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9 April, 2008 By Rev. Ted Pike

In its recent report to Congress, the U.S. State Department "Office of Global Anti-Semitism" makes a startling policy statement. It says the New Testament record that the Jews had Christ crucified is "classic anti-Semitism" -- a historic form of hate. 1
In its 2005 report to Congress, the State Department included as an "anti-Semitic incident" the case of a Polish priest who said Jews killed Christ. Today, three years later, the State Department could not be clearer. 

Are you one of tens of millions of Christians who agree with Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ that evil Jewish leaders incited a Jewish mob and persuaded Pilate to have Christ crucified? The U.S. government now considers you "anti-Semitic." You are part of a worldwide scourge the U.S. government, Canada , Australia , and 55 European nations are uniting to suppress. 2
In the many countries now ruled by hate laws, it is already a federal offense to repeat the claim of New Testament "hate literature" that the Jews had Christ crucified. 3 The State Department's equation of Biblical Christianity with "hate" is an ominous indication. The Jewish Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith – architect of hate laws worldwide (and primary ideological and statistics-gathering force behind the Office of Global Anti-Semitism) -- is moving rapidly to create bias against Christians as haters, particularly of Jews and homosexuals.
Despite passionate support of Israel by evangelicals, ADL claims Christianity is inherently anti-Semitic. ADL says the New Testament is the seedbed of suspicion and blame against Jews leading to the Holocaust of WW II. 3 Televangelist John Hagee, recipient of numerous ADL/B'nai B'rith awards, upholds ADL propaganda. He preaches that Jews did not reject or kill Christ, do not have to accept Him, and that New Testament Christianity is a primary source of anti-Semitism throughout the ages. 4
As Jewish-dominated media increasingly persuades the public and government to agree with this stereotype, it will become easier to pass Christian-restricting hate crimes laws. 5 All who adhere to the Bible on homosexuality or Jewish complicity in Christ’s death could be subject to state-sponsored prosecution. 
Bible believers aren’t the only ones at risk. The State Department report also says it is anti-Semitic to:

  1. Allege "intentionally or unintentionally" that the state of Israel persecutes Palestinians.
  2. Criticize "intentionally or unintentionally" Zionism or Israel if such criticism leads to lowering of the public opinion of Jews or the government, military, or people of Israel (p. 33).
  3. Compare the behavior of Israel 's leaders and military (in suppression of Palestinians) to Nazis (p. 22).
  4. Publish cartoons depicting the Israeli government and military as similar to Nazis.
  5. Diminish the 6-million figure of Holocaust dead in any amount.
  6. Question that gas chambers were the primary means of killing 6 million Jews (p.22).
  7. Allege that Jews exert undue influence in Congress and the White House.
  8. Allege that Jews exert undue influence in the media.
  9. Claim there exists a "Jewish conspiracy" to dominate society (p.19).
  10. Allege that American Jews are equally loyal to Israel (p.19).
  11. Deny the people of Israel their “right of self-determination.” This means upholding Biblical law that the Jewish people cannot reoccupy Palestine in unrighteousness. This also means denying them occupation through illegal settlements of all the territory promised to Abraham.
  12. Reveal hostility (as Christ did) toward Talmudic (pharisaic) Judaism.

The State Department warns against "unintentional" anti-Semitism (i.e. criticism of Israel , or making known unpleasant facts about Judaism). These acts might not be meant to stimulate anti-Semitism, but do. The moral? Be safe; don't criticize Israel or matters Jewish at all. Evil people might twist legitimate facts to hateful ends.
Clearly, an office of the U.S. State Department has been created by the Anti-Defamation League, at taxpayer expense, as a propaganda oracle of its own anti-Christian "hate crimes agenda." Congress unanimously created this office of thought crimes disinformation in 2004. Cast your vote to end its influence: call your Senators and Representative. Call toll-free at 1-877-851-6437.  Tell them: "Please revoke funding for the State Department's Office of Global Anti-Semitism. It does not represent scholarly research but the anti-Christian biases of the Anti-Defamation League."
Your members of Congress voted in this Orwellian “ministry of propaganda.” They can vote it out. Call now!

Lust for Power

It is obvious that ADL/ B’nai B’rith, Israel , and international Zionism are demanding a place of freedom from constructive criticism. Americans do not give such to our government, politicians, or military. Yet the Jewish-dominated Department of Global Anti-Semitism expects us to give it to a foreign government, Israel .

What does freedom from criticism for Jews and Israel really mean? It is not compassion, or compensation for centuries of Jewish suffering. It is not real security for Israel .

Freedom from criticism is what the Neros, Napoleons, Hitlers and Stalins of history were similarly obsessed to obtain – at the price of others' freedom.

It’s called dictatorship.

1. See, "Contemporary Global Anti-Semitism: A Report Provided to the United States Congress"
2. In addition to the testimony of the Gospels, the following New Testament passages remove all doubt that the Jewish leaders and people had Christ crucified: Acts 2:23,36, 3:18, 4:10, 5:30, 8:52, I Thessalonians 2:15.
3. See, ADL's Foxman: New Testament is Anti-Semitic
4. See, John Hagee: False Prophet
5. See, Jews Confirm Big Media Is Jewish


current Ted Pike photo
Ted, today - photo: John Pike, October 2019
Mail: P.O. Box 828, Clackamas, OR 97015
Email: Rev. Ted Pike

Breaking News

Hate crimes laws may make you a lawbreaker! Such laws, while claiming to promote tolerance, actually lead to the end of free speech! Powerful articles and NPN’s video exposé of hate crimes laws in Canada and the United States provide you with the vital tools necessary to combat this imminent threat to freedom. This video is especially important as acts of terrorism extend the power of "Big Brother" to monitor what you do, say, and think.

Read the latest news.

White House sources have revealed that President Trump regrets following the left-conciliating advice of his son-in-law and senior advisor, Jared Kushner regarding police reform.
They say he has abandoned Kushner’s advice on this issue, returning to his previous assertion that “systemic racism” in American police is a virtual non-issue compared to the magnitude of protection and fair play which the vast majority of police provide all citizens.

17 December, 2019 - EMERGENCY ALERT - Trump Supports Jewish Claim: Christianity is Antisemitic.
President Trump’s recent Executive Order IS THE TEXT of the Jewish ADL’s “Anti-Semitism Awareness Act, S852, recently rejected by the US Senate for Committee consideration.

“Anti-Semitism Awareness” Bill Worse than “Equality” Bill! Good news! The Christian-threatening, LGBT- promoting “Equality Act” could not face confrontation with hostile Senate Judiciary Republicans this spring. It went nowhere. Yet Democrats could still try to get it through the Senate Judiciary. NPN will sound the alarm at if it starts to move forward.

18 May 2019 - EMERGENCY ALERT - Senate New Forum for “Equality” Bill Debate
Call the Congress Hotline at 1-202-224-3121 and ask for a Senator’s office. I suggest you say: “Please don’t vote for the “Equality Act” S788. It will help end free speech for Christians making them criminals if they criticize Homosexuality”.

01 May 2019 - EMERGENCY ALERT - “Equality” Bill Hastens Babylon the Great - Part Two
If Jews acquire full protection as a “protected class” in America it will mean that if a Jew complains to the government that he has suffered “acute emotional trauma” as a result of “anti semitic” discrimination or criticism of his race or religion he may prompt a federal investigation. If the government agrees, the defendant will have to retain the best lawyer he can find.


Contact Truthtellers

Mail: P.O. Box 828, Clackamas, OR 97015

Email: Rev. Ted Pike, npntedpike [@]

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