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By Rev. Ted Pike

Last week a public access TV producer received the following letter after he announced in the local newspaper that he was about to show my video Hate Laws: Making Criminals of Christians:

“Ron Johnson, let me introduce myself to you. I am an active member of the Jewish Defense League. My particular affiliation is with the Kahane division named after the late great Rabbi Meir Kahane. I strongly suggest that you look us up on the Internet as you will have a better understanding of what we are all about. Unlike Jews of my parents’ generation, we will not walk willingly to the gas chambers. Let me be very clear, you anti-Semite bastard, that your days of anti-Semitic garbage are over. You are never going to spew your hatred again. This is not a threat. I consider this matter closed if and only if: 1. You write an apology to the local newspaper. 2. You are not heard of again, no letter-writing, no more hateful TV. UNDERSTAND!!!!! Ron Johnson, consider this a golden opportunity to crawl back into the sewer that you belong, you hate-mongering piece of worthless —. I have my eye on your every move. Don’t disappoint me. Yours truly, YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE.”

Such is typical of the countless death threats the Jewish Defense League has delivered to opponents of Zionism since its founding in 1968 by fanatical arch Zionist Rabbi Meir Kahane. The JDL is the clandestine terrorist arm of ADL/Mossad. While ADL poses as the “civil liberties” branch of B’nai B’rith International, ostensibly disapproving of JDL and thus "moderate" in comparison, JDL is radical Zionism's down-and-dirty gestapo. JDL is not reluctant to threaten, assassinate or bomb, even in America, in order to silence opposition to the ADL/Zionist agenda.

JDL has a rap sheet longer than your arm. This organization has committed hundreds acts of violence against those who criticize “God’s chosen people.” (See "The JDL Terror Network" at and "Backgrounder: The Jewish Defense League" at LINK ERASED BY UNIT 8200 OPERATORS! FOUND ON WEB.ARCHIVE.ORG WAYBACK MACHINE

A History of Covert Terror

During Zionist agitation against British occupation in Palestine in the years prior to Israel’s statehood in 1948, Zionist leaders were masters of using clandestine terrorist organizations to demoralize their opposition. Official Zionism, personified at that time by David Ben-Gurion, portrayed Jewish idealism to a supportive world. But undercover, Menachem Begin and Yitzhak Shamir, leaders of Irgun and the Stern gang, masterminded bombings, assassinations and terrorist atrocities. Such violence against their opponents in Palestine, while officially condemned by “respectable” Zionist leaders, nevertheless played a vital role in driving both British and Arabs from Palestine.

Is America going to degenerate into a similar situation, where ADL/JDL will work, each in its own way, to silence all who oppose their hate crimes agenda?

Death Threats against Talk Show Host

Last night, popular talk show host Daryl Smith told me that as a result of his outspokenness concerning the 9/11 Mossad connection, ADL is now threatening his sponsors at Genesis Radio Network. He received three death threats last week.

How should lovers of freedom respond? We must roar in defense of those who are literally putting their lives on the line for freedom!!!

To protect Ron Johnson, send this email with your comments, and and again here.

To protect Daryl Smith, contact Genesis Communication Network (11461 Rupp Drive, Burnsville, Minn. 55337;; fax: 952-707-8777). Express your appreciation for Smith's fearless program, the French Connection, 3 p.m. CST, Call Smith’s sponsors; tell them you will buy their products if they continue to support Smith.

Our Message to ADL/JDL

The best way to deal with ADL/JDL is to shine the spotlight on them. We must specifically inform as many as possible concerning ADL creation of "anti-hate" laws ending free speech. ADL/JDL will learn they lose more than they hope to gain by gestapo tactics.

This is our message to the ADL/JDL thugs who are threatening Ron Johnson and Daryl Smith: Back off! Lovers of freedom know you want to strip us of our Christian values and take away free speech through bullying and your twisted hate laws. By God's grace we’ve defeated your hate bill five times in Congress, and we’ll only get stronger and more educated if you try again. UNDERSTAND!!!!! We have our eye on your every move. We are YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE.

Ted Pike and Daryl Smith discuss the worldwide ascent to power by evil Jewish leadership on a special French Connection broadcast. Tune in to at 3:30 CST on Tuesday, Nov. 22.

current Ted Pike photo
Ted, today - photo: John Pike, October 2019
Mail: P.O. Box 828, Clackamas, OR 97015
Email: Rev. Ted Pike

Breaking News

Hate crimes laws may make you a lawbreaker! Such laws, while claiming to promote tolerance, actually lead to the end of free speech! Powerful articles and NPN’s video exposé of hate crimes laws in Canada and the United States provide you with the vital tools necessary to combat this imminent threat to freedom. This video is especially important as acts of terrorism extend the power of "Big Brother" to monitor what you do, say, and think.

Read the latest news.

White House sources have revealed that President Trump regrets following the left-conciliating advice of his son-in-law and senior advisor, Jared Kushner regarding police reform.
They say he has abandoned Kushner’s advice on this issue, returning to his previous assertion that “systemic racism” in American police is a virtual non-issue compared to the magnitude of protection and fair play which the vast majority of police provide all citizens.

17 December, 2019 - EMERGENCY ALERT - Trump Supports Jewish Claim: Christianity is Antisemitic.
President Trump’s recent Executive Order IS THE TEXT of the Jewish ADL’s “Anti-Semitism Awareness Act, S852, recently rejected by the US Senate for Committee consideration.

“Anti-Semitism Awareness” Bill Worse than “Equality” Bill! Good news! The Christian-threatening, LGBT- promoting “Equality Act” could not face confrontation with hostile Senate Judiciary Republicans this spring. It went nowhere. Yet Democrats could still try to get it through the Senate Judiciary. NPN will sound the alarm at if it starts to move forward.

18 May 2019 - EMERGENCY ALERT - Senate New Forum for “Equality” Bill Debate
Call the Congress Hotline at 1-202-224-3121 and ask for a Senator’s office. I suggest you say: “Please don’t vote for the “Equality Act” S788. It will help end free speech for Christians making them criminals if they criticize Homosexuality”.

01 May 2019 - EMERGENCY ALERT - “Equality” Bill Hastens Babylon the Great - Part Two
If Jews acquire full protection as a “protected class” in America it will mean that if a Jew complains to the government that he has suffered “acute emotional trauma” as a result of “anti semitic” discrimination or criticism of his race or religion he may prompt a federal investigation. If the government agrees, the defendant will have to retain the best lawyer he can find.


Contact Truthtellers

Mail: P.O. Box 828, Clackamas, OR 97015

Email: Rev. Ted Pike, npntedpike [@]

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