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Zionist Scalpel Bleeds Mid-East

Rev. Ted Pike has done it again. His hard-hitting new video documentary, “Why the Mid-East Bleeds”, is the most forthright, fact-filled presentation on the topic available today. It’s a must-see for every American who needs facts.

By Michael Collins Piper

The new 80-minute VHS video documentary, Why the Mid-East Bleeds, is a no-nonsense look at the history and causes of the ongoing crisis surrounding the problem of Palestine.

Filled from beginning to end with graphic images, period films and photographs, supplemented by concise and scholarly narration by Rev. Ted Pike (the producer) and his wife, Alynn, this video is the one single video that anyone needs to see in order to understand the origins of-and the solution to-the singular conflict that could ultimately spark a global nuclear conflagration.

No stranger to controversy, Pike laid the groundwork for this hard-hitting video through his previous video efforts, Hate Laws: Making Criminals of Christians and The Other Israel (a film version of his landmark book, Israel: Our Duty, Our Dilemma), all of which have received widespread and enthusiastic distribution both here in the United States and abroad.

In this new presentation, Pike declares, forthrightly, that “Zionism is the scalpel that makes the Mid-East bleed,” and proves that thesis beyond question.

Pike traces the beginnings of the modern-day Zionist movement and demonstrates, that, in no way, is Christian support for Zionism- so rampant today- based on accurate Biblical interpretation.

That point, alone, makes this video especially valuable for, as Pike points out, a certain (albeit substantial) segment of Christianity today- namely that element based in Calvinism and its direct theological heir, Scofieldian dispensationalism-has lent its full support to Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine and the horrendous crimes committed by Israel against both the Muslims and Christian Palestinian Arab people.

Indeed, this is a video that every concerned American will want his own pastor and fellow church members to see.

Pike supplements his own commentary with a wide variety of “mainstream” material, taken from sources such as Reader’s Digest and National Geographic which have, in the past, dared to take stands critical of Israel’s treatment of the Palestinian people.

And in reviewing the history of the Jewish people and what he calls their “counterfeit return” to Palestine, Pike’s video outlines the little-known, but very real, “homicidal hatred,” that the Jewish holy works, collectively known as the Talmud, exhibit toward Jesus Christ and the followers of the Christian faith.

Pike cites relevant quotations from the Talmud, displaying actual pages of the Talmud from which the citations are taken-leaving no doubt that the Talmudic assertions are genuine indeed, not “anti-Semitic forgeries”, as critics such as the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B’nai B’rith might contend.

Another interesting portion of the video documents Israel’s harsh stance against Christianity proselytizing in the Holy Land, showing how the government of Israel has uncompromisingly persecuted Christian missionaries and campaigned against Christianity to the point that, as Pike notes, some years ago 50 different Christian evangelical organizations were forced to promise to Israel that they would not conduct missionary work in Israel.

In fact, most Americans who support Israel have absolutely no idea how Israel- the artificial, modern-day political entity governing the land where Christ once preached- is egregiously hostile to the dissemination of Christ’s word.

If distributed widely-as it should be- Why the Mid-East Bleeds will set the record straight, opening up many naïve eyes and minds to the sordid reality of what is happening in Palestine today.

That Pike happens to be a mainstream Christian pastor- and the son of an equally respected Christian pastor whose name he bears- adds special and added credibility to the very critical message that this video presents.

There is truly no other video available anywhere that presents the Christian case against Zionism and in favor of peace and justice for all the people of the Middle East- Jews, Christians, and Muslims alike- so forcefully and eloquently and yet, at the same time, so gently. This is a video you’ll be proud to show friends and family and your pastor. Its message speaks for itself and it is a message that the world needs to hear.

—AFP (American Free Press) Video Review. April 7, 2003. p. 22.

current Ted Pike photo
Ted, today - photo: John Pike, October 2019
Mail: P.O. Box 828, Clackamas, OR 97015
Email: Rev. Ted Pike

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Contact Truthtellers

Mail: P.O. Box 828, Clackamas, OR 97015

Email: Rev. Ted Pike, npntedpike [@]

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