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6 September, 2010 By Rev. Ted Pike

Israel seems to only grow more unpopular. Up to 140 nations are expected to vote for Palestinian statehood in the United Nations September 20. Criticism of Israel is expected to be so intense in the U.N. that Prime Minister Netanyahu is considering not attending, sending Shimon Peres instead.

Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations, Ron Prosor, sent a classified cable to the Foreign Ministry last week, stating that Israel stands no chance of rallying a substantial number of states to oppose a resolution at the U.N. General Assembly recognizing a Palestinian state in September… [Israel’s] Foreign Ministry sources estimate that 130 to 140 states will vote in favor of the Palestinians…A senior source at the Foreign Ministry…said that so far only five countries have promised Israel they would vote against recognition of a Palestinian state - the U.S., Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and the Czech Republic… ‘Most western countries will not be willing to be in the hall and vote against a Palestinian state,’ the Senior Foreign Ministry source said. (Haaretz)
Thirty years ago Israel savagely bombed refugee camps in southern Lebanon, annihilating 19,500 innocent people. Literally no western government criticized the Jewish state. It was apparent that Israel could commit any atrocity against the Palestinians and escape significant world judgment.

Yet today, Israel is widely condemned on the international level. There is widespread knowledge of Israel’s wrenching injustice against 800,000 Palestinians in 1948, violently expelling them to concentration camps. There is also a general consensus that Palestinian occupation of a substantial portion of Israel is a necessary requirement toward peace in Palestine.

Zionist leaders never planned it this way. They thought, like Prime Minister David Ben Gurion in his January 1962 Look magazine article, that Jerusalem would almost effortlessly ascend to dominate the federated continents of the world.

International opinion against Israel now cannot be neutralized through Zionist rhetoric. Except for Christian evangelicals, blind sympathy for Israel is evaporating from most of the world—not because of “dangerous anti-Semitism,” as Israel’s Foreign Minister Leiberman accuses, but because of Israel’s persistent arrogance and cruelty to Arabs. Corrupted by lack of criticism for a century, the ultimate “spoiled brat” of the Middle East has lost touch with the conscience of modern society. In 1900, before Zionists arrived in Palestine, an admiring Arab world was at peace with the west. Yet after nearly a century of Zionist abrasion of the Palestinians, not only the whole Mideast but a host of nations are now disgusted with Israel. The Jewish state alone is responsible for its present PR disaster.

During John Hagee’s mega conferences in support of Israel (such as his and Glenn Beck’s recent “Restoring Courage” gala in Israel) he claims the present gathering of nations against Israel portends biblically predicted attempts by anti-Christ and his world armies to destroy the Jewish state. Hagee warns Bible believers to steer as far as possible from association with “satanically inspired” people and nations who “curse” God’s chosen people through criticism.

Actually, I believe present worldwide resistance to Israeli/Jewish supremacism is a mighty, divine intervention. Just as God caused the chariots of Egypt to mire as the pharaoh’s armies attempted to capture the Hebrews, so God is causing “Sodom and Egypt” –Jerusalem—to founder in its schedule of world domination. I believe we are experiencing a reprieve in response to decades of intercession to Him and fearless truth-telling by many on the anti-Zionist right. God is giving America, the world, and His church at least one last chance to seek Him through repentance and revival.

Christians today are also given opportunity to reevaluate what it really means to bless Israel.

Christians should now do so by demanding that Israel repent of its oppressions against innocent Arabs and instead show them kindness. Israel’s rejected Messiah, Jesus, proposed turning the other cheek as the answer to seemingly unsolvable human strife. If Christians offered that counsel to Israel, they could help it reject the “hit back” ethics of its venerated ancient leaders, the Pharisees. The ethics of Jesus, if implemented by Israel, have the fullest potential to end Jew-hatred in the Arab world.

Increasing Signs of Hope

A number of very encouraging developments indicate that Jewish supremacism, both in the Mideast and the US, is being providentially held back.

  • The UN has just released its final report on Israel’s terrorist attack on the “Free Gaza Flotilla” in 2009 in which Israeli commandos killed nine peace activists, wounding about 50. Israel has repeatedly opposed release of the U.N.’s “Palmer Report”— for good reason. While critical of the sponsors of the flotilla and the ostensible need for such a risky venture, as well as supporting IDF right of self-defense, it is also sharply critical of Israel. Ha’aretz quotes the report:
    [It] found that the Israeli forces used ’excessive and unreasonable force’ and emphasized that loss of life on board the ship is ’unacceptable’. Moreover, it found that the treatment of the passengers by the IDF soldiers after the interception was ’abusive.’ The interception method employed by Israel also comes under attack in the report which claims that Israel could have acted nonviolently at first and should have warned the passengers of an imminent military operation. ’Forensic evidence showing that most of the deceased were shot multiple times, including in the back, or at close range has not been adequately accounted for in the material presented by Israel.’ Earlier on Thursday, Turkey declared that it would not tolerate further delay in the release of the report and warned of consequences including sanctions should Israel continue to refuse to apologize for the incident. (Haaretz, Gaza Flotilla Report: IDF Soldiers Acted in Self-Defense, but Used Excessive Force) (Israel has not apologized and Turkey is going ahead with sanctions.)

  • The UN’s largely critical report comes at the worst possible time for Israel, reviving in the minds of nations about to vote on Palestinian statehood the fact of Israel’s violence on the high seas over two years ago.

  • In the US, the Anti-Defamation League, PR representative for Israel’s globalist ambitions, along with the Southern Poverty Law Center continue to be frustrated in their desire to seize upon a bona fide act of assassination or terrorism committed by a member of the political/religious right, especially a member, or group of members, intimately associated with a large right wing organization. “Lone wolf” assailants from McVeigh, von Brunn, Laughner, to Breivik have failed to satisfy ADL/SPLC hopes to cast a wide net over the entire Christian right in America and at last prove “hateful” conservatives are potentially violent. ADL dreams of using such documentation to usher in a new wave of “anti-terrorism” laws against the right and hasten “hate crimes” prosecutions under its federal hate law.

    Such Jewish supremacists fail to tarnish us as “domestic terrorists” for a simple reason: the American right is overwhelmingly composed of good-hearted, emphatically non-violent citizens! It was difficult for evil Jews in Jeremiah’s time to convincingly portray good as if it were evil. It remains equally difficult for activist Jews to call good evil today.

    When the Department of Homeland Security (stimulated incessantly by ADL) issued a directive several years ago suggesting danger from the right, it received withering criticism. Especially after right-wing victory in Congress two years ago, DHS has not acted decisively to implement its recommendations for greater surveillance of conservatives. A recent article in the Huffington Post quotes the author of the DHS directive, Daryl Johnson, claiming that DHS has, in fact, drastically downsized staff which could investigate the right. Instead, he says, it has overwhelmingly prioritized the threat posed by militant Islam. While a DHS official says his agency is, in fact, monitoring all forms of domestic terrorism, it cannot be denied that DHS has not fulfilled ADL/SPLC hopes of aggressive surveillance of the right. (Huffington Post “Threat of Right-wing Extremism in US Debated by Feds, Analysts”)

  • As a direct result of Republican/Tea Party victories, ADL and the homosexual lobby have been blocked from passage of new pro-sodomite, anti-Christian “hate crimes” legislation, at least on the federal level. While the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” in the military continues to move slowly toward implementation and President Obama still pushes repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act, the massively threatening Employment Non-Discrimination Act is dead. Similar ADL-promoted bills including HR 6216 has also perished. It would have given Jews and Israel special “religious” protection under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act from the “hate crime” of being criticized. (See, Don’t Criticize Jews and Muslims Bill Enters Congress) In fact, as a result of drastic decline in threatening legislation in Congress, the largest Christian/conservative “watchdog” groups are financially stressed. They lack the perverse legislation ADL once supplied in abundance – so necessary to stimulate contributors!

Intellectual Bankruptcy of “Israel-Firsters”

“Israel-first” fanatics such as Beck and Hagee exhort the world to love Israel not because she does things worthy of love but because of a pseudo-biblical conception of Christ-rejecting Israel as “the apple of God’s eye.” But the Zionist message of the evangelical right is ideologically weak. While Israel earns world condemnation by demonstrable acts of oppression and brutality toward the Palestinians, it becomes harder and harder for pro-Israel supporters to continue on the last gasoline fumes of unmerited praise.

I hope many evangelicals will begin to view Israel as other nations, which must guard their reputation with good deeds or bear the consequences. Nineties-style Israeli supremacism attempted to bluff and argue its way out of any accusation. It seemed to believe its media could hide any atrocity from the world’s notice. Yet, largely as a result of alternative media, such obscurantism is now much less possible.

This underscores the fact that education, total truth telling, legislative vigilance and faith in God—not violent revolution or “ultimate solutions”—are our best chance for stabilizing the world. Our battle to hold back ascent of Babylon the Great is spiritual but also ideological. It requires countering lies with truth. (See, ’Babylon the Great’ is Israel) Fanaticism or violence never serve the cause of truth, and only give opportunity for slander and myth-making to its enemies. But if many voices simply state the documented facts about the threat of Jewish supremacism, the forces of evil are powerless against them.

Scripture emphasizes that God absolutely opposes a nation of Christ-reviling Jews occupying His holy land. From the time of the Babylonian exile (597 BC), He has endorsed, not Gentile ownership, but Gentile tenancy until Israel repents. (Watch NPN film “Why the Mid-East Bleeds”below.) This means that He has no objection to creation of a Palestinian state along with enough territory ceded by Israel to make it a viable replacement for all that Israel stole from indigenous Arabs in 1948.

Ironically, in proposing a national homeland for a remarkably downtrodden people, it is the common sense and basic humanity of possibly 140 nations, not Zionist-brainwashed evangelicals, which are closest to the mind, heart and law of God.

current Ted Pike photo
Ted, today - photo: John Pike, October 2019
Mail: P.O. Box 828, Clackamas, OR 97015
Email: Rev. Ted Pike

Breaking News

Hate crimes laws may make you a lawbreaker! Such laws, while claiming to promote tolerance, actually lead to the end of free speech! Powerful articles and NPN’s video exposé of hate crimes laws in Canada and the United States provide you with the vital tools necessary to combat this imminent threat to freedom. This video is especially important as acts of terrorism extend the power of "Big Brother" to monitor what you do, say, and think.

Read the latest news.

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“Anti-Semitism Awareness” Bill Worse than “Equality” Bill! Good news! The Christian-threatening, LGBT- promoting “Equality Act” could not face confrontation with hostile Senate Judiciary Republicans this spring. It went nowhere. Yet Democrats could still try to get it through the Senate Judiciary. NPN will sound the alarm at if it starts to move forward.

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Call the Congress Hotline at 1-202-224-3121 and ask for a Senator’s office. I suggest you say: “Please don’t vote for the “Equality Act” S788. It will help end free speech for Christians making them criminals if they criticize Homosexuality”.

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Mail: P.O. Box 828, Clackamas, OR 97015

Email: Rev. Ted Pike, npntedpike [@]

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