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24 October, 2011 By Rev. Ted Pike

Editor's Note:

The Anti-Defamation League proudly claims it masterminded passage of the US federal hate crimes law. It is architect of all hate laws worldwide. Through its far-reaching legal and educational arms, it has been, over the past four decades, one of the very most powerful forces behind popularization of homosexuality and same-sex marriage. ADL routinely demands removal of Christian symbols such as crosses, Ten Commandments, and nativity scenes from public places.

Yet Joseph Farah's WorldNetDaily continues to exalt ADL as the final authority on what is anti-Semitism. A recent WorldNetDaily article (Unmasked! 'Occupy' protests sending sharp anti-Jew message) gives ADL the bully pulpit to lecture Farah's seven million monthly visitors on how "anti-Semitic" it is to claim that financial institutions such as Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, and the Federal Reserve are Jewish.

Last year, WorldNetDaily repeatedly vilified "anti-Semitic" former white House correspondent Helen Thomas for saying that Wall Street was Jewish. WND said she was "spewing venom." Actually, as I demonstrate in this reprint, everything she said is true.


Twice over the past year, WorldNetDaily owner Joseph Farah has angrily editorialized against the Jewish Anti-Defamation League. He warned ADL not to attempt to destroy WND by insinuating that his online newspaper is anti-Semitic. Yet Farah is now going to greater lengths to avoid the charge of anti-Semitism: placating ADL by recommending its opinions to WND readers.

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A broken clock is right on here.

When Helen Thomas again criticized Israel and Jewish supremacism last week, Farah’s popular conservative news organization attacked her. WND’s top headline screamed: “She’s Back, Spewing Fresh Venom at Those ‘Controlling US.’” WND editor Drew Zahn legitimized ADL as a definer of anti-Semitism by concluding his article with a statement by Abe Foxman:

The Anti-Defamation League further called on journalistic institutions that have honored Thomas in the past to revoke awards given to the former White House Correspondent. Helen Thomas has clearly, unequivocally, revealed herself as a vulgar anti-Semite. This is a final chapter of the otherwise illustrious career. Unlike her previous spontaneous remark into a camera, these words were carefully thought out and conscious. It shows a prejudice that is deep-seated and obsessive.

WND’s endorsement of ADL as the recognized authority on anti-Semitic hate sends a powerful message to millions of evangelical readers. It says ADL is a responsible, credible “civil liberties” group whose opinions concerning hate and anti-Semitism are to be trusted. In its online opinion poll the next day, WorldNetDaily repeatedly held up Thomas to mockery and contempt.

Whose Side Is Farah On?

By featuring ADL, Farah is endorsing the opinions of a vehemently pro-homosexual, anti-Christian Jewish supremacist attack group that has repeatedly boasted of having originated the very hate crimes laws Farah claims to oppose. Farah sides with ADL against a veteran Washington insider whose quiet observations over 60 years show her courage to lose all reputation in order to express them. This is a woman who should be respected at the end of her career for prioritizing what she sees as the whole truth instead of grasping her multitude of honors. Although silent for a lifetime, she now rejects the cover-up of massive Jewish control of Western nations promoted by ADL/WND.

Is Helen Thomas really “spewing venom?” WorldNetDaily’s article omits most of the powerful, unanswerable charges made in Thomas' recent speech in Michigan. Here is every vital point. Is this “venom” or truth?

1. Thomas says a nation of abrasive, unjust Jews should vacate Palestine. This precisely mirrors God’s point of view, expressed succinctly over two dozen times in the Mosaic Law. God says a nation of disobedient Jews can never occupy His Holy Land. (See Helen Thomas' Remarks are Biblically Sound).

2. Thomas: “Zionists control US foreign policy…We are owned by propagandists against the Arabs. There is no question about that.” Especially following the US government’s complicity to cover up Israel’s deliberate attack on the USS Liberty, it’s clear that Israel eventually gets its way with the White House. Israel and Jewish media persuaded Washington that Saddam Hussein’s (non-existent) weapons of mass destruction posed an imminent threat to the world. Pres. George W. Bush could have explained that it is not cowardice to refuse to go to war in the Mideast but wise respect for the advice of great American leaders such as George Washington and Gen. Douglas MacArthur. Instead he allowed the Israel lobby to catapult America into disastrous wars to make the Mideast safe for Israel.

3. Congress, Thomas asserts, is dominated by Zionists. There are four times more Jews in Congress than the 2 percent of Jews in the general population. A whopping 13 Jews inhabit the Senate (13%) with 29 Jewish House members. Even non-Jewish members of the House and Senate know where their interests lie. “ The Washington Post once estimated that Democratic presidential candidates ‘depend on Jewish supporters to supply as much as 60 percent of the money’.”

4. Thomas claims Jews dominate the White House. Unelected Jews in the Obama administration may be even more powerful than members of Congress. They enjoy tremendous clout, just as did a horde of previous Jewish appointees, especially under Bush and Clinton. The Jewish Virtual Library online lists these powerful Jews appointed by Obama:

David Axelrod (2009-2010) - Senior Advisor to the President
Jared Bernstein (2009- ) - Chief Economist and Economic Policy Advisor to the Vice President
Rahm Emanuel (2009-2010) - Chief of Staff
Lee Feinstein (2009) Campaign Foreign Policy Advisor
Gary Gensler (2009- ) - Chair of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Elena Kagan (2009-2010) - Solicitor General of the United States
Ronald Klain (2009- ) - Chief of Staff to the Vice President
Jacob Lew (2010- ) - Director of the Office of Management and Budget
Eric Lynn (2009- ) - Middle East Policy Advisor
Peter Orszag (2009-2010) - Director of the Office of Management and Budget
Dennis Ross (2009- ) - Special Advisor for the Gulf and Southwest Asia to the Secretary of State
Mara Rudman (2009- ) - Foreign Policy Advisor
Mary Schapiro (2009- ) - Chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission
Dan Shapiro (2009- ) - Head of Middle East desk at the National Security Council
Susan Sher (2009- ) - First Lady's Chief of Staff
James B. Steinberg (2009- ) - Deputy Secretary of State
Lawrence Summers (2009- ) - Director National Economic Council
Mona Sutphen (2009- ) - Deputy White House Chief of Staf

No preference for Jews in the White House? Can you think of just one Evangelical Christian appointed by Obama to high government position?

Before his death, Sen. Robert Byrd sounded the alarm against the Obama administration for also appointing dangerously powerful “czars” who can influence policy and are accountable to no one:

"As presidential assistants and advisers, these White House staffers are not answerable for their actions to the Congress, to cabinet officials, or to virtually anyone but the President. They rarely testify before congressional committees, and often shield the information and decision-making process behind the assertion of executive privilege. In too many instances, White House staff have been allowed to inhibit openness and transparency, and reduce accountability."

These power players are almost all Jewish and include Larry Summers, Cass Sunstein, Kenneth Feinberg, Steven Rattner (who previously ran three Jewish banks), Alan Bersin, Todd Stern and Carol Browner.

In Mearsheimer and Walt’s Israel Lobby, former AIPAC head Morris Amitay states that lower level Congressional staffers are also a source of Jewish power in Washington DC. He says, “there are a lot of guys at the working level up here [Capitol Hill] who happen to be Jewish, who are willing … to look at certain issues in terms of their Jewishness … These are all guys who are in a position to make the decision in these areas for those senators … You can get an awful lot done just at the staff level.”

AIPAC itself is one of the most powerful lobbies in Washington and is known as an unstoppable force in defeating candidates critical of Israel and rewarding its supporters. Former Democrat Senator Ernest Hollings said, “you can’t have an Israeli policy other than what AIPAC gives you around here.”

5. Thomas: “I can call a President of the United States anything in the book, but I can’t touch Israel. I cannot say anything [critical] about Israel in this country.” This is self-evident from the fact that after Thomas first criticized Israel last spring her career was ruined. A few more words against Israel last week, and ADL/WND encourage removal of her from the pages of history.
6. Thomas: Israel "has Jewish-only roads in the West Bank. No American would tolerate that – white-only roads.” Would Abe Foxman tolerate white-only roads in Arizona? End of discussion.

7. Thomas: “The Zionists have to understand that’s their country, too. Palestinians were there long before any European Zionists.” From the final expulsion of all Jews from Palestine after the abortive Bar Kokhba revolt in 134 A.D., Jews constituted only a tiny minority in Israel. Arabs, however, have been the vast majority for 1,800 years – until nearly half (800,000) were violently driven out by Zionist terrorists in 1948.

8. Thomas says Wall Street is "owned" by Jews. Goldman and Sachs dominates the financial industry and shares huge responsibility for the meltdown, having been charged with fraud. Goldman and Sachs were its Jewish founders and almost all of its partners since have been Jewish; today it is run by Lloyd Blankfein, Jewish. Another firm charged with responsibility is Magnetar, which is run by Jews including its founder Alec Litowitz. The current chairman of the Federal Reserve is Jewish Ben Bernanke, who took the helm from Jewish Alan Greenspan. Both Bernanke and Greenspan argued for unregulated financial derivatives, which greatly contributed to the US financial collapse. The Federal Reserve itself is quintessentially Jewish, being owned not by the federal government and American people but by a consortium of Jewish international bankers including the Rothschilds. Other super-powerful Wall Street Jews include Gary Cohn (COO Goldman Sachs), Barry Zubrow (Morgan Chase), Tom Nides (Morgan Stanley), Bob Greifeld (Nasdaq), Arthur Levitt and Harvey Goldschmid (SEC), Richard Neiman (State Banking Superintendent). These are just a few of the influential Jewish insiders shaping American finances.

In a Forward article, Jill Jacobs laments that unethical Jews receive honor from other Jews as long as they donate some of their ill-gotten wealth back to the Jewish community. This is what the infamous Bernie Madoff did, bilking average Americans (as well as fellow Jews) out of billions.

The Jewish Phenomenon tells us that Jews, who are 2 percent of total Americans, are 45 percent of the top 40 of the Forbes 400 richest Americans. They are one third of all American multi-millionaires. Clearly, Jews, ethical or not, bear an outsized responsibility for shaping the financial world in America today.

9. “Hollywood,” Thomas says, is controlled by Jews. To quickly confirm Jewish domination of the media, just visit the film department of your local major metropolitan library. You will find a number of books written by Jews (including Neal Gabler’s classic “An Empire of Their Own: How the Jews Invented Hollywood”) which document Jewish creation and control of the Hollywood film industry and the Big Three TV networks. Go to the prestigious Encyclopedia Judaica articles on "Motion Pictures" and "Television and Radio." This Jewish reference source gives definitive testimony of how Jews created Hollywood and big media. In its article on "Publishing," the encyclopedia also documents vast Jewish ownership of the largest newspapers and publishing houses in America. Take this link to my article, Jews Confirm Big Media Is Jewish.

10. Thomas: “It was former Israeli leader ‘Menachem Begin’ who created terrorism… they bragged, in his first book, about creating the modus operandi for terrorism.” In Begin's book “The Revolt” he boasts how his Irgun terrorists in 1948, as a result of their Deir Yassin massacre of over 100 innocent Arab villagers, precipitated the panic that helped cause 800,000 Arabs to flee Palestine. Begin told prominent journalist Lord Howe that he was not just the father of terrorism in the Mideast, but "in the entire world.”

Clearly, there is nothing “venomous,” hateful, or even anti-Semitic about the opinions of Helen Thomas. They are not even opinions. They are facts, easily documented but forbidden in public today.

The real venom comes from ADL/WND who are united to suppress not only biblical truth about God’s conditional terms of occupation in Palestine by Jews but also the well-documented reality of increasing Jewish control of Western societies. By vilifying Thomas’ true statements as “poison,” WND and ADL turn honest speech into contemptible “hate” – so vile the speaker should be stripped of all honors. This is the policy toward offenders in communist countries, making dissidents into "non-persons."

Farah owes an apology to Helen Thomas, his readers, and God. If anyone is “spewing venom,” it is not Helen Thomas. It is Farah, his attack dog Drew Zahn, and their ally in bearing false witness, the ADL.

current Ted Pike photo
Ted, today - photo: John Pike, October 2019
Mail: P.O. Box 828, Clackamas, OR 97015
Email: Rev. Ted Pike

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Hate crimes laws may make you a lawbreaker! Such laws, while claiming to promote tolerance, actually lead to the end of free speech! Powerful articles and NPN’s video exposé of hate crimes laws in Canada and the United States provide you with the vital tools necessary to combat this imminent threat to freedom. This video is especially important as acts of terrorism extend the power of "Big Brother" to monitor what you do, say, and think.

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“Anti-Semitism Awareness” Bill Worse than “Equality” Bill! Good news! The Christian-threatening, LGBT- promoting “Equality Act” could not face confrontation with hostile Senate Judiciary Republicans this spring. It went nowhere. Yet Democrats could still try to get it through the Senate Judiciary. NPN will sound the alarm at if it starts to move forward.

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Call the Congress Hotline at 1-202-224-3121 and ask for a Senator’s office. I suggest you say: “Please don’t vote for the “Equality Act” S788. It will help end free speech for Christians making them criminals if they criticize Homosexuality”.

01 May 2019 - EMERGENCY ALERT - “Equality” Bill Hastens Babylon the Great - Part Two
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Mail: P.O. Box 828, Clackamas, OR 97015

Email: Rev. Ted Pike, npntedpike [@]

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