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Speaking of the Jews , the apostle Paul expressed a foundational purpose of the National Prayer Network: “Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for them is for their salvation.” (Romans 10:1)
In order to protect God’s Chosen People, a Christian remnant of believing Jews in every age, it is necessary to educate both Christians and Jews concerning the magnitude of threat which evil Jewish leadership poses to both. Toward this end, decades of research and activism by Rev. Ted Pike have resulted in a 345 page book and four major video documentaries, plus being interviewed by about 60 radio and TV hosts on at least 700 occasions.


This necessitates spiritually deepening and educating Christians at every level. In NPN’S “Biblical Answers With Rev. Ted Pike” are recorded over three hundred Bible talks on the widest variety of topics.

Spiritual Rest From War Within: Biblical Answers With Rev. Ted Pike

Because Spirit-led truth telling can be controversial it is vital that Christian and Jewish believers completely understand and experience what Paul means in Hebrews 3,4, as “spiritual rest”. In Pike’s Bible study,“What Is Spiritual Rest From War Within?”(link), or in a shorter written article ,(link) he explains how, by giving Christ what He wants most, simple child like trust in Him and also obeying when the Holy Spirit prompts us to good works, believers can experience God’s ’ “peace that passes understanding”( Philippians 4:7). Without such inner calm and confidence in God’ leading it is impossible to engage in prolonged spiritual warfare.


Listen to Rev. Ted Pike discuss a wide variety of challenging issues related to faith and action. Recorded in a lecture/discussion format. (Note: To Download MP3s Right-Click on link and then "Save Link As".)

7-29-14, King David Advocated Fairness to Israel's Foes
Unlike the hit-back ethics of Talmudic rabbis, which fuel Mid-East conflict, ancient King David personified very advanced ethical values towards his enemies, anticipating Christ.
Click here to listen, or right-click to download.

7-16-14, Discussion of Psalms 1-4
Rev. Ted Pike and the Truthtellers Bible study group begin a recorded journey through the Book of Psalms. These readings and discussions may be interrupted by other Bible studies but will be resumed until the book is completed. Here we explore the first four psalms.
Click here to listen, or right-click to download.

View Ted's Biblical Answers Index Here:

Read the latest news.

Would Anti-Hate Laws Make YOU a Criminal?

Hate crimes laws may make you a lawbreaker! Such laws, while claiming to promote tolerance, actually lead to the end of free speech! Powerful articles and NPN's new video expose of hate crimes laws in Canada and the United States provide you with the vital tools necessary to combat this imminent threat to freedom. This video is especially important as acts of terrorism extend the power of "Big Brother" to monitor what you do, say, and think.

Latest Information on Hate Crimes Bill Fight:
View the text of the federal hate crimes law with astute commentary by Rev. Ted Pike.


Hate crimes are thought crimes!

Read the latest news.

Biblical Issues On Israel

This is a resource center for discussion of every aspect of Israel - past, present, and future- from the perspective of the Bible. Condensing 15 years research in obscure Jewish sources, evangelical scholar Rev. Ted Pike brings unique insights into Israel's part in God's plan of the ages.

Read this Article!

Read “Mid-East Strife: Rediscovering the Bible’s Forgotten Solution” by Ted Pike!
This is the most important article on Israel and the Middle East you may ever encounter!

Read Israel From the Perspective of the Bible
In this section, the National Prayer Network presents selected writings by Rev. Ted Pike which, while never advocating persecution or restriction of Jews, re-establish the Biblical right to expose and criticize the sins of Israel - a prophetic duty just as much required today as when Christ and the Hebrew prophets reproved them.


More about Israel here!

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Other TruthTellers and Friends of NPN

If you don't already know these brave content producers, prepare to enjoy extensive scholarship in The Lord's Light.

Steve and Jana Ben-Nun of Israeli News Live
Israeli News Live is an independent news source, examining world events from a prophetic out look. Not every broadcast is examined in this light but the topics that clearly are fulfilling Biblical prophecy is what we watch for keeping people in the know as Israel awaits her coming Messiah. Click here to visit

American Free Press
AFP is the preeminent alternative, independent news source for honest, hardworking, truth-loving Americans. Click here to visit

Republic Broadcasting Network
Real News, Real Talk, Real People; because you can handle the truth. Click here to visit

Read the latest news.

America is at the most consequential moment of it's history. If the American colonies had not rebelled against the British, America probably would have suffered no worse fate than Canada and Australia. If the South had won the Civil War we would have two nations, one free, the other slave-holding, but both nominally Christian. Yet, with the recent tyranny of U.S. courts and the Jewish-dominated mass media to not allow the overwhelming evidence of presidential election fraud to receive a fair hearing, Christians are facing the very real possibility of persecution under the Marxist-sympathetic Biden/Harris regime.

White House sources have revealed that President Trump regrets following the left-conciliating advice of his son-in-law and senior advisor, Jared Kushner regarding police reform.
They say he has abandoned Kushner's advice on this issue, returning to his previous assertion that "systemic racism" in American police is a virtual non-issue compared to the magnitude of protection and fair play which the vast majority of police provide all citizens.

A Call to the American Church: In short, America is in big trouble. The reasons for this are many, but I believe they can be summed up in one sentence. Our nation has turned away from God.

Rev. Ted Pike’s new article, “12 Ways To Resist Trump’s ‘Christians Are AntiSemites‘ Decree” is a bold, unprecedented rallying call to pro- Israel academics. It alerts them that all branches of the U.S. government are now encouraged by Trump’s recent executive order (link) to consider Christians and the New Testament as representative of “Classical AntiSemitism”.
Pike wants lovers of freedom to help him find e- addresses of professors in all U.S. Seminaries, Colleges, and Bible Schools. Through his upcoming article he can then warn them that powerful Jewish advisors surrounding Trump are manipulating him against Christianity.


View all of our E-Alerts here!

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Truthtellers Video Section

Four for October 2019

Click here for Magic Box Videos!

Ted Pike, May 14, 2019

Alex Jones Exposed


Adam Green, June 13,2019

Know More News W/ Rev. Ted Pike (Zionism, Adl, & Anti-Semitism)


The video documentaries created by Rev. Ted Pike reveal his penetrating insights spanning the broad realms of Zionist conspiracy, ADL hate crime laws, Bible prophecy, and Christian theology. Released in 1987, Pike’s “Other Israel” was the first major video documentary to present “ the whole story of Zionist conspiracy.” It filled a huge vacuum, with 12,000 VHS copies sold in the first two months.

View our video channels here!

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With our track record (which NPN intends to continue for the duration), one fact looms all- important: NPN MUST continue as a central watchdog preserving freedom. NPN IS organized resistance to ADL “hate crime” legislation. It is also an indispensable fountain of theological and eschatological guidance as the world and the Evangelical Church sink deeper in the quicksands of the Age of Delusion.

This means that NPN depends on your financial support. This can mean any gift, small or large. But it can also mean inclusion of NPN in your will or as a beneficiary of investments or sale of property. The truth is, by giving to NPN you are REALLY giving hope of freedom and free speech to your children and grandchildren and, by God’s grace, generations of Americans to come.

Contact Truthtellers

Email Rev. Ted Pike:   npntedpike [@]

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