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25 July, 2011 By Rev. Ted Pike

The Guardian reports that during a dinner with British Prime Minister Tony Blair in 2002 Rupert Murdoch said “he didn’t see what the Palestinian’s problem was.” Yet his son James (now head of Murdoch’s News Corp.) replied it was because “they were kicked out of their f---ing homes and had nowhere to f---ing live.”

James Murdoch’s speech reveals a spiritually darkened soul. Yet his mind was capable of clearly understanding the thorn that has made the Mideast bleed: the 1948 expulsion by Israel of 800,000 Palestinians into concentration camps.

Last week 5,000 evangelicals gathered in Washington D.C. at the Christians United for Israel (CUFI) conference to agree with televised Prime Minister Netanyahu who said, “When you support Israel, you don’t have to choose between your interests and your values; you get both.” He encouraged the attendees to think of Israel as “indistinguishable” from America. Also, Haaretz says:

“News commentator Glenn Beck worked the audience into a frenzy, decrying the historical persecution of Jews, insisting that Israel cannot cede control over territories it controls, and calling upon the conference attendees to declare that they, too, are Jewish… Beck repeated a refrain that Netanyahu had introduced earlier, appealing to audience members to self-identify as Israelis and Jews themselves. He exhorted, "When we see Israelis not as part of us, but as us, we can move to the next level as human beings," adding, "Let us declare 'I am a Jew,' they cannot kill all of us."

What these two demagogues are really recommending is that millions of evangelicals, restricted both genetically and theologically from ever becoming fully Jewish, give themselves mind, soul and body to total identification with and support and unconditional approval of Israel.

Prior to the CUFI conference, Beck said, “[Christian Israel supporters] see tragedy coming down the pike unless we take a stand…Many of us were asleep for a long time…We are waking up to what could be on the horizon: . . .the vaporization of Israel and the end of the Western way of life as we know it,"…Beck said the way to prevent such a tragedy was to stand together, be righteous and decent and protect one another." (These may be values Israel attempts to implement to fellow Jews but emphatically do not apply to Palestinians.)

Beck also said that it’s time to “get the Christian community in America to wake up and start standing up [for Israel].” Again, there is a problem: Israel stands by its sordid record of human rights abuses unapologetically, especially against the people of Gaza today. How can evangelicals support a nation perpetuating injustice? It can’t be done by asserting that it has been God’s will to imprison millions of Palestinian refugees for more than half a century under inhumane conditions of human rights deprivation, boycott and outright murder.

Instead, Israel-first evangelicals, following Beck and Hagee, opt to express their support for the pariah state through emotional extravaganzas and simplistic, pseudo-Biblical rhetoric that flatters Israel. Several attendees at the CUFI conference are quoted as affirming the following, which they believe are solid biblical grounds for unquestioning support of Israel.

God promises to bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse (criticize) Israel.

God promises to the Jews rights to own and occupy Israel unconditionally forever.

Israel does no wrong worthy of criticism. Even if a few Israelis did bad things, no sin of any magnitude can change their status as God’s chosen, “the apple of His eye.”

Such pablum is repeated by Hagee, Beck and their pro-Zionist followers as if it were biblical law. Hagee: “The truth is not what you think it is – it’s what the Bible says.” In reality, such evangelical, Zionist Bible-thumping is only righteous-sounding, Zionist propaganda. Unable to counter criticism of Israel rationally, Israelophiles have just one recourse: to go on the flattery offensive, further corrupting Israel. This is what Beck plans for late August when evangelicals worldwide will participate via satellite in his “Restoring Courage” conference in Jerusalem. “He said the event would be attended by 30 American political figures, 70 international politicians and citizen delegations from 100 countries around the world. . .” Already scheduled are 700 evangelical viewing parties of the gala event.

This will be a gathering of false prophets and their devotees, much like the 850 false prophets in ancient Israel who gathered on Mount Carmel against Elijah (I Kings 18:19). Those desired to establish their defiant premise that the nation could reject Jehovah (Jesus) and worship Baal and yet dwell in the land under divine blessing. Little has changed today as Beck, Hagee, and Israel persist in their claim that nearly six million Israelis can dwell in Palestine in rejection of Christ.

Yet the Jehovah-rejecting northern tribes found out differently. In 722 B.C., God enforced His terms of “no obedience, no occupation.” The entire northern kingdom went into captivity under the Assyrians and eventually was blown into oblivion across the arid Mideast sands. Scripture says a similar fate will befall disobedient Israel today when a new “Assyrian,” the Anti-Christ, expels false Israel (Is. 10:5). God will rain judgment on the Great Harlot, Babylon, and her false prophets, who, like Beck and Hagee, prophesy peace to a nation which should be scouring its conscience with self-doubt and remorse, leading to repentance. “There is no peace, says the Lord unto the wicked.” (Is. 48:22) (See, 'Babylon the Great' is Israel).

Is constructive criticism of Israel really cursing God’s chosen people? Is it really anti-Semitism? Scripture says, “The wounds of a friend are faithful.” If Beck and Hagee were really the friends of Israel, they would be hosting an international conference not to flatter Israel but to encourage the Jewish state to end the free speech restrictions and persecutions of Christians and Palestinians which cause Israel to be increasingly despised by the world.

Instead, millions of evangelicals this summer will further corrupt Israel by flattery, only strengthening her and PR surrogate ADL/B’nai B’rith to create hate laws. Such laws increasingly plague the very Christians who believe Israel can do no wrong.

Since I began to publicly speak out concerning the Zionist threat in 1984, I have yet to receive an intelligent and systematic rebuttal from any evangelical. Instead, the truth I present is usually responded to by very short bursts of defamation of me as “anti-Semitic.” Any system of thought that cannot rationally defend itself but must habitually respond with emotion or defamation is condemned to a relatively brief life in the history of ideas. That is, unless it is artificially kept alive by massive media or cultural empowerment. Such, unfortunately, is the advantage of Israel and its evangelical sycophants, whose fanaticism and vast numbers continue to help outrace oblivion.

Unprepared by reason or true Scriptural authority to respond to massive worldwide criticism of Israel, evangelicals have floundered on the defensive in the last several years. Yet, Beck and Hagee, working intensely to revive pro-Israel ardor in the days ahead, could help create a tidal wave of unprecedented pro-Israel zeal, taking many evangelicals to a new level of spiritual adultery with the Great Harlot.

current Ted Pike photo
Ted, today - photo: John Pike, October 2019
Mail: P.O. Box 828, Clackamas, OR 97015
Email: Rev. Ted Pike

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Hate crimes laws may make you a lawbreaker! Such laws, while claiming to promote tolerance, actually lead to the end of free speech! Powerful articles and NPN’s video exposé of hate crimes laws in Canada and the United States provide you with the vital tools necessary to combat this imminent threat to freedom. This video is especially important as acts of terrorism extend the power of "Big Brother" to monitor what you do, say, and think.

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Mail: P.O. Box 828, Clackamas, OR 97015

Email: Rev. Ted Pike, npntedpike [@]

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