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23 February, 2009 By Rev. Ted Pike

Although two supremely threatening federal hate crimes bills have been moving forward in the House Judiciary Committee over the past six weeks, almost all large Christian/conservative "watch dog" groups remain silent.

In the past week, I have called virtually all of them requesting they watch my latest video, How to Kill the Hate Bills. I called 64 of the largest conservative organizations in America, including Focus on the Family's 37 state affiliates; I explained the imminent threat to freedom posed by these bills. I also called the largest 30 evangelical and Catholic pro-life organizations, emphasizing that hate laws have them in their crosshairs. Since January 1, I also warned against the hate bills on 41 talk radio interviews and produced two 10-minute video documentaries and several articles posted at

In spite of this, few organizations provide timely alerts concerning the grave, impending threat of HR 256 and HR 262!

On Sunday, February 22, this was the record of silence from the websites of conservative "watchdog" groups:

  • American Center for Law and Justice? Silence.

  • Christian Coalition? Silence.

  • Family Research Council? Silence.

  • Focus on the Family? Silence.

  • Traditional Values Coalition? Silence.

  • Coral Ridge Ministries? Silence.

  • Alliance Defense Fund? Silence.

  • Liberty Counsel? Silence.

  • The Rutherford Institute? Silence.

  • Concerned Women for America? Silence.

After diligent search, we discovered the American Family Association disapproves of HR 256 but makes no mention of HR 262. Only Pastor Rod Parsley's Center for Moral Clarity powerfully alerts its readers to the danger of both HR 256 and HR 262.
Among smaller watchdog groups, The Christian Anti-Defamation League and Americans for Truth spiritedly alert their constituents to the threats of both bills. Janet Porter, of Faith to Action, wrote an excellent article mentioning the threat of the hate bills, which was recently posted by World Net Daily. Yet Restore America has nothing.

Incredible Silence

Why are Christian/conservative leaders—who have most to lose if these anti-Christian, freedom-stealing laws are passed—so silent?

I'm afraid most know that, beneath a surface as thin as an onion skin, hate laws are primarily the work, not of liberals or homosexuals, but of the Jewish Anti-Defamation League (Watch, Hate Laws: Making Criminals of Christians). They are also afraid to offend the American Jewish community, which overwhelmingly supports hate laws. (See, Why Most Jews Support the Hate Bill)

Even the most tentative research into who is behind hate laws hits the ADL bull's eye. Are you skeptical that this is true? Google "hate laws." You'll find ADL the number one organization promoting hate laws. (You'll also find our National Prayer Network and its Truthtellers website to be the number one organization opposing ADL's monstrous agenda.)

Terrified of being labeled "anti-Semitic" for opposing Jewish hate laws, most conservative organizations shy away from the hate laws issue. Few, if any, extensively educate against hate legislation. As a result, it is extremely difficult to find Christian/conservative writers who can quickly produce hard-hitting articles during legislative crises, such as now.

Tragically, we again see Christian leaders quake before Jewish powers of intimidation. They would rather risk our Christian civilization and its precious freedoms than to displease anti-Christ Jews!

If you called many of these organizations, asking why they have not taken significant action, you would probably receive the same answer I did: "We are monitoring these bills closely." Your time would be much better spent calling the House Judiciary members, those crucial legislators who right now are deciding whether the hate bills will go forward in Congress.

Some may ask, "Why do I need to call? Aren't thousands of others fulfilling this task?" Last week one of my supporters called four Republican members of the Judiciary and asked how many calls they received that day. Thousands? Hundreds? Hardly! Not one had received more than four calls (including hers) that day! Such infinitesimal protest is all the influence a once-mighty religious right seems willing to muster at this time.

Weary of the Fight?

Two years ago, thousands called the pivotal Judiciary members and jumpstarted tremendous opposition to the hate bill. God and the American people defeated it and five other pieces of Orwellian legislation! Today in America, there has never been more awareness of the dangers of hate laws and their abuses in other countries. A Harvard student education group now says the whole subject of hate laws has become very controversial on Capitol Hill. ( Visit Harvard Model Congress) LINK ERASED BY UNIT 8200 OPERATORS! PDF DOCUMENT NOT FOUND

Yet now we see a drastic slump in Christian activism and concern.

So what’s your reason for not calling the members of the House Judiciary? Perhaps your answer is as evasive as almost everyone else's.

One thing, however, we can know with ominous certainty. All of us will be shivering in the gulags of tomorrow unless we speak out right now. Each will have to live with the haunting, condemning question: Why didn’t I just pick up a phone and dial a toll free number to save freedom while I could?

If you want to spare yourself that dire fate and tormented conscience that will go with it, call your members of the House and Senate. Then come to for the 40 members of the House Judiciary Committee. Call them toll free at 1-877-851-6437 or toll 1-202-225-3121. Tell them: "Please don't vote for the hate crime bills, HR 256 and HR 262. Hate laws have taken away free speech in Canada and many countries."

It is not too lateā€¦ yet.

current Ted Pike photo
Ted, today - photo: John Pike, October 2019
Mail: P.O. Box 828, Clackamas, OR 97015
Email: Rev. Ted Pike

Breaking News

Hate crimes laws may make you a lawbreaker! Such laws, while claiming to promote tolerance, actually lead to the end of free speech! Powerful articles and NPN’s video exposé of hate crimes laws in Canada and the United States provide you with the vital tools necessary to combat this imminent threat to freedom. This video is especially important as acts of terrorism extend the power of "Big Brother" to monitor what you do, say, and think.

Read the latest news.

White House sources have revealed that President Trump regrets following the left-conciliating advice of his son-in-law and senior advisor, Jared Kushner regarding police reform.
They say he has abandoned Kushner’s advice on this issue, returning to his previous assertion that “systemic racism” in American police is a virtual non-issue compared to the magnitude of protection and fair play which the vast majority of police provide all citizens.

17 December, 2019 - EMERGENCY ALERT - Trump Supports Jewish Claim: Christianity is Antisemitic.
President Trump’s recent Executive Order IS THE TEXT of the Jewish ADL’s “Anti-Semitism Awareness Act, S852, recently rejected by the US Senate for Committee consideration.

“Anti-Semitism Awareness” Bill Worse than “Equality” Bill! Good news! The Christian-threatening, LGBT- promoting “Equality Act” could not face confrontation with hostile Senate Judiciary Republicans this spring. It went nowhere. Yet Democrats could still try to get it through the Senate Judiciary. NPN will sound the alarm at if it starts to move forward.

18 May 2019 - EMERGENCY ALERT - Senate New Forum for “Equality” Bill Debate
Call the Congress Hotline at 1-202-224-3121 and ask for a Senator’s office. I suggest you say: “Please don’t vote for the “Equality Act” S788. It will help end free speech for Christians making them criminals if they criticize Homosexuality”.

01 May 2019 - EMERGENCY ALERT - “Equality” Bill Hastens Babylon the Great - Part Two
If Jews acquire full protection as a “protected class” in America it will mean that if a Jew complains to the government that he has suffered “acute emotional trauma” as a result of “anti semitic” discrimination or criticism of his race or religion he may prompt a federal investigation. If the government agrees, the defendant will have to retain the best lawyer he can find.


Contact Truthtellers

Mail: P.O. Box 828, Clackamas, OR 97015

Email: Rev. Ted Pike, npntedpike [@]

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