGBT- promoting “Equality Act” could not face confrontation with hostile Senate Judiciary Republicans this spring. It went nowhere. Yet Democrats could still try to get it through the Senate Judiciary. NPN will sound the alarm at if it starts to move forward.

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